Effect of Mentoring Technique and Students’ Academic Performance in Technical Drawing in Technical Colleges (PDF)

Effect of Mentoring Technique and Students’ Academic Performance in Technical Drawing in Akwa Ibom State Technical Colleges.


Usoro and onweh (2016) carried out a study to determine the Effects of Automated Architectural Drawing Computer Assisted Drafting (AutoarcdraCAD) on pre-service technical teachers’ acquisition of drafting skills in the Federal Universities, Southern, Nigeria.  Three research questions and three hypotheses were formulated to guide the study.

The population for the study was 230 pre-service technical teachers, since the population was managable the sampling technique was of “convenience type”.

The instrument for data collection was Architectural Drawing Performance Test (ADPT) constructed by the researchers. The Architectural Drawing Performance Test (ADPT) consisted of 50 multiple choice items.

The Performance Test (ADPT) was face validated by three experts one from the Department of Vocational Teacher Education, University of Nigeria, Nsukka and two from Vocational Education University of Uyo, Uyo.

The reliability coefficient was determined using Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation (PPMC) statistical tool after test–retest method.

The Architectural Drawing Performance Test (ADPT) recorded a reliability coefficient of .73. The research questions were answered using mean and standard deviation, while Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) was used to test the hypotheses at .05 level of significance.

The findings recorded that there was a significant difference between the scores of pre- service technical teacher taught with autoarcdraCAD technique and those taught with the traditional method in the performance test.

It was recommended that technical lecturers should simplify Architectural Drawing instructions by using autoarcdraCAD technique in teaching as it is an anomaly to continue using absolute manual and limited drawing instrument in the Architectural drawing classroom.

Whereas there is availability of autoarcdraCAD technique which allows learners to design their own model of the environment and obtained immediate result.

Eniang (2014) examined Cooperative Learning Structures, Centered Demonstration and Students’ performance in selected concepts in business studies in junior Secondary Schools in Akwa-Ibom State.

The concepts were book-keeping, office procedures, banking and business calculations.  The population of the study consisted of 23,067 JSS2 students in six Public Junior Secondary Schools in Uyo, L.G.A of Akwa-Ibom State.  The sample was made up of 272 JSS2 students drawn from six Public Secondary Schools in the Area.

Quasi experimented researches, non-randomized pre-test, post- test design with three groups were used for the study. Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA), mean, Standard Deviation and Multiple Regression Analysis were used in analyzing the data.

Findings from the study reveal that students taught concepts in bookkeeping, banking and business calculations using Student Centered Demonstration Method performed significantly better than those taught with Jigsaw and Cooperative Learning structure.

However students taught concepts in office procedures using Cooperative Learning Structures performed significantly better than those taught with Student Centered Demonstration Method.

From the findings and conclusion it is recommended that Business Studies teachers should make effective use of Student Centered Demonstration method to teach computational concepts in Business Studies.

The review relates to the present study as highlighted that novel method such as cooperative learning structures used in business studies could enhance academic performance.


Technological advancement of any country depends on the level of development of science and technology in that country.

Nigeria is a country of great potential and the knowledge of science and technology is very important in the production of Engineering, Technologist, Technicians and even the Craftmen as well as Skilled Artisans who are required to turn the Nigerian economy positively.

This desired technological advancement would elevate Nigeria from a consuming country to a producing country and from developing country to a developed country.

The Federal government of Nigeria in (NPE 2013) designed technical education to develop the students’ for the acquisition of practical skills, attitude, creative ability knowledge and skills relating to occupation in various sector of the economic and social life.

Technical education is that level of education obtained at senior secondary level, with courses for the study of technical, related science subject in addition to general education.

Mean while NBTE (2001) design technical drawing to be a core related subject meant for the development of individual’s spatial and visualize intelligence which could also aids students to solve designing problems, control, and modify their environment to meet defined needs.

Technical drawing is taught to construction and Engineering trades students except those in Business Studies and Catering Craft practice.

The modules in Technical Drawing is designed to solve practical and technological problems through the process of communicating skills which are central to designing and planning.

It requires an effective method of instruction to be employed by the teacher to direct instructions for the acquisition of the needed skills and knowledge in technical drawing.

Hence Udofia (2008) listed the traditional methods of teaching Technical Drawing to include but not limited to: lecture, demonstration, questions, explanation and discussion. But these traditional methods of teaching technical drawing do not deliver skills and competencies required in technical education.

Accordingly Usoro and Ufot, (2013) supported the above mentioned assertion that these traditional methods of demonstration or repeat after me cause student to accumulate knowledge as a passive listener, the teacher acting as a transmitted or director of knowledge.


Usoro,  A. D. and   Onweh, V. E.  (2016)Effects of Automated Architectural Drawing Computer Assisted Drafting (AutoarcdraCAD) on Pre-Service Technical Teachers’ Acquisition of Drafting Skills in the Federal University, South-South Nigeria. Journal of Nigerian Association of Teachers of Technology JONATT 11 (1), 149-159
Charity Adieze  (2016) Effects of Edutainment, Scaffolding Instructional Model and Demonstration Method on students’ academic performance in Business Studies in Secondary Schools in Abia South SenatorialZone in Abia State. International journal of educational benchmark (IJEB) 2 (1) 36-48
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