4.2.1: Effect of processing method and storage time on the specific gravity of palm oil sample

The specific gravity of palm oil extracted through fermentation and boiling slightly increased with in crease in storage time. The specific gravity of fermented and boiled palm oil ranged from 0.910 to 0.925 and 0.912 to 0.913 respectively for a period of six months. The fermented palm oil stored at six months had the highest specific gravity (Fig. 4.1).

The statistical analysis showed that there were no significant difference (p>0.05) in the specific gravity of the oil sample as influenced by processing method and storage time (Table 1). The values obtained were closely related to the standard range of 0.898 – 0.907 approved by Standard Organization of Nigeria (SON, 2000). The observed increasing trend in specific gravity with storage time may be attributed to the formation of polymeric fractions of higher molecular weight (Rutowski, 1983).

 The relationship existing between specific gravity and storage time of palm oil extracted through fermentation techniques was parabolic (eqn4.1) while it was found to be linear for palm oil from boiled palm fruits (eqn4.2).

S.G (F) = -0.0002t2 + 0.0038t + 0.9095                R2 = 0.9724   …4.1

  S.G (B)         0.0002t  +  0.9119                            R2 = 0.8                      …4.2

Where t is the storage time.

4.2.2: Effect of processing method and storage time on the Free Fatty Acid of palm oil sample.

The effect of storage on the Free Fatty Acid (FFA) of palm oil obtained through different methods is presented in Table 4.1.and Fig.4.2. Results indicate that there was a remarkable increase in FFA of oil from the fermention process  than the one from  boiling process  throughout  the storage period. Badmus (1987) noted that stripping of palm fruits from the bunch is dependent on weakening the strength of attachment (bond) of the fruits to the bunch. The weakening of attachment bond is achieved in traditional method by sectioning bunches and heaping them for several days which have been found to result in higher free fatty acids (FFA) contents after the extraction of palm oil as observed by Orji (2006). This may partly explain why all the oil samples from the semi mechanized palm oil mills and palm oil obtained from local producers have higher FFA values than the sample from the mechanized palm oil mills.(Badmus,1987)

Orji (2006) noted that the longer the harvested fruits were allowed to stay before they were processed, the higher is the FFA of the oil extracted from such fruits. This assertion is not surprising since ripe palm oil fruits have been reported to contain autolipolytic enzyme which starts to split the fruit oil to fatty acid and glycerol once the fruit is bruised (Bek-Nielsen, 1977; Esechie, 1978; Hartley, 1988). This may also explain why the oil samples extracted through the traditional method that employs fermentation has higher FFA than all the other oil samples since the fruits were never boiled before processing. Although the FFA of palm oil extracted after boiling was lower than the oil extracted after fermentation, the range of values of the FFA after storing for 6 months (3.38 – 10.15%) (Table 1) is relatively higher than  expected value of 3.5 as specified by son (2000) It is however not surprising that values FFA as high as 3.38 – 10.15% were obtained from oil samples from the boiling method because the fresh fruit bunches (FFBs) may not have been properly cooked to the expected processing temperature and time to inactivate the lipases.

The relationship existing between free fatty acid (FFA) and storage time of palm oil extracted through fermentation and boiling techniques were found to be linear and can be represented as

FFA (F) = 0.063t 2+ 3.4392t + 22.328       R2 = 0.9963—-4.3

FFA (B) = -0.0352t2 + 1.3677t + 3.2994  R2 = 0.9947—4.4

Where t is the storage time.

Equation 4.3 and 4.4 representing the fermentation and boiling process respectively.

4.2.3. Effect of processing method and storage time on the peroxide value of palm oil.

          The peroxide value determines the extent to which the oil has undergone rancidity, thus it could be used as an indication of the quality and stability of fats and oils (Ekwu and Nwagu, 2004). The peroxide value (meq/kg) of the palm oil extracted from fermented and boiled palm fruits increased with increase in storage time respectively (Fig. 4.3), with the oil from fermentation process having the higher peroxide values (from 3.5meq/kg to 5.8meq/kg during the 6 months of storage) than oil from boiling process (from 1.5meq/kg to 4.05meq/kg during the 6 months of storage) (table 1). The statistical analysis showed that there were significant difference (p<0.05) in the Peroxide Value of the oil sample as influenced by processing method and storage time (Table 1).

