UPenn Essay Examples Check 2021 Admission Essays Here

If you are seeking admission into the University of Pennsylvania, then you need to know that you will be required to write an essay on why you are given admission for your undergraduate years. In this article, we have helped you with some of UPenn essay examples, so as to help you build up yours.

There’s a lot to love about Penn. It has a cozy, historic campus, synergy with neighboring schools like Temple, fiercely active clubs and communities, opportunities in the city of Philadelphia, and perhaps most importantly, a bevy of world-class academic programs with professors that are leaders in their field.

Meaning of Essay

Before discussing the college essay example, note. An is, generally, a piece of writing that gives the author’s own argument but the definition is vague. Thus, it overlaps with those of a paper, an article, a pamphlet, and a short story.

Also, essays have traditionally been sub-classified as formal and informal. However, at this point you may be wondering why you need an essay. please pay attention.

Relevance of Essay to a College Student

Admission is a human process. Also. while admissions committees look at grades, test scores, and extracurricular, there could be a lot of students that have great qualifications in those areas for every spot in a university’s class. This is where essays come in.

Essays are an opportunity for you to turn an admissions counselor into an advocate for your application!

Also, essays help you to express why you deserve an award over the other student(s). An essay gives you the privilege to express yourself.

UPenn Essay Examples

These college essays are from students who got accepted at the University of Pennsylvania. Use them to get inspiration for your own essays and knock the socks off those admissions officers!

UPenn Essay Example 1 (Penn Supplement)

Discuss your interest in combining management and technology. How might Penn’s coordinated dual-degree program in business and engineering help you to meet your goals? Please be sure to address the nature and extent of your interests in both business and engineering.

In grade 9, I started messing around with Google Sketchup. It began casually and soon blossomed into an obsession – I would refuse repeated calls for dinner, intent on figuring out the placement of a room or object.

I remember trying to virtually remodel our apartment when my brother looked over my shoulder and remarked, “It looks like a really large, really complicated toilet.”

There wasn’t a tougher, longer, more fulfilling summer than the one I spent working at Studio Cria Pvt. Ltd. It didn’t matter that I was the only one who hadn’t studied architecture, it didn’t matter that I didn’t know a single person in such a prestigious firm.

It didn’t even matter that my designs weren’t always incorporated into the floor plans. I was working on something I loved so much. Does the coffee run? Sure, if it meant I could analyze the client’s plans with the other architects. Copy girl? Definitely, as long as I could draw up my own plans too.

The Chief Architect was astonished when I presented her with five different floor plans for a client who had come in two days earlier. I hadn’t had the time to work on them in the office, so I’d gone home, sat up until one o’clock trying to finish the work. This wasn’t expected of me – I was just an intern. So why was I throwing myself into this with so much enthusiasm?

My interest thrilled her, and although those plans weren’t incorporated into the official ones, others eventually were. I still beam with pride when I walk past the private residence (currently under construction) based partly on my designs. It’s an indescribable feeling to know that solid, tangible proof of my passion exists.

The environment is something I’m very passionate about – so much so that in high school, my friends and I pioneered an initiative to keep the city’s streets clean. Called “My School Road”, we got students of different schools to clean the streets surrounding their school (within a 1km radius) twice a week.

We started it off ourselves – 6 am on Wednesdays and Saturdays saw twenty adolescents diligently sweeping the street and collecting non-biodegradable trash separately for recycling. The effort went on to gain significant media coverage within a month or two; encouraging more schools to participate in the campaign. So when the time came to choose where I would study, I knew without doubt that my institute would have to encourage sustainable development just as enthusiastically – and the TC Chan Center is proof enough that I will cherish my time at Penn.

The TC Chan Center for Building Simulation and Energy Studies effectively combines my two greatest interests– environment conservation and architecture. At Penn, I’m confident that my attempt to create a more sustainable living environment for the future will be wholeheartedly supported by the university. Despite trying, I’m lost for words to describe the profound happiness I gain from architectural design. I’d hate to lose this joy during my studies, which is another reason why Penn is perfectly suited for me. Its enticingly rigorous program will see me produce some of my best work while ensuring that my passion for the field continues to grow boundlessly.

To me, architecture is more than a profession – it’s a way of life where everything is creative and anything is inspiration. It’s my two cents towards a world where buildings represent positive change, where ‘eco-friendly’ is no longer a necessary prefix to the word ‘design’, where things of beauty truly remain joys forever.

UPenn Essay Example 2 (Community)

Which of the academic communities and social communities that now comprise the University of Pennsylvania are most interesting to you and how will you contribute to them and to the larger Penn community?

I see the beauty in our natural assembly of neurons, the splendour of circuits in digital chips, and of course the undying symphony of computer code running through a compiler. As a firm believer of the values of interdisciplinary education, I embrace Benjamin Franklin’s drive to create an intellectually adaptable campus dedicated to closing those traditional bridges in academia.

With my own explorations in the fields of neuroscience, computer science, and engineering, I admire Penn’s progr
ams combining management with technology, international studies, and life sciences. I aspire to combine business (Wharton) with my technological musings (SEAS), in the hopes that through these mutual efforts of integration, true leaders well versed in multiple spheres will arise.

