Teen Slang Dictionary for Parents with Cool Words 2022 Update

What is a Slang?

Slang is a style of language made composed of highly informal words and phrases that are more popular in conversation than writing and are usually limited to a certain setting or group of individuals.

What is a Slang Dictionary?

A slang dictionary is a reference book that contains an alphabetical list of slang, which is vernacular vocabulary that is not normally acceptable in official speech, with information provided for each term, such as definition, pronunciation, and origin.
It can define a wide spectrum of slang, from more common expressions (such as “rain check” or “bob and weave”) to arcane sexual behaviors.
Such works may also incorporate terms and phrases derived from various dialects and argots, which may or may not have migrated into more popular usage. They may also track how the meaning of the phrases changes over time and space as they migrate and develop.
Slang dictionaries have existed for hundreds of years. The Canting Academy, also known as the Devil’s Cabinet Opened, was a 17th-century slang dictionary produced by Richard Head in 1673 that attempted to clarify thieves’ jargon.
A New Dictionary of the Terms Ancient and of the Canting Crew, first published about 1698, and Francis Grose’s A Classical Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue, first published in 1785, are two other early slang dictionaries.
Until John Camden Hotten’s 1859 A Dictionary of Modern Slang, Cant, and Vulgar Words, Grose’s book was perhaps the most significant English-language slang dictionary.
In recent years, academic dictionaries have attempted to bring together etymological research in an attempt to produce definitive slang guides while avoiding difficulties caused by folk and false etymology.
Academics, particularly lexicographers like the late Eric Partridge, are now devoting their energy to the study of slang and writing on it, including establishing slang dictionaries.

Teen Slang Dictionary for Parents with Cool Words

Each generation of teenagers has its own lingo. “Phat,” “rents,” “gag me with a spoon,” “radical,” and “peace out” come to mind.
Even if you’re a part of youth culture (and the terminology that characterizes it) when you’re young, keeping up with the current adolescent jargon becomes more difficult after you become a parent.
Trying to decipher what teenagers are saying is becoming increasingly difficult, as the development of social media, memes, digital communication, and the ubiquitous cellphone means that teen-speak is growing at a quicker rate than before. You’re probably already out of touch after you believe you’ve nailed a few words.
Some of this slang makes it into the mainstream vernacular—and is no longer cool—or “sic.” The majority of these words fade away as they lose favor with children and are quickly replaced by new ones.
So, as “in it” and up to date as we grownups believe we are, most of us could use a refresher on the current teen terminology. Everything from social media acronyms and text message abbreviations to code phrases for drugs, pals, and parties is covered below.
It’s critical to educate yourself on adolescent lingo so you can comprehend what your teenager is saying—both online and in person.
Teen slang terms may perplex to people who are unfamiliar with them, yet the majority are harmless and part of a teen’s personality.
These terms are used by children to assert their independence, sound cool, and/or blend in with their classmates. They desire to be different from their parents, to be distinct, free, and even revolutionary. Teens may achieve this while also bonding with their peers by using slang. Here are the slangs below:
1. Dope – Cool or awesome
2. GOAT – “Greatest of All Time”
3. Gucci – Good, cool, or going well
4. Lit – Amazing, cool, or exciting
5. OMG – An abbreviation for “Oh my gosh” or “Oh my God”
6. Salty – Bitter, angry, agitated
7. Sic/Sick – Cool or sweet
8. Snatched – Looks good, perfect, or fashionable; the new “on fleek”
9. Fire – Hot, trendy, amazing, or on point (formerly “straight fire”)
10. TBH – To be honest
11. Tea – Gossip, situation, story, or news
12. Thirsty – Trying to get attention
13. YOLO – “You Only Live Once” (often used ironically)
14. Bae – “Before anyone else,” babe, or baby is used to describe a romantic partner or good friend
15. Basic – Boring, average, or unoriginal
16. BF/GF – Boyfriend or girlfriend (used when texting, not in conversation)
17. BFF – “Best friends forever”
18. Bruh – Bro or dude (all three terms are gender-neutral)
19. Cap – Fake or a lie
20. Curve – To reject someone romantically (related to “ghosting”)
21. Emo – Someone who is emotional or a drama queen
22. Fam – Group of friends
23. Flex – To show off
24. A Karen – A disparaging way to describe a petty middle-aged woman, who is rude, especially to people who work in the service industry. (For example, saying, “What a Karen,” about someone who returns their drink at a restaurant for not having enough ice.)
25. No cap – Totally true or no lie
26. Noob/n00b – A person who doesn’t know what they’re doing or who is bad at something; in other words, a newbie
27. Periodt – End of statement emphasizer. For example: “That’s the best ice cream, periodt.”
28. Ship – You might “ship” two people together, as in they should be a couple; derived from relationship
29. Shook – To be incredibly shocked or shaken up
30. Squad – Group of friends that hang out together regularly, used ironically

