Effect of Teaching with Multimedia Model on Academic Performance of Biology Students (PDF)

 – Effect of Teaching with Multimedia Model on Academic Performance of Biology Students – 

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This work was designed to investigate the “Effects of Teaching with Multimedia Model on Academic Performance of Biology Students in Uyo Local Government Area”. Three research questions and three research hypotheses were formulated to guide the study.

A quasi-experimental pre-test, post-test non-equivalent group design was used for the study. A population consisted of all students in senior secondary II.

Both male and female in the 14 public secondary schools in Uyo Local Government and a sample size of one hundred and twenty (120) students were randomly selected for the study.

The instrument used for data collection was Biology Achievement Test (BAT) which was developed by the researcher and was validated by three experts.
Lesson notes were also developed and used in teaching the students in both the experimental and control groups. The data collected during the study were analyzed using t-test analysis at 0.05 level of significance.


Cover Page

Title Page

Declaration              i

Certification    –                 ii

Dedication             iii

Acknowledgement      –        iv

Table of Contents          v-viii

List of Tables  –                ix

List of Appendices     –       x-xii

Abstract             xiii


1.1.      Background of Study –              1-8

1.2       Statement of the Problem       –        8-9

1.3       Purpose of the Study  –                  9-10

1.4       Research Questions     –          10

1.5       Research Hypotheses  –             10-11

1.6       Significance of the Study            11

1.7       Delimitation of the Study              12

1.8       Limitation of the Study                    12

1.9       Definition of Terms    –           12-13


2.1       Theoretical Framework           –   14-15

2.1.1    Jerome Bruner’s Learning Theory (1976)          15

2.1.2    Piaget’s Theory of Intellectual Development (1964)  –        16

2.2       Conceptual Framework       16-17

2.2.1    Technological in/of Education               17

2.2.2    Role of Educational Technology in Learning –       18

2.2.3    Concept of Multimedia         19-20

2.2.4    Elements of Multimedia                 21-23

2.2.5    Multimedia Kits and Package       23-24

2.2.6    Essential Characteristics of Multimedia Learning Package    24-25

2.2.7    Contents and Multimedia Use             25-26

2.2.8    Context of Multimedia Use    –         27-28

2.2.9    Effects of Multimedia on Students Academic Performance       28-30

2.3       Empirical Study Review      30-34

2.4       Summary of Literature Reviews             34-35


3.1       Research Design  36-37

3.2       Area of Study –                37

3.3       Population of Study    –     38

3.4       Sample and Sampling Technique          38

3.5       Instrumentation          39

3.6       Validation of Instrument(s)    –  39-40

3.7       Reliability of Instrument(s)     –   40

3.8       Scoring            –           –          40

3.9       Research Procedure    –        41

3.10     Method of Data Analysis          42


4.1       Results            –  43-48

4.2       Discussion of Results  –           48-49

4.3       Summary of Findings –      49


5.1       Summary            50-51

5.2       Conclusion      51-52

5.3       Implication of the Findings        52

5.4       Recommendations        52-53

5.5       Suggestions for Further Study          53

5.6       References  54-58

5.7       Appendices              59-100


1.1 Background to the Study

One of the innovations in the teaching-learning process is the introduction of multimedia applications developed due to advances in information technologies and cognitive theories. Considering the technology available today, it is imperative that the educational system implement information technologies.

The rapid growth of the internet highlights the importance of web-based learning environments and paves the way for teachers to more greatly benefit from multimedia applications.

In defining multimedia learning, it is useful to distinguish among media, mode, and modality. Media refers to the system used to present instruction, such as a book-based medium, video-based medium or a computer-based medium (Dike, 2008).

Mode refers to the format used to represent the lesson, such as words/pictures. Modality refers to the information processing channel used by the learner to process the information, such as auditory/visual (Mayer, 2015). Students’ interest and retention could be aroused and retained through the use of multimedia instructional approach (Adegoke, 2010).

Mayer (2015) emphasizes some of the most significant features of web-based learning environments, including less need for a multitude of devices; accessibility by anyone, anywhere, and anytime; independence of time and space limitations; and worldwide support for communication and cooperation.

Multimedia can be identified as an environment in which text, pictures, sound, animation, video or a combination of these media are used for students to access information (Adegoke, 2010).


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Ahmed, I. T., and Abimbola, S. N. (2011). Enriching Science Education. The Place of Multimedia Model in the Classroom. Science Teachers’ Association of Nigeria (STAN) 41st Annual Conference Proceedings.51- 53.

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Ausubel,  J. C. (2008), Essentials of Educational Technology. Teaching Learning. New Delhi: Vikash Publishing House Ltd.

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