Development of an Adaptive Tracking Area List Location Management Scheme in Long Term Evolution (Lte) Networks

Development of an Adaptive Tracking Area List Location Management Scheme in Long Term Evolution (LTE) Networks.


High signaling load due to location management (LM) scheme in Long Term Evolution (LTE) Networks is a major quality of service issue due to the significant amount of resources consumed by this scheme. This scheme needs to be managed efficiently to guarantee seamless connection to any user on the Network at any time.

Increasing trends of connected mobile equipment have further increased the required signaling resources for the Location Management Scheme in LTE. There are different enhanced strategies in the literature with different requirements which are not visible on the present LTE network architecture.

One of the reasons for the high LM cost in LTE is the mass User Equipment (UE) movement in the same direction. This is due to its inability to adapt to the UE movement.

This research developed Adaptive Tracking Area List (aTAL) for LTE to improve LM cost by reducing the number of location updates and paging required to track and set up calls to UEs successfully.

This aTAL strategy systematically allocates TAL to UEs based on its movement across rings of contiguous Tracking Areas (TAs). The algorithm used the initial state of 1 TA allocation to a UE and a subsequent allocation is a group of TAs regarded as a TAL segment in this work.

A TAL segment is a group of 3 TAs after the initial TA allocation. To implement this algorithm, A TAL table is configured with respect to the contiguous arrangement of the TAL. The adaptive algorithm is embedded in the configured TAL table.

This adaptive TAL strategy improves location management cost for ping pong, regular, irregular, and mass movement patterns by 45.07%, 9.86%, 24.32%, and 33.51% respectively compared to Conventional  Tracking  Area List.


Background of Study

Personal Communication service (PCS) networks are mobile communication systems that enable mobile terminals to transfer information between desired locations at any time (Jie Li et al., 2002).

Modern mobile communication systems include second generation (2G) Global system for mobile communications (GSM), Third generation (3G) Universal mobile telecommunication system (UMTS), and fourth-generation (4G) Long term evolution (LTE), (Wang et al., 2014 A).

Location Management is very vital in PCS networks and it is required to track mobile user location. The primary objective of this tracking is to locate the mobile user and set up a  successful call session between two users.

There are two basic operations in location management; Location update and paging.

Location update is the process of registering the user equipment located on the network while paging is the process of searching the user equipment for call setup sessions (Bar-Noy et al., 1995). To facilitate registering and searching of user equipment in PCS networks, serving stations are aggregated into registration areas.

The serving stations are network nodes that are used to communicate with user equipment over pre-assigned radio frequencies. The coverage area of each sectorial direction on a band of radio frequency channels is called a cell (Wang et al., 2008). Serving stations are called Base transceiver stations (BTS) in GSM, node B in UMTS, and enode B in LTE.

The registration area is an aggregation of contiguous serving stations in a PCS network and is called location area (LA) in circuit switch domain and routing area in packet switch domain of GSM and UMTS network. Registration areas in LTE are called the Tracking areas (TA) (Deng et al., 2015).


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