Private High School Admission Essay Examples 2021

If you want to write a high school application essay that is worth reading; one that your audience will remember: then this article has all your answers. In this article, we will guide you through writing that perfect essay that will grant you admission. Some private high school admission essay examples have been given below.

Meaning of Essay

Before discussing the college essay example, note. An essay is, generally, a piece of writing that gives the author’s own argument but the definition is vague. Thus, it overlaps with those of a paper, an article, a pamphlet, and a short story.

Also, essays have traditionally been sub-classified as formal and informal. However, at this point, you may be wondering why you need an essay. please pay attention.

The Relevance of Essays

Admissions are a human process. Also, while admissions committees look at grades, test scores, and extracurricular, there could be a lot of students that have great qualifications in those areas for every spot in a university’s class. This is where essays come in.

Essays are an opportunity for you to turn an admissions counselor into an advocate for your application!

Also, essays help you to express why you deserve an award over the other student(s). An essay gives you the privilege to express yourself.

The Importance of the Essay Topic

If your topic is flawed, cliché, generic, or boring, it doesn’t matter how well-crafted your essay is it will be forgotten. When approaching your admission essay, think of it this way:

when the admission committee begins reading your essay they’ll view you as just a number, but when they finish it you want them to view you as an individual student.

So, how do we accomplish this?

It’s simple: don’t write the essay you think an admissions committee wants to read, write one that YOU would want to read. If your own essay bores you, it’s highly likely that it will bore everyone else.

Let’s say that your topic is to discuss an extracurricular activity that has played a large impact on your life. A lot of times students are tempted to write what they think the admission committee wants to hear.

What Your Topic Should Be Instead

When describing their ideal student, one of the top words used by the Director of Admissions at some of DC’s top private schools is “passionate.”

Admissions Committees are not looking for a cookie-cutter student; rather they are looking for a student who genuinely loves something and will share that love with other students.

So if you love to spend your weekends driving four-wheelers or riding horses or making short films on iMovie, write about that because I can assure you that your natural enthusiasm will read a whole lot better than the stale and generic “I love to volunteer” response – unless that is actually what you spend your weekends doing.

Private High School Admission Essay Examples

Example 1

I’m one of those kids who can never read enough. I sit here, pen in hand, at my friendly, comfortable, oak desk and survey the books piled high on the shelves, the dresser, the bed, the chair, even the window ledge.
Growing up without TV, I turned to the beckoning world of literature for both entertainment and inspiration. As I run my eye over the nearest titles, I notice… only three written in the last 50 years. Ahh, here’s Homer – by far my favorite ancient author – alongside Tolkien, my favorite modern. Incongruous? I think not.
Tolkien loved Homer and honored him constantly within his own work. How could I fully appreciate the exchange between Bilbo and Gollum without seeing the parallel story of Odysseus and Polyphemus in the back of my mind?
In the innocent characters of Bilbo and Frodo, Tolkien gives a quiet refutation to Plato’s philosophical dialog of Gyges’ Ring. Only a classicist would notice.
Donne would, over there on the shelf, encased contentedly in his quiet brown binding. Aristotle wouldn’t. He’s too busy analyzing the Dickens on either side of him.
The deeper I dig, the richer ground I find. I accidentally discovered the source of Feste’s comedic dialog in Twelfth Night while translating the Latin plays of Plautus.
I met the traitor Brutus as a fictional character in Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar, renewed my acquaintance with the actual man in Classical History, and hope never to meet his soul in the deepest circle of Dante’s Inferno.

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In all of this, I can sense a bond, transcending time and linking me to Homer, to Tennyson, to Virgil, Byron, and Nietzsche.
In my mind’s eye, all the great works I’ve read lie spread out on a gigantic blackboard, and that mystic bond takes shape in a vast connecting network, branching from history to myth and from myth to fantasy.
I’ve been unconsciously collecting this mental catalog all my life. I was 12 the first time I read the unabridged Odyssey, but I’ve known the story for as long as I can remember. Growing up, I read authors like E. Nesbit, C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien, and Robert Louis Stevenson.
As a child, I didn’t try to analyze the conflicts of Long John Silver’s character or document Kipling’s literary devices – I just loved the stories, and I picked up the techniques of great authors subconsciously.
Good writing is contagious. Now as a senior beginning to analyze literature and philosophy more closely, I already have a huge pool to draw from.
 In British Literature this year, my paper on the monsters of Beowulf won praise from my teacher because, having already read Beowulf several times over the years, I was able to analyze on a deeper level and recognize themes I hadn’t noticed before.

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In college, I will continue to study great stories and contribute in my own way: literature on the big screen rather than on paper. Film is the way that our modern culture experiences narrative.
Cinema has always fascinated me as a medium for storytelling, and my passion has only grown as I’ve studied every aspect of film-making.
The vast scope of Peter Jackson’s Lord of the Rings trilogy draws me in, but I want to write my own epic. One day, I will create my masterpiece, rich with the wisdom and artistry of three millennia, and offer it humbly to the classicists of the future.

Example 2

A misplaced foot on the accelerator instead of the brakes made me the victim of someone’s careless mistake.
Rushing through the dark streets of my hometown in an ambulance, I attempted to hold back my tears while two supportive Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs) comforted me. Although I suffered a minor knee injury, the trauma of that accident still lingers.
Fast forward six years to the present. Now I am sitting in the back of the ambulance, a rookie EMT, with my purple gloves on, stethoscope around my neck, and a red medical bag in hand.
I am also making sure we have the proper medical equipment stocked, including neck collars and long body boards.
As I step out of the ambulance, a bitter breeze nips at my face. Shattered glass, two crushed car hoods, and traffic everywhere, the scene is put into perspective as I can finally see what is happening. I stop in my tracks. It is my accident all over again.
“Get the collars and boards, there is a possible back injury,” my partner whispers to me. I fetch the items, still attempting to deal with my conflicting emotions.
Using the help of five other EMTs, we extricate the victim from the car and secure him to the stretcher. While in the ambulance, I realize now that circumstances have been reversed.

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This time, clutching the patient’s hand, I tried to soothe him, and he slowly calms down. I keep my composure and actively tried to help the patient feel as comfortable as I did.
Keeping all of his personal belongings close to me, we wheel him into the busy emergency room and transfer him safely.
As we leave, he looked into my eyes and I could feel his sincere gratitude. Rather than being an innocent victim, like the current patient was, I am now the rescuer.
Even though I felt the horrid memories rushing back, I kept my duties as a rescuer at the forefront of my mind. Keeping my cool in the face of extreme pressure I came out of the call changed person:
someone who can see a problem, regardless of any bias I may have, and focus only on what is happening at that instant. Confidently facing my own terrors, I felt as if conquering my fears allowed me to face my duties with a grounded and compassionate outlook.
Tears stream, limbs hurt, children cry: I am there, with a smile on my face, a stethoscope around my neck, compassion in my heart, happy to help and proud to serve.

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