Determinants of an Effective Training Programme

Determinants of an Effective Training Programme.


This research focuses on determinant of the effective training programs. The specific objectives are; to determine the determinants of effective training program in banks, to determine if effective training program affects performance in banks, to determine the extent to which effective training program affect performance in banks.

Data were collected through primary and secondary sources. The researcher analyzed the data collected based on the response from the questionnaire distributed.

Chi-square test statistics was used to test the hypotheses. The study found out that:- an organizational culture which supports learning, mechanisms to link training to the business strategy,

Mechanisms to link training to workplace change, On the basis of the above findings, it was recommended that. On the basis of the above findings, it was recommended that:- Identification of training needs should be done more professionally in conjunction with the line manager as the individuals involved together with the HR personnel.

Objectives should be SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Timely) and unambiguous, and should develop individuals as well as meet the needs of the moment.

Training needs should be considered on the basis of overall company objectives, It  is vital to evaluate training in order to assess its effectiveness in producing the learning outcomes specified when the training intervention is planned and to indicate where improvements or changes are required to make the training even more effective.


Title page i
Approval page ii
Certification iii
Dedication iv
Acknowledgements v
Abstract vi
Table of contents v


1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 Statement of the Problem 4
1.3 Objectives of the Study 5
1.4 Research Questions 5
1.5 Research Hypotheses 5
1.6 Significance of the Study 5
1.7 Scope of the Study 6
1.8 Limitations of the Study 6
1.9 Profile of Selected Organizations 6
1.9.1 Definition of Terms 7
References 8


2.1. Introduction of training 9
2.2.: Conceptual frame work 9
2.3. Theoretical framework 10
2.4. Formal or structured training 12
2.5. Informal or unstructured training 13
2.6. Determination of Training Needs 21
2.7. Evaluation of Training 27
2.8 Empirical Framework 28
References 34


3.1. Introduction 36
3.2. Research Design 36
3.3. Sources of the Data 36
3.4. Data collection Instrument 36
3.5. Population of the Study 37
3.6. Sample Size 37
3.7 Sample Technique 37
3.8 Method of the Data Analysis 38
3.9 Validity of Research Instrument 39
3.10. Reliability of research Instrument 39


4.0 Introduction 40
4.1: Personal data of respondents 40


5.1. Summary of Findings 53
5.2. Conclusions 53
5.3. Recommendations 54
5.4. Areas for Further Study 55
Bibliography 56
Appendix I 59
Appendix II 60
Appraisal of The Legal Framework For Protecting Rights of The Child


Over the years, training has been defined in various ways by different authors. Broad and Newstrom (1992), defined training in the workplace as “the effective and continuing application, by trainees to their jobs, of the knowledge and skills gained in training – both on and off the job.”

According to Jackson & Schuler (2003), training refers to improving competencies needed today or very soon. Obisi (2001) defined training as a process through which the skills, talent and knowledge of an employee is enhanced and increased.

The term training refers to the acquisition of knowledge, skills and competencies as a result of vocational or practical skills and knowledge that relates to specific useful competencies (Wikipedia, 2011).

While Nwachukwu (1992) opines that training is an organizational effort aimed at helping an employee to acquire basic skills required for the sufficient execution of the functions for which he was hired.

He went further to say that training involves the learning and acquisition of skills needed to perform a particular job or series of jobs.

While Obikoya (1996) view training as away to motivate workers to put in their best in their work in order to achieve effectiveness and efficiency in an organisation. Broad and Newstrom also stated that, in their experience with a wide range of organizations, transfer problems nearly always occurs when training employees.

Other authors have suggested that as little as 10% of training is transferred to the workplace (Georgenson, 1982), although this level may be higher immediately after training, and decline over time (Newstrom, 1986). Whatever the actual level of transfer of training, when training does not transfer, it is likely that employees will perceive training to be a waste of their time and employers will continue to question the benefit of their investment in training.

Training employees do have a significant role in modern business era. Not just to equip them with latest tools the company has implemented, there is a lot more to it (Wikipedia, 2012). According to European Centre for the Development of vocational training (1998), the need for training employees becomes important because of the following;


ABS (Australian Bureau of Statistics) (1997), Employer training expenditure Australia, July to September 1996,Australian Government Publishing Service, Canberra.
1998a, Survey of education and training experience, catalogue no.6278.0, ABS, Canberra.
1998b, Employer training practices, Australia 1997, catalogue no.6356.0, AGPS, Canberra. 1999, Business longitudinal survey, confidentialised unit record file, AGPS, Canberra.
Allen Consulting Group (1999), Training to compete: The training needs of industry, a report for the AustralianIndustry Group, Allen Consulting Group, Sydney.
Barnett, R (1999), ‘Learning to work and working to learn’, in Understanding learning at work, eds D Boud & J Garrick, Routledge, New York.

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