I realize that these academic fields, when taken in isolation, are less meaningful to society and thus strive to focus my interests over a variety of scholastic concentrations.

Yet, perhaps the most important facet of Penn education is that students are driven by their love of knowledge; without this love for learning, one cannot enjoy the fruits of education or expand the horizons of knowledge. I am awed by Penn student’s initiative to use their knowledge to solve viable problems within their community.

Looking to the entirely student-run club Communitech for inspiration, I am eager to disseminate my knowledge of computers and technology to the surrounding neighborhoods. As a leader of technology clubs at my own school, I have seen how the harnessed dedication of a small group of people can elicit major changes in the community.

Collaboration is the breeding ground of novelty, and when a potpourri of different disciplines is thrown into this mix, the resulting ideas can have revolutionary reverberations. One only has to look to Penn’s long-standing history of paving the way for new emerging technologies such as ENIAC to gain proof of these brainchildren materialized.

Paying tribute to the incredible research being carried out at Penn, I look forward to taking full advantage of the resources and adding my own research in reverse-engineering the human brain through a mixture of computer and cognitive science. The ground-breaking investigations in robotics at the GRASP (General Robotics, Automation, Sensing and Perception) facility at Penn is astounding, especially in its role as an affiliate for a cognitive sciences institute, and I hope to become a part of this community of tech developers. With my experiences in these fields, I intend to facilitate cross-talks between faculty and students as together we attempt to unravel the mysteries of human consciousness.

With this environment of unity among diverse individuals, I long to do my part and hope to contribute to this dynamic infrastructure. Franklin’s venerable legacy of advocating the harmony of the colonies against British invasion rings loudly in Penn, forming the underlying atmosphere for acceptance and tolerance. As a young Jain, I hope to join The Hindu Students Council and Young Jains of America to foster the spirit of acceptance, broadcasting those principles of peace, non-violence, and morality that are central to Penn’s motto.

Yet, once can’t thrive on academic immersion alone. I aim to actively participate on the Penn Club tennis team in order to complement my intellectual pursuits. I hope to bring my many years of experience as both a singles and doubles player to the club. With sports such as tennis and, of course, Ultimate Frisbee, I can actively relax and at the same time maintain school spirit through friendly competition.

I am ready to bring to join this energetic community of leaders, innovators, and those researchers willing to traverse unknown academic territory. I am ready to wholly engross myself in Penn’s atmosphere, leaving my very own legacy in the shadow of Franklin. Therefore, I am ready to make the University of Pennsylvania my new home.

UPenn Essay Example 3 (Why Penn M & T)

Explain how you will use this program to explore your interest in business, engineering, and the intersection of the two. It is helpful to identify potential engineering and business paths available at Penn.

I want to use technology to change the world through innovation. Through the Jerome Fisher Program in Management and Technology, I’ll pursue a Bachelor’s degree in both Computer Engineering and Economics.

As a Bay Area native, it’s no surprise that I’ve grown up with an entrepreneurial spirit and a deep respect for risk-taking.

To be a student in Silicon Valley is to be naturally competitive, hungry for challenges, and to believe that anything is possible with enough hard work.

My dad and I share the motto, “Failure is a good thing”, which motivates me to constantly try new things such as trying out for the volleyball team or applying for a job.

My personal and professional attitude toward business matches Penn’s Jerome Fisher dual-degree program because the programs that Wharton offers to supplement my computer science education are very focused in entrepreneurship.

For example, as a Penn undergraduate, I would participate in classes that fall under the Goergen Entrepreneurial Management Program, meaning that they are based on combining economic theory with the research conclusions made in Wharton’s Sol C. Snider Entrepreneurial Research Center.

This distinguished program would give me the opportunity to apply my learning to the real-world experiences of others, thereby forming a stronger understanding of how to manage the finances of my start-up.

I would also have the chance to participate in Wharton’s Entrepreneur in Residence program and meet one-on-one with a successful Wharton business owner.

The personalized mentorship I would receive would allow me to avoid common mistakes and strengthen my understanding of what it takes to run a prosperous business.

Finally, I’d get to build a company from scratch, following the guidelines of Wharton’s Small Business Development Center and applying for the numerous funding opportunities that Wharton offers. 

With my Computer Engineering degree, I’ll learn how to design and prototype the ideas that I invent for apps or web services that will change the world.

Concurrently, with my Economics degree, I’ll learn how to transfer my prototype into a working corporation and then grow the company without going bankrupt.

While most people gain the knowledge for how to run a business after graduating by going back to college for an MBA, studying business as an undergraduate will give me a unique edge by preparing me to be a technology entrepreneur from the moment I step outside campus.

Taking business and engineering classes together will allow me to frame my understanding of programming in a way that prepares me to be most successful.

For example, in a programming class, I’ll learn how to build an app to allow in-app purchases, and then in a business class, I’ll learn whether this revenue will be sufficient to sustain my costs.

If not, then I’ll change the design of my app so I can attain more revenue, thereby learning how to develop practical technology that I can transfer into the real world by starting a corporation.

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