Drugs/Substances Abuse Among Students Of Kaduna Polytechnic

Drugs /Substances Abuse Among Students Of Kaduna Polytechnic.


Cover page
Title page…………..i
Table of content ………vi
List of tables………..vii
List of figures…….viii
List of appendices…….ix


1.1 Introduction………1
1.2 Justification……..3
1.3 Aims and objectives….4


2.1 Introduction………….……..6
2.2 Definitions of some terminologies……….7
2.3 Historical background…..10
2.4 Problem statement……..11
2.5 Classification of drugs/substances…18
2.6 Consequences of drug/substance abuse…….26
2.7 Aetiology/risk factors of drug abuse…….28
2.8 Initiatives and efforts at combating drugs/substance abuse………..32
2.9 Conclusion …………35


3.1 Background of the study area………37
3.2 Materials and methods……….39


4.1 Socio-demographic characteristics of the study population………………42
4.2 Knowledge about the drug(s), prevalence and pattern of drugs use……45
4.3 Reasons for drug used and factors influencing drugs use
4.4 Site effect experience by drug users




6.1 Recommendations
6.2 Conclusions
6.3 References


There is a growing public concern in our country, Nigeria, about involvement of adolescents and young adult in drug abuse, which is defined as the non-medical use of substances by human beings that may modify one or more of its functions and may impair an individual ability to function effectively and may result in social physical or emotional harm.

While it is universally accepted that drugs can be of tremendous benefit to man and society, it is also acknowledged that inappropriate use of drugs can be harmful to man.

The personal, social and public health problems associated with psychoactive substance use, have continued to arouse world wide interest and concern.

Various reports and researches conducted have illustrated this phenomenon. Drugs/substance abuse is a world wide hazard with dangerous complications that affect many countries around the globe, Nigeria inclusive. The
problem varies from place to place.

The African seminar on problems of drug dependence held in Lagos, Nigeria declared that “Drug abuse and dependence producing substances are widely prevalent in African countries have continue to increase. These problems affect the individual, the family and the society in general.


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Orubu, A. O. (1983): Purpose for which Secondary School Students use Drugs. A Challenge to Guidance Counsellor. Journal of Institute of Education, ABU, 6, 22, 109 – 120.

Odejide, A.O., Ohaeri, J.U., Ogunleye, D.A., Ajuwon, A and Ige A. (1990): Illicit Drug Trafficking in Nigeria: An Epidemiological Description of 151 Cases. An NDLEA Report.

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Nigerian Guardian Newspaper Publishers on Saturday, the 25th of July, 1992. Garba, A. (1998 – 1999): The Counselling Needs of Drug Abusers in Kano Journal of Educational Studies, Vol. 1, No. 1.

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