Steady increase in the peroxide value of the oil with storage time could be due to increase in the extent of oxidation resulting in increase in the formation of hydro peroxides during fat oxidation. The observation that the peroxide values of oil from fermentation process were higher than those from boiled process could be due to the fact that initial extent of hydrolysis was higher in the product of the fermentation process. Although peroxides are possibly not directly responsible for the taste and odour of rancid fats, their concentration is often useful in assessing the extent to which the rancidity has advanced.

As presented in (Fig. 4.3), the peroxide values range of 1.5 – 5.80meq/Kg and are lower than the s
tandard minimum value of 10meq/Kg specified by SON (2000) and NIS (1992). This implies that the oil stored up to 6 months falls within acceptable standard. The increase in peroxide value with increase in storage time could indicate the onset of primary oxidation due to lipid degrading enzymes like peroxidase and lipoxygenase (Onyeka et al., 2005) which progressed with time.

          The relationship existing between peroxide value, PV(meq/kg) and storage time t(month) was found to be linear and can be represented with the following equation:

PV(f) = 0.395t + 3.39              R2 = 0.9852          ……  4.5

  PV  (b) =     0.4475t + 1.62                       R2 = 0.9453           4.6

Where eqn. 4.5 is for Fermentation process  and eqn. 4.6 is for Boiling process, it is the storage time.

4.2.4. Effect of processing method and storage time on the Iodine Value palm oil

            Iodine value is an index of the degree of unsaturation, which is one of the most important analytical characteristic of oil. Data on changes in the iodine value of the palm oil is presented in Fig. 4.4. It was observed from the Figure, that iodine value increased during storage of the palm oil from the two processes studied. Minimum iodine value was 26.14Wij’s initially in oil from fermentation process and 3.81Wij’s in oil from boiling process. The values increased to 34.77 and 37.05Wij’s for oil from fermented and boiled palm oil respectively at the end of the 6 months storage period (Table 4.1). The changes in iodine value of palm oil samples may be attributed to propagation of auto oxidation process where hydro peroxides are formed from free radicals in fatty acids generated by initiation stage of the auto oxidation reaction. The iodine values obtained were within the limits of standard range of 45 – 53Wij’s, recommended by SON (2000) and NIS (1992). However, the values obtained indicate that the oil samples are highly unsaturated and therefore susceptible to oxidation. The addition of antioxidants may be necessary to prolong the storage stability of the oils.

          The relationship existing between iodine value, IV (wiji’s) and storage time t(month) was found to be linear for both the fermented and boiled palm oil and can be represented with the following equation:

IV (f) = 0.395t + 3.39             R2 = 0.9852          ………… 4.7

IV (b) =   0.4475t + 1.62     R2 = 0.9453   ………….…  4.8

Where eqn. 4.7 is for Fermention process  and eqn. 4.8 is for Boiling process, t is the storage time.

4.2.5.  Effect of processing method and storage time on the Saponification Value palm oil.

            The result on the effect of processing method and storage time revealed that the saponification value of the palm oil samples increased with increase in storage time (Fig.4.5). Saponification values (SV) obtained for the palm oil samples ranged from 181.42 to 350.31 mgKOH/g and from 175.91 to 189.54mgKOH/g for fermentation and boiling methods respectively (Table 4.1). The values are within the expected range of 195 – 205mgKOH/g of oil for edible palm oils as specified by SON (2000) and NIS (1992). As from time of 4 months and above, the saponification values of oil from fermentation process were greater than > 205mgKOH/g oil, hence not recommended for used in edible purposes after 4months storage without refining. The high saponification value of the palm oils from fermentation process is an indication that the oils will be most suitable for soap making. This also suggests that the average molecular weight of the oil was low.

