Development of Motivational Training Programme for Enhancing the Entry of Almajiris Into Cotton Production Occupations In Northwest, Nigeria

Development of Motivational Training Programme for Enhancing the Entry of Almajiris Into Cotton Production Occupations In Northwest, Nigeria.


This study focused on the development of motivational training programme for enhancing the entry of almajiris into cotton production occupations in Northwest, Nigeria.

Six research questions guided the study and five hypotheses were formulated and tested at the probability of 0.05 level of significance. Research and Development (R & D) design was used for the study.

The population for the study was 2,717 comprising 1,528 Agricultural Extension Agents; 1,138 Teachers of Agricultural Science; 24 Cotton Processors and 27 Marketers.

The sample for the study was 580 consisting 301 Agricultural Extension Agents, 228 Teachers of Agricultural Science and 51 Cotton Processors and Marketers.

The population of Agricultural Extension Agents and Teachers of Agricultural Science were sampled using 20% proportionate stratified random sampling technique while the entire population of Cotton Processors and Marketers were adopted because of their small size.

The questionnaire which is divided into five sections (growing, processing, and marketing of cotton, motivational strategies and training procedures) were developed from the review of the literature and function of industry and used for data collection from the respondents and were facevalidated by five experts.

Cronbach Alpha reliability method was used to determine the internal consistency of the instruments. Reliability coefficients of 0.79, 0.71, 0.73, 0.82 and 0.89 were obtained for the five sections of questionnaire respectively.

Agricultural Extension Agents and Teachers of Agricultural Science responded to 529 copies of the questionnaire on growing of cotton, motivational strategies and training procedure, while Cotton Processors and Marketers responded to 51 copies of the questionnaire on processing and marketing of cotton.

The questionnaires were administered to the respondents by the researcher with the help of seven research assistants. A total of 571 copies were retrieved out of the 580 copies administered with return rate of 98.4%.


Cotton (Gossypium spp) is a fibre crop grown in large scale in the Northwest zone of Nigeria. United Nation Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) Report (2006) stated that cultivated cotton originated from Asia and Pre-Columbian America (particularly in Peru and Guatemala) and spread to Mexico from these regions.

James (2008) explained that cotton is a variety of fibre crop of the genus Gossypium belonging to the malvacae family which comprises of approximately 1,500 species including the baobab trees.

International Trade Centre (ITC) Report (2010) stated that four types of cotton are grown on a commercial scale in the world.

They include Gossypium hirsutum, Gossypium barbadense, Gossypium arboretum and Gossypium herbaceum. The report explained that Gossypium hirsutum accounts for 90% of the world cotton production, Gossypium barbadense, 8% while Gossypium arboretum and Gossypium herbaceum account for the remaining 2%.

Gossypium hirsutum is the species mostly cultivated in Northwest,Nigeria because of its high yield and adaptability to the soil and climatic conditions of the area.

Saro (2004) stated that cotton requires an arid climate with adequate water supply during the early stage of growth; it requires a well-drained and fertile sandy loam soil with a pH value of 6 to 8.00 for good growth.

Raw Material Research and Development Council (RMRDC) Report (2004) explained that cotton grows well on moderately fertile clay and sandy loam soils with a pH of 5.2-8.00.

UNCTAD Report (2006) stated that Gossypium hirsutum can grow up to 10 metres high in the wild, but has been domesticated to range between 1.2 to 1.5m tall and 91.4cm to 121.9cm wide at maturity.



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