Development of Eucalpytus Tereticornis Composite (Barks And Leaves) Adsorbent for Adsorption of Chromium (Vi) and Lead (Ii) Ions from Simulated Wastewater

Development of Eucalyptus Tereticornis Composite (Barks And Leaves) Adsorbent for Adsorption of Chromium (Vi) and Lead (Ii) Ions from Simulated Wastewater.


The titled of Eucalyptus tereticornis for chromium (VI) and (II) ions adsorption from simulated was aimed to establish the efficacy of Eucalyptus tereticornis composite as an adsorbent applied in the adsorption of Cr6+ and Pb2+ ions from a simulated solution of respective ions.

The adsorbent was pretreated with 0.5M of Nitric acid to remove the adsorbent coloration and soluble organic compound.

Characterization of the adsorbent was done by the application of Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) and Scanning electronic microscopy (SEM) to determine the functional group and morphology of the adsorbent respectively.

The model was developed using RSM to study the interactive effect of contact time and adsorbent dosage on the response (adsorption capacity). batch adsorption test was carried on the simulated solution using barks, leaves, and composite.

It was revealed that adsorption capacity barks on Cr6+ were in the range of 0.80 mg/g to 21.6mg/g. The result on Pb2+ was 2.29 mg/g to 54.05mg/g. The leaves adsorbent showed adsorption capacity for Cr6+ in the range of 0.99mg/g to 28.6mg/g and that of Pb2+ was in the range of 4.330mg/g to 40.65mg/g.

The barks to leaves composite ratio in the range of (0.1-0.9) showed the adsorption capacity of Cr6+ in the range of 6.00mg/to 100mg/g, while for Pb2+ was in the range of 1.01mg/g to 26.2mg/g.

It was revealed that the barks to leaves ratio of 0.7 g/g was capable of adsorbing 100mg/g and 26.2 mg/g for Cr6+ and Pb2+ respectively from a simulated solution of 100mg/l within the experimental error.

Finally, equilibrium data for the adsorption of chromium (VI) and lead (II) ions on Eucalyptus tereticornis composite were tested with various adsorption isotherm models such as Langmuir, Freundlich, and Temkin with their generalized equation.


Heavy metals are excessively released into the environment due to rapid industrialization and have created a major global concern (Wanget al.,2008). Chromium, lead, cadmium, zinc, copper, nickel, and mercury are often detected Gin industrial wastewater, which originates from metal plating,

mining activities, smelting, battery manufacture, tanneries, petroleum refining, paint manufacture, pesticides, pigment manufacture, printing, and photographic industries(Kadirvelu et al.,2001).

Unlike organic wastes, heavy metals are non-biodegradable and they can be accumulated in living tissues, causing various diseases and disorders; as a result of the degree of disorder caused by heavy metal, their removal from wastewater before being discharge is of great interest.

There are several methods of wastewater treatment such as chemical precipitation, ion exchange, electro flotation, membrane separation, reverse osmosis, electrodialysis, and solvent extraction.

Adsorption is one of the physiochemical treatment processes found to be effective in removing heavy metals from aqueous solutions according to Bailey et al.,(1999).

An adsorbent can be considered as cheap or low-cost if it is abundant in nature, requires little processing, or is a by-product from another industry. Plant wastes are inexpensive as they have no or very low economic value.

Most of the adsorption studies have been focused on untreated plant wastes such assago waste (Quek et al., 1998), peanut hull pellets (Johnson et al., 2002), and grape stalk wastes (Karunasagar et al., 2005),

papaya wood (Saeed et al., 2005), maize leaf (Babarinde et al., 2006), rice husk ash and neem bark (Bhattacharya et al., 2006), saltbush (Atriplex canescens) leaves (Sawalha et al., 2007).


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