The relationship existing between saponification value and storage time was found to be linear and could be expressed using the following equation:

SV (f) = 28.588t + 158.2                             R2  =  0.8932……              4.9 SV (b) =   2.159t + 177.06                                R2  =  0.95      ………           4.10

Where eqn. 4.9 is for oil from Fermentation process and eqn.4.10 is for the Boiling process, and t is the storage time.

4.2.6. Effect of processing method and storage time on the Freezing point of palm oil.

Results presented in Table 4.1 and Fig. 4.6 show that the freezing point slightly increased with storage time for both procedures. This shows that the component with the lowest freezing point did not significantly change with storage time. However, the products from fermentation process had higher freezing point (26-280C) than those from boiling process(23-240C). This could be due to the fact that boiling process had the capability of extracting higher broad spectrum of components including the poly unsaturates which  had the lower freezing points.

The relationship existing between freezing point and storage time was could be expressed using the following equation:

FP(f) = 0.2t + 26.9            R2=0.8………4.11

FP(b)= 0.0.525t+23.05         R2=0.9333……4.12                                                                          

4.2.7.              Effect of processing method and storage time on the Melting Point of palm oil.

The experimental results showed an increase in the melting points of palm oil from  both the fermented and boiled palm fruit. The increase in melting point of oil from fermentation process was only from 29 – 30oC for the 6 months storage period while  the melting point of oil from boiling process increased from 29 – 37oC. The high melting point observed for oil from boiling process could be due to the presence of some high melting saturated components in the oil. By boiling the palm fruit, the portion of the unsaturated fatty acids increased but these fatty acids do not take part in any chemical change in the oil and do not interact with triacylglycerol as they are of similar chemical composition (Beniumea et al., 2008). Any change in the chemical composition of the molecular species of triacylglycerol would have changed the other physical properties of the oil as the physical and c
hemical properties of palm oils are the function of fatty acids in triglycerides (Tan and Man, 2002; Fogila et al., 1993). The melting behavior of the oils (boiled and fermented) varies due to the different characteristics and composition of fatty acids in terms of triglycerides in both processed palm fruit (Fasina et al., 2008). There were significant (P<0.05) difference in the melting points of the processed oil.

The relationship existing between melting point (MP, oC) and storage time (tmonth) was found to be linear and could be expressed with the following equation:

 MP  = 1.3t + 29.1                 R2 = 0.9941           4.13

 MP = 0.405t + 25.96                       R2 = 0.8707           4.14

Where eqn.4.13 is for Boiling process and eqn.4.14 is for Fermention process.

4.2.8.  Effect of processing method on the stability                            of palm oil.

The stability of palm oil were measured by the rate of change of key properties such as the free fatty acid and peroxide value with time as presented in Table 4.2.  it should be noted that process of oxidation and hydrolysis normally go through induction, propagation and termination steps and  antioxidants can help in the early on set of termination.

The samples from boiling process displayed higher hydrolytic stability having lower rate of change of free fatty acid with storage time. (∆FFA/∆t) This could be due to the fact that the product from fermentation process experience hydrolysis during the fermentation period and this hydrolysis had already gotten through the initiation and propagation stages prior to the oil production where as the boiling process experience less hydrolysis which may still be in the induction period prior to oil production.

From the results it can also be seen that for both processes, the  stability decreased with storage time up to 4 months after which it increased. The decrease in stability up to 4 months was as a result of the propagation  step of free fatty acid liberation being higher than the termination step, but after the 4 months the termination may have become predominant leading to the reduction in FFA liberation and observed increase in hydrolytic stability.

The oxidative stability of palm oil from the fermentation process were higher than those of oil from boiling process. This can be seen from the fact that the peroxide value increased at a higher rate in the oil from boiling process as shown in Table 4.2. The reason for this is probably due to the fact that the boiling operation destroyed some heat labile antioxidants which could have aided in the suppression of the oxidation reaction where as the fermentation process did not.

