Effect of Task Instruction Sheets on Metalwork Technology Students’ Achievement and Retention In Colleges of Education in South West, Nigeria


The study investigated the of task instruction sheets (TIS) on metalwork technology students’ achievement and retention in Colleges of Education. The study adopted the quasi-experimental research design, specifically, pretest, posttest nonequivalent control group design which involved groups of students in the intact classes.

The of the study comprised all the 315, hundred levels, two hundred and three hundred level students offering metalwork technology in the seven Colleges of Education in South West.

Two Colleges of Education out of the seven Colleges were purposively selected and all the 139 students offering metalwork technology in the two Colleges were involved in the study.

This number is made up of thirty, 100  level, twenty-nine, 200 level and four, 300 level students which constituted the experimental groups assigned to task instruction sheets (TIS) while fifty-six, 100 level,

sixteen, 200 hundred level and four, 300 hundred level students which constituted the control groups assigned to conventional (lecture cum demonstration)  method.

The instruments used for data collection were  Task  Instruction  Sheet Evaluation Questionnaire (TISEQ) and Metalwork Psychomotor Achievement Test (MPAT). The (MPAT) was drawn based on a table of specifications that covered six out of seven levels of Simpson’s Taxonomy of Psychomotor Domain.

The MPAT was subjected to face and content validation by three experts. Test re-test technique was carried out to determine the reliability coefficient of the MPAT. Kuder-Richardson Formular K21 and Pearson Product Moment Correlation coefficient were utilized to establish the coefficient of internal consistency and stability of the MPAT.

The values were found to be 0.75, 0.61, 0.72 and 0.89, 0.75, 0.81 respectively. Cronbach Alpha technique was adopted to establish the internal consistency of the Task Instruction Sheet Evaluation Questionnaire (TISEQ).

The reliability obtained from TISEQ in clusters A and B and the overall cluster was 0.886, 0.788, and 0.870 respectively. Mean was used to answer the research questions, while ANCOVA was employed to test the hypotheses.

The study revealed that TIS  was more effective in improving students’ psychomotor achievement and retention in sheet metalwork, fabrication, and welding, machine shop practice, and advanced and welding than the conventional (lecture cum demonstration) method.

It was also discovered that TIS significantly improved students’ achievement in sheet metalwork, fabrication and welding,  machine shop practice, and advanced fabrication and welding within their ability level, but the high ability group maintained higher mean achievement scores than the average and low abilities.

Based on the findings, the study recommended that metalwork teachers should adopt the use of TIS to teaching metalwork to students in Colleges of Education. Administrators (Provosts) of Colleges of Education should ensure an adequate supply of materials for the production and utilization of TIS.

It was also recommended that the Ministry of Education (Federal and State) should organize re-training programmes through seminars, workshops, conferences,

and in-house training for metalwork teachers in Colleges of Education in order to update their knowledge on development and effective utilization of TIS for maximum result among other recommendations.


TITLE PAGE …. …. …. i
APPROVAL PAGE …. …. …. ii
DEDICATION …. …. …. iv
TABLE OF CONTENTS …. …. … … vi
LIST OF TABLES …. …. …. …. ix
LIST OF FIGURES …. …. …. …. xi
ABSTRACT …. …. …. …. xii


Background of the Study … … … … 1
Statement of the Problem … … … …. 7
Purpose of the Study … … … 9
Significance of the Study … … … …. 10
Research Questions … … … 13
Hypotheses … … … … …. 14
Scope of the Study … … … … 15


Conceptual Framework … … … …. 16
Task Instruction Sheet … … … … 16
Task Analysis … … … … 18
Instructional Delivery … … … 19
Assessment of Students’ Learning … … … 20
Metalwork Psychomotor Achievement Test (MPAT) … … 22
Schema of Relationship of key variables and Expected Outcomes … 23
The Psychomotor Domain Models … … … 24
Relevant Instructional Methods … … … 31
Ability Level and Students’ Performance …. … 47
Theoretical Framework … … … …. 48
Brunner Theory of Learning … … …. 49
Gagne’s Theory of Instruction … … … 50
Hierarchical Structure Theory … … … 51
Related Empirical Studies: … …. … … 52
Task Instruction Sheet
Ability Level as a Factor on Students’ Performance
Retention Level of Students’ Performance Over Time
Summary of Related Literature Reviewed … … … 66


Design of the Study … … … … 68
Area of the Study … … … … 69
Population for the Study … … … 69
Sample and Sampling Technique … … … 70
Instrument for Data Collection … … … 70
Validation of the Instrument … … … 71
Reliability of the Instrument … … … 72
Experimental Procedures … … … 73
Control of Extraneous Variables… … … 75
Method of Data Analysis … … … 75


Research Question 1 …. …. …. 77
Research Question 2 …. …. …. 79
Research Question 3 …. …. …. 80
Research Question 4 …. …. …. 81
Research Question 5 …. …. …. 82
Research Question 6 …. …. …. 83
Research Question 7 …. …. …. 84
Research Question 8 …. …. …. 85
Research Question 9 …. …. …. 87
Hypothesis 1 …. …. …. …. 89
Hypothesis 2 …. …. …. … 90
Hypothesis 3 …. …. …. … 91
Hypothesis 4 …. …. …. … 92
Hypothesis 5 …. …. …. … 93
Hypothesis 6 …. …. …. … 94
Hypothesis 7 …. …. …. …. 95
Hypothesis 8 …. …. …. … 97
Hypothesis 9 …. …. …. … 98
Findings of the study …. …. …. … 98
Discussion of Findings … …. …. …101


Re-statement of the Problem …. …. …. …109
Summary of the procedure used …. …. ….110
Major Findings of the Study … …. ….113
Implications of the Study …. …. …. …115
Conclusion …. …. …. …116
Recommendations …. …. ….117
Suggestion for Further Study …. …. …. …117
References … … … … …119


1.1 Background to the Study

Metalwork technology can be delivered to students through instruction. Instruction could be given in oral or written form depending on what purpose the given instruction is intended to achieve. Nordquist (2010), described instruction as a  written or spoken direction for carrying out a procedure or performing a task.

Salvin (2010),  viewed instruction as written information or skills presented to students in an organized orderly way to bring about a change in behavior of the learners.

Salvin further stated that instruction can be presented to the learners using different methods suitable to the learners’ environment in order to cause the expected change in the behavior of the learners. Menchinshaia, Skatkim, and Budarnyi (2010) described instruction as a dual process of transmitting or acquiring knowledge, skills, and attitudes between the teacher and the students in a classroom or laboratory setting.

Menchinshaia et al reiterated that this process depends on the interaction of the following factors; the goals of the instruction, upbringing, student development, the content of instruction, that is, the knowledge, skills, and attitudes that the students must master.


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