Easy Guide on How to Start a Blog in Nigeria 2022 Update

– How to Start a Blog in Nigeria –

If you’re looking for a way to make money online in Nigeria, starting a blogging business might just be the best way out. The good thing about starting a blog is that you don’t need an expensive budget or capital to get started. 

But, the question still remains: How to start a blog in Nigeria. In this article, we have provided you with a complete guide for starting your own blog.

What is a Blog?

Before moving further, let’s first find out what a blog is. A blog is a type of website that focuses mainly on written content, also known as blog posts.

In popular culture, we most often hear about news blogs or celebrity blog sites, but as you’ll see in this guide, you can start a successful blog on just about any topic imaginable.

Bloggers often write from a personal perspective that allows them to connect directly with their readers. In addition, most blogs also have a “comments” section where readers can correspond with the blogger.

Interacting with your readers in the comments section helps to further the connection between the blogger and the reader.


How to Start a Blog in Nigeria (6 easy Steps)

How to Start a Blog in Nigeria: Learn how to create a blog in about 20 minutes following these steps:

1. Pick your topic. Choose something descriptive.

2. Get your blog online. Register your blog and get hosting.

3. Customize your blog. Choose a free template and tweak it.

4. Write & publish your first post. The fun part!

5. Promote your blog. Get more people to read your blog.

6. Make money blogging. Choose from several options to monetize your blog.

Let’s start your blog!

Get Started

1. Get a Blog Topic

For beginners, you don’t just jump into blogging because it’s fun but has a target. Get real; pick topics that are interesting and not something that bores you or the audience.

Don’t just do it for the audience alone but for yourself. Make it something you enjoy. You don’t need a degree to start blogging either do you need to be a pro all you need is passion and if you do biko carry go. Pick topics like;

• Childhood

• Love

• Parenthood

• Teenagers and puberty

• Food

• Drugs etc.

2. Pick a Domain:

You choose the domain you like since you won’t want to make the “I wish I knew” statement. You mustn’t go for domains that everyone is using, be peculiar.

Also, you could go for the .com, .uk.co. or .net. You could use your name as the brand name something like shoda.net or as you wish

3. Host your Blog:

This is where users get to access and read your frequent updates and you begin getting the “on top of the world feelings (yeah, I know that feeling). That cannot be unless you get a domain and a company to host your weblog like the Blue host.

4. Get a Blogging Platform:

This is another task in which you mustn’t fail. A blog platform is a software you could build your blog examples are;

Word press.com (the most widely used)

• Tumblr


• Ghost

• Wix

• Medium

• Drupal etc.

These blogging platforms or soft wares will register, install, and guide you on how to build your blog page meaning you are not without help in this deal.

How to Make Money in Blogging?

Once you’ve completely set up your blog and you acquired a pretty decent audience of followers that are interested in your blog, then you are ready to start making money from it.

There are a couple of ways to monetize your blog. Below is a list of 3 popular to make money from blogging.

1. Google Adsense

This is a revenue-sharing opportunity for publishers in the Google network.Google places ads for goods and services that are relevant to the content of your site, targeted to the people who frequent your pages. In turn, you get paid a small amount when the ad is either displayed on your page or clicked on.

2. Affiliate Marketing.

Affiliate marketing is when you recommend a product or service to your audience using special tracking links, and then get a referral commission for every time someone buys after clicking your link. You can find a list of popular affiliate marketing programs in Nigeria here.


3. Sponsored Post & Banner Ads.

When you have a good amount of traffic and terrific influence over your audience, other companies will pay to sponsor a blog post or your website. They can sponsor your entire site, which would cost them more, or a single page. Some just have advertising.

Finally, what’s your take on this? We believe this article was helpful, if yes, don’t hesitate to share this information with your friends on Facebook, Twitter, and WhatsApp.

StudentsandScholarship Team.

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