Earpiece Usage And Awareness of Health Implications Among Unizik High School Students

Earpiece Usage And Awareness of Health Implications Among Unizik High School Students.


Earpiece is a wireless or bluetooth is a (short-range) wireless standard, which has been improved over the years. Earpiece is a method for data communication that uses short-range radio links or cables between computers and their connected units.

Earpiece have become very popular and some people wear it all day long on their ear, these people also hold their cell phone in their pockets or in a belt clipper and by that expose themselves to electromagnetic radiation all day long.

This paper seeks to investigate the awareness and usage level of earpiece among secondary school students with the health implications. Students of Nnamdi Azikiwe University high school were purposively selected numbering about 129 for this study.

Questionnaires were administered to them. Responses got show that the usage of earpiece among the students are high and that they are largely unaware of the health implications therein.

Based on the response, the researcher concluded that earpiece can cause grave damage to the ear of users and even expose them to health hazards like accident hence the need for urgent attention.

He therefore recommended that parents, teachers, guardians and even the students themselves must start orienting each other on the need to minimize earpiece usage. He also suggested that punitive measures should be adopted in dissuading usage among adolescents.


The ear is a very sensitive and important organ of the human body that is very important for man’s survival. It is very crucial for communication and any damage to the ear could set a man’s life entirely backwards.

With the arrival of music gadgets and mobile phones, earpiece was introduced for people to enjoy music, see movies or discuss with pears over the phone without drawing attention to them or constitute nuisance.

However, the usage of this earpiece is clearly something that comes with a warning that people should be careful with the rate of usage and volume of usage to avoid health challenges arising thereof.

This warning has not deterred those who abuse the use and for sure, the implications has being consumerate hence this study earpiece usage and awareness of health implications among Unizik high school students.


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