Illustration Essay Examples that will Definitely Work for You


An illustration essay is a practical exercise before writing your future thesis. People call it a student’s first step to the joy of discovery. This and more, like a step-by-step guide, will be my discussion with you, keep reading.

essay teaches how to find and assemble relevant materials for writing. It is one of the basic tasks students deal with at college.

Let’s figure out some tips that will help you to receive higher grades.

Illustration Essay Examples: What is an Illustration Essay?

An illustration essay is here to prove a particular thing exists. This particular essay type relies much more on research than analysis to prove a particular point.

Also, It contains a great deal of description and provides the reader with vocal examples.

The thesis is formulated in the introduction; then it is developed with the help of illustrative examples within the body paragraphs just to be perpetuated in the conclusion by the end of the essay.

Step-by-Step Guide for You

Step 1: Choose a topic. Think about something that bothers you, identify the main object, then write about it. There is a list of illustration essay topics below you may use for inspiration.

Step 2. Conduct some research. Even if you know the chosen topic well, still check out the related latest news. You may find useful materials or change your .

Step 3. Write an outline. Note the main points and ideas. Write down as many examples as possible, then pick the best options to illustrate. You will end up with an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion.

Step 4. Work on content. Turn your outline into a proper essay. Write a strong thesis. Sum up the same idea in conclusion. Explain the chosen example in each main paragraph.

Step 5. Proofread. Use , free grammar check, and never submit an essay that is not properly edited. Your idea is the core, but poor grammar, spelling, punctuation, or cohesion spoil it.

Step 6. Last check. Read your final paper once again before submission. Make sure it is interesting for reading and answers questions you touch upon.


Illustration Essay Examples

Letter to the City

By Scott McLean in Writing for Success

To: Lakeview Department of Transportation

From: A Concerned Citizen

The intersection of Central Avenue and Lake Street is dangerous and demands immediate consideration for the installation of a controlling .

I have lived in Lakeview my entire life, and during that time I have witnessed too many accidents and close calls at that intersection.

I would like the Department of Transportation to answer this question: how many lives have to be lost on the corner of Central Avenue and Lake Street before a street light or stop sign is placed there?

Over the past twenty years, the population of Lakeview has increased dramatically. This population growth has put tremendous pressure on the city’s roadways, especially Central Avenue and its intersecting streets.

At the intersection of Central Avenue and Lake Street, it is easy to see how serious this problem is.

For example, when I try to cross Central Avenue as a , I frequently wait over ten minutes for the cars to clear, and even then, I must rush to the median. I will then have to continue to wait until I can finally run to the other side of the street.

On one hand, even as a physically fit adult, I can run only with significant effort and care. Expecting a senior citizen or a child to cross this street, on the other hand, is extremely dangerous and irresponsible. Does the city have any plans to do anything about this?

Recent data show that the intersection of Central Avenue and has been especially dangerous. According to the city’s own statistics, three fatalities occurred at that intersection in the past year alone.

Over the past five years, the intersection witnessed fourteen car accidents, five of which were fatal.

These numbers officially qualify the intersection as the most fatal and dangerous in the entire state.

It should go without saying that fatalities and accidents are not the clearest way of measuring the severity of this situation because, for each accident that happens, countless other close calls never contribute to city data.

I hope you will agree that these numbers alone are sufficient evidence that the intersection at Central Avenue and Lake Street is hazardous and demands immediate attention.


Nearly all accidents mentioned are caused by vehicles trying to cross Central Avenue while driving on Lake Street. I think the City of Lakeview should consider placing a traffic light there to control the traffic going both ways.

While I do not have access to any resources or data that can show precisely how much a traffic light can improve the intersection, I think you will agree that a controlled busy intersection is much safer than an uncontrolled one.

Therefore, at a minimum, the city must consider making the intersection a four-way stop.

Each day that goes by without attention to this issue is a lost opportunity to save lives and make the community a safer, more enjoyable place to live.

Because the safety of citizens is the priority of every government, I can only expect that the Department of Transportation and the will act on this matter immediately.

For the safety and well-being of Lakeview citizens, please do not let bureaucracy or money impede this urgent project.


A Concerned Citizen

Writing an illustrative essay can be tough for beginners. Following easy-to-read instructions and an illustration essay sample from professionals make learning how to write an illustration essay easier.

This involves learning the illustration essay definition, writing steps, outline, and reading examples. Every factor mentioned in this article plays a role in gaining a greater knowledge of the topic which results in getting a better grade on your paper.

StudentsandScholarship Team.

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