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31. Sus – Suspicious, shady, not to be trusted
32. Throw shade – To give someone a dirty look
33. Tight – In a close relationship or friendship
34. Tool – Someone who is stupid, obnoxi
ous, rude, and/or embarrasses themselves, often a jock type
35. Thirsty – Being desperate for something
36. Down in the DM – Short for plans in their social media or texts for an oncoming sexual hook-up
37. Smash–To have casual sex
38. Netflix ‘n Chill–To meet under the pretense of watching /TV together when actually planning to meet for “making out” or sex
39. NIFOC–Acronym for “Naked in front of their computer”
38. CU46–Acronym for “See you for sex”
39. POS–Parents Over Shoulder – usually done by teens in a text so be aware if you find them using. 40. 9–Short for “A parent is watching!”
41. GNOC–Acronym for “Get naked on camera!”
42. 420–Marijuana
43. Thicc— Looking good in your skin no matter your size or shape.
44. I’m dead— You seem to be laughing so hard about something that you are “dying” of laughter.
45. Heard— A deep understanding of a topic being discussed.
46. Finna— Means “going to” or “intend on” doing something.
47. Fire— Something is “really good” or “cool”
48. Flex— Someone “Showing Off,” or a “Show off.” “He is Flexing on Snapchat with his new car”
49. Big Yikes— It’s yikes, but bigger. Kids are using that to highlight something extra big.
50. Low Key— Another way of using the term “sort of”
51. LMIRL— Let’s Meet In Real Life. Be careful if you hear this especially as it can be used by younger kids in talking with strangers
52. Boujee— Rich or Acting rich
53. Shook–Teens may mention if they have been shaken by news or event.
54. CD9— Like a trucker on the walkie-talkie radio; breaker, breaker. CD9 means Code 9, translated to “I can’t talk – parents are here.”
55. AF— Term used in a sentence abbreviated for the term “as f#@#”
56. OG— Used these days as a quick way to say “original” or “original gangster”
57. Extra— Describes over the top or dramatic behavior.
58. Bants — matters to discuss
59. No Cap–Equivalent to “for real”
60. Basic— Used as a non-complimentary way to say someone is only interested in trendy or popular things.
61. Period— Emphasizing finality. I am done with her – ” Period”.
62. Simp— A guy who will do anything for a hot girl.
63. Yeet — A very strong word for yes.
64. Snack — A way to describe an attractive male or female.
65. Snatched— A way to teens refer to someone or something as obtained. “I love Sam”, He is snatched.
66. Dank — Something “really good”.
67. Sus — Suspicious. May be related to drama in school or amongst friends.
68. Spilling or Spil The Tea— Spilling the beans; tell me everything.
69. Swole — Extremely buff or physically fit.
70. Swell—Work Out
71. Slay— Being awesome at something. “Man, you slayed that shot.”
72. Turnt Up— The act of getting drunk and high to the highest degree.
73. Left me on read— When on Snapchat someone opens your snap and doesn’t snap back.
74. OC–Open Crib, meaning no parents will be at home or at a gathering or party.
75. 53x – Term for sex, usually in a text message or chat.
76. Baddie – A bad ass, usually referring to a woman who is strong and sexy.
77. Bet – Either confirms or challenges a statement made, usually in a playful manner. Like, “Yo you tryna go to the mall?” “Aight bet, I’ll meet you there later.”
78. Boomer – Refers to someone old and behind the times; sometimes used to describe Gen X or older Millennials trying to be cool.
79. Bop – A really good song; replaces the word jam (This is my jam!). Like, “Ooh, turn it up, this song is a bop!”
80. Bouji – Replaces ghetto fabulous. A term for the look, style or attitude of someone who is/acts trashy but has expensive taste. “Irl, she’s pretty clean cut, but in her Instagram pics she look bouji AF.”
81. Bounce – Refers to leaving a place; similar to terms like “Let’s roll out” or “Let’s get outta here”. Like, “Yo, let’s bounce, I got a curfew!”
82. Bro-ski – Refers to a friend or someone who’s like a brother. Like, “What you been up to bro-ski? “
83. Bruh – Another term for a friend or replacement for bro (as in brother). Can also be used to to replace OMG when used in a sarcastic way or in response to a lame question, joke or statement. Like, “Hey wanna start running with me in the morning? It’d be early, like 5am.” “Bruh. No.”
