Determination of Some Physical Properties of Fresh And Dried Tiger Nut (Cyperus Esculentus)

Determination of Some Physical Properties of Fresh And Dried Tiger Nut (Cyperus Esculentus).


This study was conducted to determine the physical properties of fresh and dried Tiger nut which are essential for designing engineering processes, material handling, storage, equipment design and fabrication.

Samples of Tiger nut were collected from the market (Ekeonunwa), both fresh and sun dried was used as sample A and B respectively.

Some selected physical properties of Tiger nut were determined at moisture content levels of wet basis only, the moisture content level for each samples are A=39.4% and B=14% .

The average length, width, thickness (dimensional size), weight, geometric mean diameter, arithmetic mean diameter, sphericity index, aspect ratio, surface area, projected area, volume, true density, bulk density and porosity were determined.

The dimensional size (length, width, thickness) were 10.72mm, 9.35mm, 11.13mm3 for A and 9.28mm, 8.22mm, 9.81mm for B, while the weight for the both sample was 0.88g and 0.51g.

The bulk density, true density  porosity and the volume were found to be 1.60g/ml, 1.05g/ml,  42.86%, 584.15mm3  for sample A.0.63g/m/, 1.08ml, 42.50% and 396.22mm3 for sample B respectively.


Title Page       i

Approval Page ii

Dedication   iii

Acknowledgment       iv

Table of Contents   v

Abstract  vi

Chapter One

1.0 Introduction         1

1.1 Background of the study    1

1.2 Statement of Problem         1

1.3 Aim and Objectives of the study     2

1.4 The scope of the study   2

1.5 Justification of the study       2

Chapter Two

2.0 Literature Review       3

2.1 Brief History of Tiger Nut    3

2.2 Physical Properties of food       3

2.3 Related works on physical properties of food       4

2.4 The Physical Properties of some Agricultural Grains     4

2.5 Some Engineering and Chemical Properties of Cooked Bambara groundnut   5

2.6 The Physical and Thermal Properties of Baobals Fruit Pulp Powder                 6

2.7 Determination of Some Engineering Properties of Morama Bean                      6

2.8 The Physical and Engineering Properties of Tamarind Fruit                               7

Chapter Three

3.0 Materials and Methods     9

3.1 Sample Preparation       9

3.2 Moisture Content

3.3 Determination Properties          10

3.4 Gravimetric Properties         11

Chapter Four

4.0 Results and Discussion       13

4.1 Results   13

4.2 Discussion             14

Chapter Five

5.0 Conclusion and Recommendations         16

5.1 Conclusion   16

5.2 Recommendations      16

References    17

Appendix        21


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