Do Job Offers Come via Email or Phone?

Do job offers come via email and phone? Of course, job offers can come via email or phone that is if it does not come instantly, after the job interview. 

After every successful job interview, the next crucial thing on your mind as an applicant would be when the job offer will be sent to you. 

But in between the question of when the job offer will be sent to you and if you will get hired at all is the question of how the job offer will be sent to you. 

While some firms have taken to offer jobs to qualified job applicants via sending emails, others do so via phone calls.

However, Phone calls and emails have their good and bad sides in terms of communicating job offers.

Nevertheless, the of a job offer to an employee varies depending on the firm.

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Do Job Offers Come via Email or Phone?

Some firms choose to send emails, some choose to send through the post office and others resort to phone calls.

In the following paragraphs, you will understand why companies adopt or do not adopt these modes. 

1. Email Communication

Sending emails is quite efficient no doubt. Some companies consider it the best mode of communicating a job offer after every recruitment process.

But the disadvantage is that after sending an application via email, an applicant might not visit the email inbox again for a long time.

This might be the time the hiring manager decides to send a job offer.

Considering that the time for is contained in the hiring manager’s email, the applicant will miss out on the opportunity. 

On the part of the company, this might require another interview session to find a replacement.

2. Phone Call

Other companies consider phone calls to be the best mode of communicating a job offer.

Phone calls allow the hiring manager to have a first-hand feel of the applicant’s reception of the news. 

Some scream for joy. Others might just say a cold ‘thank you’ and inform the hiring manager of a job offer they have already accepted.

However, the problem with this mode is the question of the appropriate time to call an applicant to communicate the job offer.

An applicant’s phone might be switched off, unavailable or unreachable for a day or days. This will leave the hiring manager thinking of how to reach you. 

As an applicant, you must be alert to job offers at all times, especially after an interview. This is because it is the choice of the hiring manager to decide which mode of communication is best.

Hopefully, this article informed you. So, like and share it with your family and friends.

StudentsandScholarship Team. 

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