Effect of Management Information System in the Service Delivery

Effect of Management Information System in the Service Delivery


Services represent a substantial part of business output and investments. In providing these services, Management Information System (MIS) is employed to facilitate the services, which represents a substantial portion of corporate spending. The objective of such investments is to create business value.

But in order for any investment to have a positive impact on business value, additional revenues need to be created or overall costs reduced. Thus, when evaluating investments in services that have potential contributions to the improvement of business performance, the interactions of costs among the various business processes and activities need to be considered (Roztocki and Weistroffer, 2008).

Investment in information technology can have dramatic effects on both the internal and external operations of a business organization as well as academic institutions.

Statement of the Problem

The problem of the study lies in the fact that the University of Uyo has not accommodated the change towards the use of technology in performing its functions and operations; it rather remained in the same position away from progress and excellence, due to the intensification of competition between private and public organizations as a result of the multiplicity and diversity of services.

Organizations that provide such services on one hand, and the high level of their needs and expectations and desires, and different standards of judgment of the quality of services that they consume on the other hand.

The use of technology has many positive and effective advantages that are reflected on the organization itself such as technological development, competition, the desire to improve work, and others, which leaves various outcomes and results on the organization, both at the level of work and the services provided.

So the problem of the study is illustrated by the lack of awareness and knowledge of the impact of using management information systems technology and quality on the services provided by the University of Uyo in Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria.


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