Design and Implementation of Web-Based Public-Private Partnership

Design and Implementation of Web-Based Public-Private Partnership


Public-private partnership (PPPs) is a form of cooperation between the public and private sectors. Its goals are to finance, build (reconstruction), operation and maintenance of the infrastructure and to provide public service through the infrastructure.

Within the PPPs entities of public sector are partner and customers of the private sector from which the purchase services.

In principle the private partner finances, builds, and operate the infrastructure and is enabled to provide respective service compensated by payment from the end-user (concession) or from the public partner.

The substantial attribute of public private partnerships is the sharing of risks relating to build and operation of the infrastructure between the private and public partner and a long time contract.

Regarding the fact that public private partnership projects are robust and have a significant impact on the public administration budget.

The ministry of finance regulates their preparation and facilitates public authorities to prepare their public private partnership projects according to their best international practice.


Public Private Partnership (ppps) is a means of using private finance and skills to deliver capital investment projects traditionally provided by the public sector. These include capital projects such as schools, hospitals, roads, and water facilities.

Instead of the public body directly procuring capital assets and subsequently owning, operating, and regulating them.

Public private partnerships (ppps) generally involve the private sector owning and operating, but the public sector buying the services from the contractor for a fixed period of time.

A public body enters into a contract with a private sector consortium to deliver the project. Part of the contract specifies that the private consortium must take on a considerable degree of the risk associated with the project.

Risks include possible cost over runs, lower than expected usage, and so forth.


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Compass Newspaper of April 14, 2010.
Compass Newspaper of April 28, 2010.

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