Difficult Interview Questions and Answers in South Africa

– Difficult Interview Questions –

To be really prepared for your next interview, you need to be ready to answer the hiring manager’s most difficult interview questions. Most employees stick to a slate of tried-and-true questions that assist them to get to the heart of who you are and what you can do for the firm.

How to Answer Tough Job Interview

 When it comes to job hunting, creating a solid résumé, selecting suitable employers, and getting your foot in the door to pitch yourself are all big successes.

After all, according to a statistic from Glassdoor, a job search and review website, just about 2% of applicants are even asked to interview.

The next step is to prepare for the interview properly. An unexpected or challenging interview question, on the other hand, might shake even the most qualified candidate.

While it’s impossible to predict what a potential employer will ask, researching difficult questions, their purpose, and how to answer them can help job seekers feel more secure and prepared for their interviews.

however, South Africa, the southernmost country on the African continent, is renowned for its varied topography, great natural beauty, and cultural diversity, all of which have made the country a favoured destination for travellers since the legal ending of apartheid (Afrikaans: “apartness,” or racial separation) in 1994.


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Some Tough Interview Questions in South Africa

And most of these questions may appear difficult and tricky. Here are the fifteen difficult interview questions you’ll be faced with and how to answer them.

1. What Kind of Tree is Your Career?

This kind of question requires you to relate your personal understanding of your career to your knowledge of the characteristics of certain trees.

The question seems indirect and frivolous, but that’s exactly how it forces you to come up with a fundamental truth about yourself without all the usual bafflement.

Maybe the best advice here is to know your favourite kind of tree ahead of time, pick out a few of its key attributes, and then equate those attributes to the best of your career experience and aspirations. If the “tree” question comes up, you’ll be ready.

2. How Would You Explain Back-End Development to an 8-Year-Old?

For instance, if you were a physicist applying to become a professor, your hiring manager might ask you to explain the Theory of Relatively to an 8-year-old.

The point that they’re trying to get at when they ask you this question is: Do you have enough command over your field of expertise to make the most complicated aspects of it and put it into terms anyone can understand?

3. What is Something People Assume About You that is Incorrect?

The goal with these questions is to test how self-aware you are and how open you are to discussing flaws and mistakes.

You should be able to share some honest experiences but also focus on spinning those negative experiences into positive ones.

For example, that error in judgment should have ultimately made you into a better worker somehow (I mean, didn’t it?).

4. Tell Me About Yourself

Employers will likely ask this question early on in the interview process, or you might have to answer it in early-stage phone interviews or recruiter screens.

To answer this question, you should provide a quick synopsis of your education, highlights of your professional experience and achievements and what brought you to the position you’re applying for.

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5. Why Do You Want to Join our Company?

“This is where it costs people,” says Drexler. Interviewees typically answer this question incorrectly. They describe the company instead of explaining why they want to join the company.

For example, an applicant interviewing for Lloyds Bank will say, “I know Lloyds Bank is a global firm.”That’s the answer to, ’what do you know about our company?” says Drexler, “But it doesn’t answer this question.”

A good response is one that explains why the company resonates with you, he says. For example, “I know that Lloyds Bank is a global firm and I want to be part of a large company where there’s an upward career trajectory.”

6. What Type of Role Are You Looking for?

Again, a quality answer to this question comes down to reading the job description and pointing out the aspects that you relate to.

However, says the interview coach, maybe don’t be as honest as this applicant: “I once had an IT guy actually say to me, ‘I want a job where they put me in a room and leave me alone.’ Believe me,” says Drexler, “I’ve heard it all.”

7. How Does the Internet Work?

One, you can actually explain it, but if you do, do so with minimum jargon. Just like the above, pretend you’re talking to an 8-year-old and stick to the basic concept that doesn’t get caught up in the pixels.

The second approach only works for certain types of jobs; the viewpoint is that technical knowledge takes your eye off what really matters, the business itself.

For example, most drivers do not know how their cars work. They’re more concerned about how it looks, and that it gets them from point-A to point B.

Similarly, you’re less concerned with how the Internet works and more concerned with what it does.

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StudentsandScholarship Team.

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