Education in  abroad sense is  a process by which in individual acquires the many physical and social capabilities demanded by the society  in which he /she is born into function . in an ideal sense, education is an ultimate value and hence , through the provision of social service, it is an agent of change. It is to a nation what  the mind is to the body,  just as  a diseased mind is handicapped in the coordination  and direction of the bodily  activities. Therefore,  the single most significant  complex of  social control  tools for nation development is found in the

  educational system be it formal or  informal.

Development  on the other hand, is a progressive unfolding of the potentialities of  a given reality. As  it applies to human, it is the integration of the various giving’s, natural, physical,  acquired an  human of a people   towards the full working out,   permanently and cumulatively of their being persons of their nation and their real productivity  

 The essence of education whether formal or  informal  is to produce a person  who will be a  useful member of a society. According to Jane F Dogle, it must engender in the individual a  disposition of personal autonomy reasonability and relevant  forms   of life though  and  action.

As if that was not enough, leaders also  succumbed  to their idea that all locally produced goods should be exported to  their country to be turned into finished goods meanwhile this finished were imported back to Nigeria , sold   to us at an  exorbitant prices the money gotten been used for the development of their country  . The painful aspect is that our leaders   has still not learnt lessons from their past mistake.

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