Effect of Exchange Rate Devaluation on Balance of Payment in Nigeria

Effect of Exchange Rate Devaluation on Balance of Payment in Nigeria

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This study evaluated the effect of exchange rate devaluation on balance of payment in Nigeria, using data spanning from 1981 – 2014.

The study utilized sufficient theoretical and empirical works to create sound background knowledge about exchange rate and balance of payment, to empirically investigate the desired phenomena,

the study adopted the error correction mechanism and the co-integration analysis to test for short – run and long – run relationship between our variables under the OLS framework.

in the course of this findings there exist a long run relationship between exchange rate and balance of payment in Nigeria.

The study revealed that exchange rate has a negative but significant relationship with balance of payment in Nigeria while the control variables (foreign direct investment and trade openness) have a positive and significant relationship with balance of payment in Nigeria for the period under review.


Exchange rate is the price of one country’s currency in relation to another. In the era of trade liberalization, appropriate policy mix that ensures an effective rate of exchange is imperative because its variation has economic implications.

Variation in exchange rate is important endogenous factor that affects economic performance due to its impact on macro-economic rate policy and on appropriate exchange rate are crucial conditions for improving economic performance (Chang & Tan 2008).

According to Otaki (2005) balance of payment is a systematic record of all economic transactions, visible as well as invisible in a period between one country and the rest of the world.

Right from time immemorial, a country’s exchange rate and balance of payment is usually regarded as the sum of indices by which a nation’s strength can be measured especially its economic strength.

Paul (1996) defines balance of payments as an accounting record to all monetary transactions between a country and the rest of the world.


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