Effects of Exposure to Mathematics-English Concepts on Mathematics Performance in Senior Secondary II Students

Effects of Exposure to Mathematics-English Concepts on Mathematics Performance in Senior Secondary II Students.


This Study investigated Effects of Exposure of Mathematics-English-Concepts on the performance among SSII Students in Zaria Metropolis in Kaduna State”. The background of the Study was discussed, Statement of the Problem, the Objectives of the Study was also discussed, three research Questions were raised, the questions are:

what is the difference between the mean scores of students who have been exposed to Mathematics-English-concepts and those who have not been exposed to. 2.Could Gender differences affect performance in Mathematics- English-concepts of students who have been exposed to. 3.

What is the effect of school type on the Mathematical performance of students who have been exposed to Mathematics-English-concepts and those who have not been exposed to. The hypothesis postulated to be testing at 0.05 are:1.

There is no significant difference between the mean scores of students who have been exposed to Mathematics- English-concepts and those who have not been exposed to. 2. There is no significant difference between the mean scores of male and female students who have been exposed to. 3.

There is no significant difference between the mean scores of students from Public and Private schools who have been exposed to. The theoretical framework of the study was discussed and related Literature were reviewed. The population of the Study is 5604 and the sample selected is 280 students.

Two instruments were developed and the reliability calculated to 0.85. t-test statistics were employed in analyzing the three hypotheses formulated at 0.05 level of significance, one of the major findings was that those students that were exposed to Mathematics-English-concepts performed better than those who were not exposed to.

Among the recommendation made by the researcher is that all Mathematics students should be made to take few courses in English Language.


1.1 Background of the Study

Mathematics has been defined in so many ways. Richard (2006) defined Mathematics as a subject that is concerned with numbers, space, and time. Mathematics has provided and continued to provide, the computational processes, structures for new scientific principles, new machines, calculators, computers, game strategies.

Willoughby (2000) highlighted that the role mathematics plays today is significant in our daily life. It was obvious that man‟s  day to day activities such as buying and selling,  social interaction, economic interdependence, political integrity, communication even domestic work like cooking, eating and many more require some mathematical precision.

Harbor-Peter (2000) described mathematics as a culture that afforded man the opportunity to know and accessed things and objects within his immediate and remote surroundings. She went further to say that mathematics enabled man to be disciplined and order the pattern of his life.

This was true because the assessment of one required planning, setting an objective, making decisions and taking better steps for a living.

It has become clear that the command of the language brought much profit, and  that  the results of learning the language far more than justified the investment in time and energy and this has brought about the followings:

It enhanced easy access to communication   in   newspapers, periodicals and books, and  the subsequent acquisition of knowledge and

It was recognized that the mastery of the English languages was indispensable for academic mobility, passing  various  examinations  and  earning  commendations  for  „good  mark‟  in respect of manuscripts, essays and

For all higher examinations were conducted in the English language either  in  the European countries or on the continent of Africa

The acquisition of the English language was also considered a weapon for social, political and economic emancipation.


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