Determinants of Economic Growth in Nigeria: An Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) Modeling Approach

The also examines the between the ARDL procedure and the fully modified OLS of Phillips and Hansen to the cointegrating between all the ,

Economic growth, these results provide strong evidence in favour of rehabilitation of the traditional approach to time Series econometric modelling.

The ARDL approach has the additional advantage of yielding consistent estimates of the long-run co-efficient that is asymptotically normal irrespective of whether the underlying regressors are I(1) or I(0).,

This research provides an empirical analysis of the between growth and its determinants factors with a special focus on gross domestic product,

Foreign direct and other important factors in Nigeria, using data from the period of 1976 to 2010, we also employed ARDL bounds testing for the long-run and ECM for the short-run dynamics.

The findings suggest a positive between efficient real GDP and foreign direct and growth both in the short-run and long-run.

Money supply and inflation have negative effects on growth while fiscal deficit and foreign direct have positive effects on growth.

Table of Contents


Background of Study
Economically developed countries have been able to reduce their poverty level, strengthen their social and political institutions, improve their quality of life, preserve environments and achieve political stability [Barro (1996); Easterly (1999); Dollar and Kraay (2002a); Fajnzylber, (2002)].

After World War II, most of the countries adopted aggressive policies to improve the growth rate of real gross domestic product (GDP).

The neoclassical growth models imply that during the evolution between steady states; technology, exogenous rate of savings, population growth and technical progress generate higher growth levels (Solow 1956).

The endogenous growth model developed by Romer (1986) and Lucas (1988) argues that a permanent increase in growth rate depends on the assumption of constant and increasing return to capita1.
Similarly, Barro and Lee (1992) investigate the empirical association between human capital and.

They seem to support the endogenous growth model by Romer (1990) that high light the role of foreign direct in the growth process.

Fischer (1993) argues that long-term growth is negatively linked with inflation and positively correlated with better fiscal performance and factual foreign exchange

In the context of developing countries, both in foreign direct, money supply, and ability to adapt to technological changes, open trade policies, and low inflation is necessary for growth.


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