Design and Simulation Study of A Scalable and Resilient Network Architecture for A Hybrid Cloud; its Billing System

Design and Simulation Study of A Scalable and Resilient Network Architecture for A Hybrid Cloud; its Billing System.

Table of Contents


A Hybrid Cloud refers to a cloud computing environment that provides pay-as-you-go services  to users using the integration of public and private clouds resources.

Cloud computing is one of the latest areas in the field of Information Technology (IT) with a promising future.

There are predictions that in no distant future, many users will simply go in for cloud computing services as the users will only “Pay-as-they-go” without incurring the cost of the equipments they use or the cost of their maintenance.

However, prospective users or customers of the cloud especially those of the hybrid cloud in particular have a phobia for cloud computing services especially in the domain of the billing system since hybrid cloud providers evaluate the bills at the providers‟ end without the user or customer involved in the calculation.

In this thesis we try to provide a solution for the above mentioned billing problem to the prospective cloud users by coming out with simulations that evaluate the pricing mechanism in a hybrid cloud environment.

This evaluation pinpoints the factors that contribute to the total bill presented to the customer and their respective individual contributions depending on whether the computation is data intensive or compute intensive.


Background Of Study

This section presents the general outline of this work. Chapter one introduces Cloud computing: what it means and how it came about. It also discusses the purpose and the scope of the research work.

Chapter two contains the literature review: concepts and the related works. Chapter three presents a feasible methodology for the construction of a scalable network architecture for a hybrid cloud.

Simulations to evaluate the pricing mechanism in a hybrid cloud are carried out in chapter four. The work is concluded in chapter five and proposal for future work is presented.

Cloud computing is an innovation in the field of Information Technology (IT). It facilitates the way we do computations by making it possible for the use of storage devices, processing devices and other devices by a customer to be as a service rather than the customer incurring the cost of purchase, installation and maintenance of the devices.

Cloud computing is defined by many people [1] in different ways with some of the main vendors- IBM, Amazon, Microsoft, Google, Yahoo and Apple.

These vendors are either already providing cloud computing solutions in one form or another or are sponsors of research centers.

Although definitions differ in one way or the other, they all center on the same keywords [2]; scalability, on-demand, pay-as-you go, Maintainability etc. this keywords will be elaborated on below.


Borko Furht. Cloud Computing Fundamentals. Hand Book of Cloud Computing, Springer Science + Business Media, LLC 2010

Victor Delgado. Exploring the limits of Cloud Computing. Thesis, Stockholm 2010

Hai Jin, Shadi Ibrahim, Tim Bell, Wei Gao, Dachuam Huang, Song Wu. Cloud Types and Services. Hand Book of Cloud Computing, Springer Science + Business Media, LLC 2010

The Art of Service: Cloud Computing Specialist Certification Kit; October 2011

Jinzy Zhu. Cloud Computing Technologies and Applications. Hand Book of Cloud Computing, Springer Science + Business Media, LLC 2010

Cisco Data Center Infrastructure 2.5 Design Guide. October 2011

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