Science, Arts or Commerce: Key to Choosing the Best Career Path

– Science Arts or Commerce –

Picking the right stream is the first step towards building your career and only a few students have a sound understanding of their career path and why it best suits them.

The 10th grade is over and results are probably out. Most students are confused regarding what career path to choose from between commerce, science, or arts.

The rest of them are probably just clueless due to a lack of guidance. There is a huge misconception among students and parents nowadays that going for science brings more money, respect and increases your

The truth is any legitimate career path can give you all these things. However, that shouldn’t be the way you decide your future.

Also, the that students with 90-95% marks should opt for science, 80-85%, and anything below that should opt for arts should be dumped.


The path of comprises Physics, Chemistry, and Biology as the core subjects and Maths and Further Maths as optional subjects.

Optional courses from other fields, such as from Commerce and from Arts, are available to science students.

Engineering, medical, software, technology, and pure sciences are just a few of the exciting career opportunities available in the

One of the advantages of science is that you may choose between degree programs in business or the arts.

The path of a scientist offers many interesting and attractive career options such as engineering, medicine, software, technology, pure and applied sciences.


The path to commerce is characterized by the study of society and money. Subjects like Business Studies, Economics, and Accounts as core subjects and Mathematics or Secretarial Practice is left optional.

Commerce students can choose alternate subjects like literature from the Arts but can’t borrow from the sciences.

Commerce with Math tends to be a popular choice among students interested to build a career in Accounting, Financing, Entrepreneurship, and Investment Banking among others.

If Commerce is your preferred choice, then you’re open to a lot of degree courses such as BMS, BAF, B.Com, BBI, BFM, CA, CS, etc.


Some academic bodies like to refer to these subjects; Psychology, Sociology, History, Geography, and Political Science as Social Sciences, but they are the core subjects of Arts.

Subjects that can be added from other areas include Mathematics and Economics.

There are lots of career options available for an Art student. A student with immense interest in Arts will do well in the following fields; Mass Communication, Journalism, Writing, Film Making, Literature, Teaching, and many more.

As an Art student, it may be immensely difficult to switch to science and pick up a science-based degree in the future, but it will be easier to lean towards the area of Commerce and Industry.

How To Choose Between Science, Commerce, And Arts


When it comes to education, the primary disciplines to pick from are science, business, and the arts.

Your education in the tenth and twelfth grades is primarily intended to provide a firm foundation for what is to come in the future; therefore it is up to you to make the best decision possible.

You will need assistance due to the high level of stress.

Take a look at the facts below to help you choose between science, commerce, and the arts.

1. When Should You Choose Science Over Art?

a. Natural Sciences Interests: You must pick the science field if you like natural sciences topics such as physics, chemistry, and biology and have previously excelled in these areas.

Your for these topics will only increase as you go further into their study and get a better understanding of them.

 b. Good at math: Mathematics is an important aspect of most streams, particularly the science field.

If you want to be a scientist, you must be in mathematics. Equations, experiments, research, and studies are all aspects of science that need mathematical expertise.

c. Various Careers: Some of the most diversified occupations are found in the field of science. In this sector, you may work as anything from an engineer to a physicist.

You have the luxury of choice and the option to pursue something you care about while earning a solid living.

d. Computer Science as a Career: If you want to work in computers and technology, there are certain courses you can take straight, but if you can’t, you’ll have to travel the science way.

Many scientific disciplines may lead to a job in computer science or technology.


2. When Should You Use Commerce?

 a. Ability to Work with Numbers: If you are skilled at basic , you may want to consider pursuing a career in business.

Accounting does not need advanced mathematics, but it does good fundamental math. This arithmetic can also be used in economics.

As a result, if you’re strong with statistics, you’ll perform well in the commerce field.

b. Jobs in the White Collar Sector: Commerce is the field for you if you want a low-stress, high-paying career that doesn’t need you to work unusual hours or do any fieldwork.

This is not to say that occupations are unimportant; on the contrary, they are vital. Behind the scenes, office staff ensures that everything goes well.

c. Start Your Own Company: In the commerce course, you will learn about all elements of operating a business.

As a result, you will have all of the necessary information and understanding of how to establish and operate a firm. Many entrepreneurs begin their careers with a bachelor’s degree in business administration.

d. For CA and CS students: You must be a commerce graduate to pursue courses such as (CA) and (CS).

CA and CS are specialty degrees that expand on the knowledge gained in a commerce degree.

Courses in CA and CS are well regarded.

3. When Should You Choose the Arts?

a. Dedicated to the Arts: You must pick arts for graduation if you are enthusiastic about art, craft, language, literature, music, cinema, photography, history, or geography.

Arts is a degree that enables you to pursue your interests and possibly turn them into a job with decent income and perks.

b. Various Careers: Arts is the route for you if you want to do something new with your career.

Psychologists, archaeologists, journalists, filmmakers, photographers, and other professionals are among those who study the arts. As a result, if you don’t want to work a 9-to-5 job, arts should be considered.

 c. Visual Communications: There are several careers in visual media, and studying the arts is the best way to qualify for them.

Thousands of people work in the visual media business, which is one of the fastest-growing in the nation. You may work in this interesting business if you have a bachelor’s degree in the arts.

d. Fulfill Your Creative Thirst: Many individuals tell you about abandoning their jobs later in life to pursue creative careers. You may start doing this right now by picking arts.

You may have rewarding professions and be satisfied with your work.


 Why Should You Choose The Correct Field?

The significance of picking the correct stream cannot be overstated. You’ll be devoting three years of your life to an undergraduate degree program, so make sure it’s the appropriate one.

Later on, changing streams will waste a lot of time and money, and all of your past efforts will be for nothing.

Here are some more compelling reasons to make the correct choice:

1. For Your Information: You don’t go to school merely to earn a career; you go to school to get information as well. You will get a lot of information on a topic that you like if you made the appropriate pick.

2. For Your Professional Development: The majority of individuals begin their professions immediately after graduation. Your bachelor’s degree will determine the job route you will choose.

If you make the incorrect decision, you will wind up in the wrong field and be unsuccessful.

3. For the sake of happiness: People who are in the incorrect career are likewise dissatisfied. When you complete the appropriate degree program, you will be able to work in a field that you like.

You’ll get compensated to do what you like, which will make you happy.

 4. For the most bang for your buck: In India, education is not cheap. Parents spend their hard-earned money to send their children to school, but if the program isn’t the proper fit, it’s all a waste of time and money.

5. For Making a Difference in Society: People with the appropriate education and occupation contribute to society’s improvement. They are not simply taxpayers, but also good citizens who strive to improve the lives of others.

Each of the three fields of science, business, and the arts has its own set of benefits and drawbacks. Today, all of these paths lead to solid employment, and any of them may provide a decent livelihood.

You may also continue your education with a master’s degree or postgraduate courses.

So it all boils down to what you’re excellent at and what you want to do with your life. So, use the tips above to help you find the best job route for you.

Well now you know the myths and you know the facts. Pick an academic area that aligns with your interest and strength.

It is best to be in a field you enjoy and find less difficult to thrive in. You and your peers can’t want the same thing in life, so always be sure your choice is your choice.

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