Mechanical Engineering Degree and Its Lucrative Career Options

Getting a mechanical engineering degree can assist you in achieving your goal of being a successful mechanical engineer. However, Mechanical engineering is one of the most diverse engineering specialties.

Before we dive into what a mechanical engineering degree is all about, let’s look at what Mechanical Engineering really is and what you can expect during your studies.

What is Mechanical Engineering?

Mechanical engineering is concerned with the design, manufacturing, testing, and improvement of mechanical systems, which are employed in almost every industry.

Mechanical Engineering is popular among students because of its versatility and the variety of employment choices available after graduation.

Also, you can work in fields such as construction, the automobile industry, robotics, the energy sector, and many others.

Engineering Service and Statistics, Engineering Economy, Design & Automation, Thermodynamics, Mathematics, Engineering Analysis, and other disciplines are common.

What Can Mechanical Engineering Degree Offer?

Mechanical engineering degree offers a vast range of specializations, as well as several opportunities to contribute to the next stage of modern technological development.

However, students will begin with an overview of major mechanical engineering concepts such as statics and dynamics, thermodynamics, fluid dynamics, stress analysis, mechanical design, and technical drawing at the undergraduate level.

As the course advances, there are more opportunities to focus on a particular field within which mechanical engineering skills are applied, such as vehicle design, robotics, nanotechnology or energy.

There’s a lot of overlap between mechanical engineering topics and other engineering fields, particularly civil and structural engineering, electrical engineering and aeronautical engineering.

Applicants for all engineering degrees are expected to have a good background in mathematics and physics, which serve as the foundations for most mechanical engineering abilities.


Structure of the Course and Methods of Assessment

Mechanical engineering degrees are often three to four years long at the undergraduate level and one to two years long at the master’s level. After completing their courses, graduates are awarded a BEng or MEng degree.

Teaching will comprise lectures and seminars, with compulsory introductory courses covered during the first part of the degree, followed by opportunities to select a specialization and undertake independent or group project work.

Written exams, presentations, and research projects are likely to be used to assess students.

Qualities of a Mechanical Engineer

To be a successful mechanical engineer, some of the most important skills you can develop are:

1) Communication: You need good communication skills to work with your team, and even more important when explaining to clients and users how to use your product or solutions

2) Problem-solving: It is essential to solving all the complex puzzles that stand between you and the perfect mechanical product/device/system

3) Teamwork: Mechanical engineers often work in groups, which helps them brainstorm ideas, compare suggestions, and find the right answer to a challenge or task

5) Mathematics skills: Helps in solving mechanical engineering problems most often requires the use of mathematical principles, like Calculus or Statistics


How to Become a Great Mechanical Engineer

You probably already have an idea about what to expect when studying Mechanical Engineering, but what about the jobs you can look forward to when taking such a degree?

1. Choose a Good Engineering School

We live in a world where names are valuable commodities. This shouldn’t come as a surprise, but it implies you need to be especially cautious about what you mention in your CV and how you can impress your bosses even before they see your amazing mechanical talents in action.

If you truly want to stand out from the crowd, focus your Bachelor’s or Master’s degree studies on prominent engineering colleges.

However, MIT, UC Berkeley, and RWTH Aachen are just a few of the world’s most prestigious and top-ranked engineering institutions.

Also, many other overseas colleges provide high-quality Mechanical Engineering programs that you can talk about on your cv. If you’re seeking for Bachelors in Mechanical Engineering, consider the following options:

i. Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)

ii. Kaunas University of Technology

iii. Queen’s University Belfast

iv. University of South Florida

2. Pick the Right Country for Mechanical Engineering

Note that your formative years are crucial, regardless of who you are or what you choose to accomplish.

This also applies to you, mechanical engineering student! The more cultures and people you meet, the more you learn about alternative approaches to problem-solving. Isn’t this what every engineer does?

And here’s a secret: the countries with the most Mechanical Engineering degrees are also likely to have the most demand for Mechanical Engineers.

The following is an example of a Bachelor’s degree offer in Mechanical Engineering:

i. Mechanical Engineering in Canada

ii. Mechanical Engineering in Germany

iii. Also, Mechanical Engineering in the United Kingdom

iv. Mechanical Engineering in the United States

3. Take the Example of Popular Mechanical Engineers

What are the similarities between Nikola Tesla, Rudolf Diesel, Karl Benz, and Henry Ford? They aren’t all “auto parts,” but they all have Mechanical Engineering degrees!

They are among those who have stayed on top of their fields while also contributing new and innovative ideas.

The key is that you need to be aware of the major names in your area and follow their tactics in order to avoid making beginner mistakes and to find inspiration when you’re stuck or everything seems overwhelming.