84. Bussin – Refers to something really good. Like, “Mmmmmm! This chicken bussin!”
85. Cake – A nice, plump booty (butt). Like, “That guy was so fine! He had hella cake!”
86. Banny – Girl friend or babe
87. Cart – Refers to a cartridge used to smoke weed from a vape pen. 88. Get Cozi – it’s free!
89. Catfishing – Refers to creating a fake social media profile or online presence in order to lure people into relationships.
90. Chill – Means calm or cool. Can describe a feeling or as a verb. Like, “Hey, I’m feelin’ pretty chill” or “You gotta meet this girl, she’s super chill.” Or as a verb, “Dude, you need to chill out.”
91. Clout – Refers to having high social status, recognition, and power to influence others. influencers, celebrities and politicians can be referred to as having a lot of clout, but it can be used to describe anyone with social influence. Like, “If you’re goin to that club, go when my man Jay is bouncing. He’s gotta a lot of clout there, he’ll get you in.”
92. Cray – Replaces the word crazy. Like, “Did you see that shot? That was so cray!” or “You posted that? You are so cray cray!”
93. Cringy – Means gross and/or embarrassing. Like, “I’m not eating there; that place is super cringy,” or “Everyone has cringeworthy memories from middle school.”
94. D – Refers to dick or sex. Like, “Girl, you know you want that D.”
95. Dab – Can refer to either the gesture used in memes or in dances on TikTok, or to using certain types of highly concentrated marijuana. As a noun, this may also be called wax, budder, shatter, crumble or sauce. As a verb, it refers to the process of inhaling this vapor, or dabbing.
96. Dank – Usually refers to really weird, overused or old memes. Also used to describe really good weed, and because of that, can also be used to mean really good or excellent. Like, “I love that place! Their Pad Thai is so dank!”
97. Dead – Refers to finding something hilarious or hysterical, and is sometimes interchanged with weak (at the bottom of this list). As in, “That meme you sent me was so funny, I am so dead!” Can also mean tired, super high, or in trouble.
98. D
eep Fried
– Can mean a hook up, a derogatory term for a person of Indian descent, or a reference to being really high. Deep Fried Memes refer to memes where the color, brightness or saturation are exaggerated, giving it a trippy or even psychedelic look.
99. Deets – Short for details, usually in reference to an event (like a party) or gossip. Teen Slang Dictionary
100. Drip – Slang for a persons look or style; similar to swag. Sometimes refers specifically to an outfit or item of clothing. Like, “Wherever she shops, that’s where I’ma start goin, cuz she’s got serious drip!”
101. Deuces – Means goodbye, sometimes used to refer to ending a relationship (Like the Chris Brown song). Like, “I’m out, I made plans for tonight. Deuces!”
102. Extra – Refers to a person acting in a dramatic or exaggerated way. Like, “I can’t talk to right now, you are being so extra.” Can also refer to an object like, “OMG did you see her dress, it was so extra!”
103. Fam – Term referring to a friend or family member. Like, “Hey fam, whatchu been up to lately?”
104. Finna – Replaces “about to” or “going to.” Like, “I’m finna steal one of his chicken tenders if he don’t hurry up!”
105. Finsta – A fake Instagram account. Like, “I think this follow request is from a finsta, I’m gonna block him.”
106. Fire – Means cool or awesome. Like, “Those cheese fries are fire!”
107. Fit – Short for outfit. Like, “Cool fit, where’d you get sweater?” Teen Slang Dictionary
108. Flamed – Means to be accused, bullied, come at, interrogated or attacked. Like, “He was gettin’ so flamed cuz he accidently wore his sister’s shirt to school”
109. Flex Showing off. – Like, “Quit flexin dude, we all know she’ll be deuces in like 2 seconds.” or “If I had that car, I’d flex too!”
110. Furry – Cosplayers who dress as animals. Usually hinting at a type of sexual kink. Furries are generally known to watch and enjoy porn with animated cartoon animals or participate in sexual acts in cartoon animal costumes.
However, teens who feel like outsiders often claim to be furries, seeking belonging. The term furries as it pertains to teens could be compared to goth cliques in previous generations.