On the effect of storage time, the oxidative stability decreased with storage time up to 4 months after which it increased with time. This is similar to the observation on the variation of hydrolytic stability with storage time. Similar reason can be deduced. In other words, the propagation step controlled the oxidation reaction up to 4 months while the termination step took over after 4 months. Furthermore the reaction of the peroxides to other products such as aldehydes and ketones may have set in after 4 months storage resulting in decrease in observed rate of increase in peroxide value.


The results obtained from the study showed that the quality of the palm oil samples investigated were within the standards recommended by SON (2000) and NIS (1992). It is therefore reasonable to conclude that palm oil samples investigated were not contaminated or adulterated and also the processing and storage methods employed were adequate. The results also indicated the suitability of the oil samples for domestic or industrial applications as well as export trade.

            From the result conducted over 6 months period, it can be seen that there was no significant difference in the specific gravity of palm, from the two processing methods. However there were slight increase with storage time up to 6 months with boiling process resulting  in oil of S.G 0.912-0.913  while oil from fermentation process had S.G 0.910-0.925.  Oil from boiling process had lower FFA (3.384 to 10.152%). Than those from fermentation process (22.56 to 45.00%). the peroxide values (PV) of oil from fermentation process (3.50 to 5.80meq/kg) were higher than oil from boiling process (1.50 to 4.05meq/kg).  Also oil from fermentation process had higher saponification values (181.42 to 350.31 mgKOH/g) than oil from boiling process (175.91 to 189.54 mgKOH/g)  and higher iodine value (IV) ranging from 28.14 to 37.05 Wiji’s as against 1V of 3.81 to 34.77 Wiji’s obtained from the boiling process.

Looking at the freezing point (FP) and meeting point (MP) values, it can be seen that the FP/MP range (D3oC) of oil from fermentation process varied from 26/29oC to 28/30oC(D2oC) for the 6 months period while that of oil from boiling process varied from 23/29oC (D6oC) to 24/37oC. (D13oC).

            On the other hand the fermentation process was only able to extract a narrower range of components extractable at room temperature. This is responsible for the lower FP/MP range. A chromatographic analysis or fractionation of these oil samples will throw more light into the observations of this work and hence is recommended for further studies. Also a study on the effect of boiling time on the characteristics of palm oil is recommended to optimize results.


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Table A.1:

Dependent Variable: Free Fatty Acid


Type 111 sum of squares


Mean Square



Processing Method


Processing Method * storage



Corrected Total


















a. R Squared = 1.000 (Adjusted R Squared = 1.000)


Dependent Variable: specific gravity


Type 111 sum of squares


Mean Square



Processing Method


Processing Method * storage



Corrected Total


. 000



 . 13.408








 .000     5.692E-5    4.158E.5










a. R Squared = .373 (Adjusted R Squared = -.176)

Table A.3:

Dependent Variable: melting point


Type 111 sum of squares


Mean Square



Processing Method storage

Processing Method * storage



Corrected Total


















6. 548E4





a. R Squared = 1.000 (Adjusted R Squared = 1.000)


Dependent Variable: peroxide Value


Type 111 sum of squares


Mean Square



Processing Method


Processing Method * storage



Corrected Total























a. R Squared = .977 (Adjusted R Squared = 958)

Table A.5:

Dependent Variable: saponification value


Type 111 sum of squares


Mean Square



Processing Method storage

Processing Method * storage



Corrected Total























a. R Squared = 1.000 (Adjusted R Squared = 1.000)

Table A.6:

Dependent Variable: freezing point


Type 111 sum of squares


Mean Square



Processing Method


Processing Method

 * storage



Corrected Total





11480 .872


















a. R Squared = 979 (Adjusted R Squared = 961)

Table A.7:

Dependent Variable: iodine Value


Type 111 sum of squares


Mean Square



Processing Method


Processing Method

 * storage



Corrected Total


















6. 548E4





a. R Squared = 1.000 (Adjusted R Squared = 1.000)


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