Effect of Guided Discovery Method on Academic Achievement and Interest of Senior Secondary School Students in Foods and Nutrition in Nsukka Education Zone of Enugu State


This study was carried out to the effect of guided discovery method (GDM) on academic achievement and interest of senior secondary school students in Foods and Nutrition.

The effect of gender and location on the achievement and interest of SSS1 students taught using G.D.M was also investigated. Six research questions were generated and 6 null hypotheses formulated to guide the study.

After a review of related literature, Quasi experimental design was adopted for the study. The study was carried out in Nsukka educational zone in Enugu state. The population of the study was 16350 SSI students in Nsukka education zone.

The sample consisted of 132 Foods and Nutrition SSS1 students which were randomly composed. Questionnaire was used for data collection.

Three experts validated the instruments. Kuder Richardson formula 21 and Cronbach Alpha formal methods were used to determine internal consistency of the instruments (FNAT and FNII). The reliability coefficient of .77 and .61 were obtained.

The mean score was used to answer research questions and the research hypotheses tested using ANCOVA statistics at .05 level of significance. 


Secondary education is important for developing country like Nigeria as it is concerned with the provision of competencies required for useful living to those whose education is terminated at the secondary school level (FRN, 2004).

The broad aims of secondary education within the overall national objectives of Nigerian education:  

  1. Preparation for useful living in the society
  2. Preparation for higher education

In other to achieve the above stated aims of education, the secondary school curriculum is structured to include Home among other subjects, taught in secondary schools in Nigeria.

Home Economics which is an aspect of vocational and technical education is an interdisciplinary field of study which helps family and individuals to understand and adapt to the effects of social economic, cultural and technical changes.

It is an applied science subject which is dependent on the integration of different academic disciplines such as the natural science, social and art in solving problems of families and within the families and individuals within the families (Lemechi 2002).

According to Fleck (2000:4) the world shapes home economics and home economics contribute to the shaping of the world through its impact on millions of individuals and their families”.

The American Home Economics Association (2005:10) has rightly defined Home Economics as “the study of laws, conditions,

principles and ideas which are concerned on the one hand with man’s immediate physical environment and on the other hand with his nature as a social being and is the study especially of the relation between those two factors. 


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StudentsandScholarship Team.

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