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111. Fye – Another way to say fly or cool. Like, “That movie was fye!” Teen Slang Dictionary
112. Glow Up – Refers to getting a makeover or having a spa day; beautifying. “I gotta make a stop at Ulta; I’m finna get my glow up!”
113. Go Off – A term used when encouraging a rant or argument, oftentimes used sarcastically. Like when a teen says, “OMG every time I get food at Taco Bell, they forget to give me a freakin’ straw. It’s so annoying! I swear….”, her friend might say, “Go off” in response.
114. GOAT – stands for Greatest Of All Time. It’s sometimes used as an adjective like, “Did you see that shot? I am so GOAT at basketball.”
115. Gucci Means – “all good” like, “I’m gucci, thanks!”
116. Hella – Used as an adverb like super, very, really, or totally. Like, “That boy is hella fine!”
117. High Key – Also used as an adverb like super, very, really, or totally. Like, “I am high key ready for this dance!”
118. Hundo – Short for “hundred percent”. Sometimes said as “hundo p“. Teen Slang Dictionary
119. Jelly – Short for “jealous”. Like, “OMG I love your shoes! I’m like totally jelly!”
120. Karen – Term used to describe entitled, annoying, racist, middle-aged white women who are always asking to speak to the manager. Like, “OMG this Karen called me dickhead at work today because her stupid card kept declining. It wasn’t my fault but she still demanded to speak to my manager.”
121. Lewk – Another term for a fashion look, pertaining to a style or outfit. Like, “Ooh did you see his lewk? He is fine!”
122. Lipstick – A substitute term for “red rocket” or a boner. Like, “Ew, I accidentally walked in on Jack in the bathroom and I totally saw his lipstick!” Or when teens are being sneaky, “Hey I think I left my lipstick at the basketball court…meet me there and help me find it?” Teen Slang Dictionary
123. Loli – Used to describe a seductive underage girl, sometimes prepubescent, in anime, manga’s, video games or
124. hentai porn – Teens usually use the term in a joking manor as a derogatory term. But it should definitely raise a red flag. Beware of anyone using it around your kids online or in chats. It should probably be reported.
125. balls – Another word for the penis
126. Mood – A relatable feeling or experience. A substitute term for “same” or “me too”. Like, if a teen says he’s craving cheese fries, his friend might say “that’s such a mood” or “that would be an entire mood!”
Nic Nicotine or referencing vaping.
Like, “You wanna walk to the corner store, I need some nic.” or if a teen is being sneaky, “Is nic gonna be there?”
127. Noob – Describes someone who is new or really bad at something. Like someone who keeps dying in a video game might get called a noob, or if a teen is experimenting with drugs or alcohol and doesn’t inhale or gets buzzed super easy, friends might make fun of them, calling them a noob. Teen Slang Dictionary
For example, if you hear a story about a co-worker who walked smack into the door, you might cringe and say oof, like ooh that sucks, how embarrassing!
128. Periodt – Emphasizes a point by ending the sentence or rant with “periodt“. Often seen in gifs or Tik Tok’s with the person making a slashing motion across their throat with their hand.
129. Phubbing – Means to snub someone to instead look at your phone. Like, “Can you believe her, she was totally phubbing me while I was trying to talk to her!”
Plug Supplier of alcohol and/or drugs to minors, usually found on social media. A plug is usually younger and has connections to lots of middle and high school aged kids in an area. Like the older brother of a friend of a friend who can buy alcohol and hook them up with weed. “I messaged my plug to meet me at the park later with a cart.”
130. Pron – A way to say porn without sending alerts to parents or getting blocked by restr
ictive apps. Teen Slang Dictionary
131. Ratchet – Sometimes used as a derogatory term to mean ghetto, low class or trashy, though it can also be used to mean excellent or as a term of empowerment. Like, “Why did you invite her? She is so ratchet.”
132. Roast – When a single person is being made fun of over and over at one time, sometime by multiple people at once. It’s often done in a joking manner, and can replace words like “burn” or “gotcha”. Like, “Dude, say something back, he totally roasted you.” 133. Salty – Means to be angry, annoyed, or irritable towards a person or situation. Like, “Leave her alone man, she’s still salty over the breakup.” Teen Slang Dictionary
134. Savage – Means badass, hardcore, fierce, or wickedly awesome. Sometimes it is said in response to a statement or roast ???? that is on point. Like, “Did you hear what he said to her? That shit was savage AF.”
Shade To throw shade means to send insults via looks, body language or statements, often in a passive aggressive way. Like, “She always throwin shade…why don’t she just say it to my face?”
135. Shook – To catch someone off guard, usually by making them upset or by making them laugh really hard. Like, “Girl, that text got me so shook, I still can’t stop laughin!”