If you want to learn more about studying abroad, you may read about Madvesh’s experience at RWTH Aachen University, where he studied Mechanical Engineering.

4. Start Gaining Experience as a Mechanical engineer 

Universities are important. Yes, picking a country that needs mechanical engineers is important. However, do you know what employers value even more? Experience! It’s a hardcore, get-your-hands-dirty kind of event.

During your undergraduate degree, begin building your Mechanical Engineering talents by participating in internships, part-time work, volunteering, or shadowing professionals.

You’ll have the best chance of graduating not only with a great diploma but also with practical knowledge of how to execute the job.

Consider it an investment, and see how you may offer your time now for money, power, and world dominance afterwards.

Mechanical Engineering Careers and Salaries

Jobs in mechanical engineering are not only lucrative but also in high demand. The number of available job openings is constant and increasing.

Mechanical Engineering employment is expected to grow by 4% in America alone by 2028, according to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Here are the salaries for some of the most popular Mechanical Engineering positions in the US, based on data from Glassdoor, to give you a better idea of the potential income you can earn after graduation:

i. Civil Engineer – 76,540 USD/year

ii. Aerospace Engineer – 79,700 USD/year

iii. Automotive Engineer – 72,320 USD/year

iv. Nuclear Engineer – 77,120 USD/year

v. Mining Engineer – 72,320 USD/year

vi. CAD Technician – 47,445 USD/year

vii. Mechanical Engineer – 70,965 USD/year

What to Do with Your Mechanical Engineering Degree

According to experts, these are some jobs where a mechanical engineering degree is useful.

‣ Business executive

‣ Automotive engineer

‣ Mechanical engineer

‣ Biomedical engineer

‣ Entrepreneur

‣ Production engineer

‣ Quality engineer

Project manager

‣ Petroleum engineer

‣ Construction engineer

‣ Product designer

‣ Thermal engineer

‣ Management consultant

‣ Process engineer

‣ Manufacturing engineer

‣ Patent lawyer

‣ Intellectual property attorney

‣ Technology specialist

‣ Sales engineer

‣ Aerospace engineer

‣ Project lead

Jobs Related to Mechanical Engineers

Below are the lists of related opportunities available for a mechanical engineer. They include;

1) Architectural and Engineering Managers

Architectural and engineering managers plan, direct, and coordinate activities in architectural and engineering companies.

2) Drafters

Drafters use software to convert the designs of engineers and architects into technical drawings. Most workers specialize in architectural, civil, electrical, or mechanical drafting and use technical drawings to help design everything from microchips to skyscrapers.

3) Materials Engineers

Materials engineers develop, process, and test materials used to create a wide range of products, from computer chips and aircraft wings to golf clubs and biomedical devices.

They study the properties and structures of metals, ceramics, plastics, composites, nanomaterials (extremely small substances), and other substances in order to create new materials that meet certain mechanical, electrical, and chemical requirements.

4) Sales Engineers

Sales engineers sell complex scientific and technological products or services to businesses. They must have extensive knowledge of the products’ parts and functions and must understand the scientific processes that make these products work.


5) Mathematicians and Statisticians

Mathematicians and statisticians analyze data and apply mathematical and statistical techniques to help solve real-world problems in business, engineering, healthcare, or other fields.

6) Mechanical Engineering Technologists and Technicians

Mechanical engineering technologists and technicians help mechanical engineers design, develop, test, and manufacture mechanical devices, including tools, engines, and machines.

They may make sketches and rough layouts, record and analyze data, make calculations and estimates, and report their findings.

7) Natural Sciences Managers

Natural sciences managers supervise the work of scientists, including chemists, physicists, and biologists.

They direct activities related to research and development, and coordinate activities such as testing, quality control, and production.

8) Nuclear Engineers

Nuclear engineers research and develop the processes, instruments, and systems used to derive benefits from nuclear energy and radiation.

Many of these engineers find industrial and medical uses for radioactive materials—for example, in equipment used in medical diagnosis and treatment.

9) Petroleum Engineers

Petroleum engineers design and develop methods for extracting oil and gas from deposits below the Earth’s surface. Petroleum engineers also find new ways to extract oil and gas from older wells.

10) Physicists and Astronomers

Physicists and astronomers study how various forms of matter and energy interact. Theoretical physicists and astronomers may study the nature of time or the origin of the universe.

Some physicists design and perform experiments with sophisticated equipment such as particle accelerators, electron microscopes, and lasers.

Finally, Mission accomplished! You are now equipped with the key guidelines to go rock the world of Mechanical Engineering.

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