Starch becomes soluble in water when heated, the granules swell and burst,  the  semi-  crystalline structure is lost and  the smaller  amylase molecules start leaching  out of the granules forming  a network that  holds water and increasing  the mixtures  viscosity  (Bemltler and Whistle  2006).   This  process  is called  starch gelatinization Oxford et al  (1987) .  During  cooking the starch becomes a paste  and increases    further  in viscosity on cooling  or   prolonged  storage of the paste,   the semi – crystalline  structure partially recovers and the   starch  thickens expelling water . This is  caused by  regtrogradation  of the amylase which in  the

  process that the responsible for the hardening of bread or staling and for  the water layer on top of a starch gel.  Http//enwikipedia.org/wiki/rice

Brudevold et al (1985), noted  that   cooked starch produced  higher   salivary   maltose concentration than raw starch   while raw starch, had no  dematerializing  power of  cooked starch was  related to it rapid hydrolysis.  According  to it,  Thomson and  Wills (1976),  heating  dry wheat starch alters its  molecular structure so that it can be readily metabolized by  streptococcus  mutans  one of the oral micro-organism that participate in the dental caries  process. 

Some further views on cooked starch  were given by firestone et al,  (1982)  whose time controlled administration  of  carbohydrate diets  to laboratory rat  indicate that cooked wheat starch was cariogenic but less so than sucrose

The effect of nice varieties on starch quality.  The agronomics classification of rice into  glutinous and non-glutinous or  translucent rice   includes  qualitative  characteristic of  the   endosperm the  glutinous  rice type is  by  far the most important,  accounting  for about  90-100%  of the total   in different countries (http://eniwikipedia.org./wiki/.Rice).

The non-glutinous types is  not sticky when  cooked while the glutin and type have a soft  endo sperm that is composed of  dextrin instead of starch, when cooked they  becomes sticky but  are more preferred   by  some people due to softness after cooking    (http://eniwikipedia.org./wiki/.Rice) varieties of rice are classified according to cooking properties on  the basis of gelatinization temperature.  Juliano and Beditel  (1985)   rice composition differs according to verities  and processing   method used. I  pomeranz  (19920 

Amylase  consist of linearly linked glucose  molecules  and is  relatively resistant to  digestion, hence the  train resistant starch” this   means that  role varieties with a  greater  proportion of starch in the form of amylase  tend  to have a lower glycemic index. Therefore rice varieties  with amylase  content of more then  25%  absorb more water  and  have  a fluffy texture after cooking (Feriad Becker  2003).


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