136. Sic/Sicc/Sick – Another term for “awesome” or “sweet”. Like, “He gave me a ride home, dude has a sic stereo system!” Sic can also indicate an error on social media posts, but usually teens mean it like, cool.
137. Sillage – A trail of perfume or cologne left behind someone who recently sprayed it on or used it while walking.
138. Simp – Refers to desperate men in love with women who are super mean to them. A simp will often go to degrading lengths to win the affection of their crush, sometimes to the point of abuse. Teen Slang Dictionary
Although it’s usually referring to males, it can be used with any gender in any type of sexual orientation. Like, “OMG, you’re writing another paper for her? Dude, you are pimping for her so hard!”
139. Sip Tea See “tea” below – Sip tea means to mind your business or quit gossiping. Like, “Shut up! She’s your friend. Why don’t you try sipping your tea for once instead of spillin’ it?”
140. Skinny – Means gossip or info, or another term for “tea.” Like, “So what’s the skinny on that hot new English teacher?” It can also mean cool or nice. Like if a friend says, “Hey my mom took me to Starbucks this morning and I got an extra Pink Drink. You want it?” The response might be, “Skinny! Thanks!”.
141. Slap – Means something is good or great. Like, “Yum! These cheese fries slap!”
142. Slay – Means to do really well or can be another term for a badass. Like, “I studied all night, I am gonna slay this exam!” or “She’s a slayer man, so outta your league.”
143. Slim Thicc – A term for someone who is skinny without being stick thin, and has a bigger boobs, butt and thighs. Like, having all the right curves in all the right places but still being skinny and toned everywhere else.
144. Smash – Casual sex.
145. Snack – A sexy or good looking person. Like, “Ooh that dude is fine! He be lookin like a whole snack!”
146. Snatched – Means something is good or on point. Like, “Girl, those threads are snatched! Where you get those shoes?”
147. Squad – Group of friends or clique. Teen Slang Dictionary
148. Stan – Means “stalker fan”, like from the song “Stan”.
149. Swole – Describes someone who’s muscular or in good shape.
150. Tea – Another word for gossip or information. Like, “What’s the tea on Amanda and Josh, I heard they broke up?”
151. Thicc Curvey, voluptuous – Describes someone with a big but small waist. Can be used as both a compliment or a joke.
151. Thirsty – Desperate, attention-seeking, or someone who is fishing for compliments.
152. Thot, Thotty – Another word for slut or slutty.
153. Threads – Another word for clothes or outfits. Like, “You wanna hit the mall after school? I’m in desperate need of new threads.“
154. Trip – Another word for over-reacting. Like, “Why are you tripping, it’s not that big of a deal?” Can also describe the effects of using a hallucinogenic drug.
155. Troll – Can be a) an internet term for someone who spends a lot of time on the internet making rude comments to intentionally get people riled up, or b)a derogatory term for someone who looks ugly.
156. Turnt Up – Means being excited or energetic. Can be substituted for wild.
157. Vibe – A woman whose fun to be around and is attractive. Can also be used to describe the energy, atmosphere, or aura surrounding a person, place or thing.
158. VSCO Girl – A bit irrelevant but started with girls who posted pics of themselves on the app VSCO. It’s generally used as a derogatory term towards white girls and can be likened to what previous generations may have called a “valley girl”.
VSCO girls are categorized by having or wearing specific items, like scrunchies, hydroflask water bottles, and shell necklaces. They handle the sayings “and-I-oop” and “sksksk”.
159. Weak – Can either a) describe laughing so hard a joke it makes you “weak”, or b) describe a fail or being ineffective at something.
160. Wig – Another word for amazing or incredible. Like, “I wish my mom would let me get my nose pierced – that would be so wig!”
161. Woke – A person who has realized social justice and inequality issues.
162. Yeet – A term for excitement. Can be used as an approval statement or when shocked or surprised in a good way. Like, if your daughter called a friend saying, “hey, my mom said you could come over and she’d order us, Pad Thai,” the friend might respond with “Yeet!”.
163. Zooming – Can mean a) popping in randomly on a Zoom meeting that you shouldn’t be in, b) describing the chill feeling of being high, or less commonly, c) a derogatory term for anti-vaxers.
164. Zooted – Another word for being high. like, ” I can’t go home yet, I am so zooted! My mom’s gonna know.”
165. Lit – Means awesome, cool, or great. Like, “Yo that concert was lit!” Can also mean being high or drunk.
These cool slangs were worth checking out and I’m sure you are reading to include them in your conversations from henceforth. Kindly share after reading!
StudentsandScholarship Team.

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