The Guidelines for the (date of election) SUG Election are as follows:


a.   All students wishing to vote or to be voted for in this election must be registered for the 2011/2012 and (date of election) academic sessions.

b.   To be eligible to contest, a candidate must have spent at least one academic session as a full time and matriculated student.

c.   Final year students are not eligible to contest.

d.   Students on probation are not eligible to vote or to be voted for.

e.   Students found to belong to any secret cult of any kind are not eligible to contest for any post.

f.    All contestants and voters must ensure that all fees, including the fees for the current session are cleared before he or she is allowed to vote or to be voted for respectfully.

g.   School fees clearance/receipt must be sighted before allowed to vote or contest in the current election.

h.   All contestants must attain a CPGA of 3.0 and above on a scale of 5 to be qualified to contest.

i.    A Voters’ list comprising the names of all registered students of the University for the current session shall be available for the voting.

 j.   All contestants are required to obtain and fill a form of undertaking accepting to abide by all regulations guiding the elections, as a major requirement.

k.   All student s wishing to vote or to be voted for must show evidence of undertaking by parents in respect of (year) students’ riot.


a.   Only independent candidate is allowed.

b.   A minimum of twenty five qualified (25) voters shall nominate a candidate for the post of president of the SUG

c.   A minimum of twelve (12) qualified voters shall nominate a candidate for election to any other post in the Executive Council.

d.   A minimum of three (3) qualified voters shall nominate a candidate for election into the parliament and judicial council.

e.   No person shall nominate more than one office.

f.    Nobody shall be nominated for more than one office.


a.   Campaigns shall be limited to rallies, publications, press conferences and debates within the campuses and the manifesto to say.

b.   Motorcade campaigns are not allowed.

c.   Colored posters are also  not allowed.

d.   Gifts of any kind should be limited to biros, exercise books and stickers

e.   Sound system campaigns are not permitted.

f.    Street campaigns are also prohibited.

g.   Thug(s) of any kind is also prohibited.


a.   Voting is by secret ballot and will commence as specified in the schedule in the four campuses simultaneously i.e. at 8a.m and end at 2p.m.

b.   Voting is in the Faculty blocks in the four campuses.

c.   All voters must satisfy eligibility requirement as specified above before he/she will be allowed to vote.

d.   Multiple voting by any individual constitutes a serious electoral offence.

e.   No voter is allowed to stay at the polling centre after voting.

f.    Only the designated agents are allowed to stay and observe all the election processes.


a.   The parliament shall consist of 22 members to be elected from the Faculties as follows: FARM -2, Flaw -2 FBS-2, FBM-2, FCM-2, FARTS-2, FPS-2, FEDU-2, FSS-2, FMS-2, FHST-2. (other departments are allowed according to the university)

b.   The judicial Council shall consist of 11members to be elected from the Faculties on equal representation i.e. one person per faculty.

c.   The SUG Executive Committee shall consist of:

1.      The President

2.      The Vice President

3.      The  Secretary General

4.      Assistant Secretary General

5.      Financial Secretary

6.       Treasurer

7.      Director of Socials

8.      Director of Welfare

9.      Public relations officer

10. Director of Health

11. Director of Sports.


Following the approval of the Vice Chancellor, the election into the executive and other positions in the Faculty and the departmental students associations has been scheduled to take place on the (date). The election will take place in all faculties and departments simultaneously.

The departments will dorm the voting centers for the faculty and departmental elections while the faculties will constitute the collation centre for the faculty elections. Thus the dean and the HOD are the chief election officers at the faculties and the departments respectively.

Every Dean of faculty is therefore advised to constitute faculty Electoral Committee to handle the Faculty election as matter of urgency. The HODs are also advised to constitute departmental electoral committees. The electoral committees should comprise staff members and students representative, with a staff member as chairman. The Association of Deans student Affairs in all annexes are by this requested to nominate representatives in the various electoral committees in the Faculties and Departments in their annexes immediately and are  required to guide and assist the Deans of Faculties and HODs in all election processes.

It is also necessary to note that only registered students of the University for the (date of election) Session (i.e. those who have paid their fees for the current session) are eligible to participate in the election. In addition, a contestant must satisfy the CGPA requirements before he is qualified to contest. All other eligibility conditions as required by the University apply.

The Dean and HODs are free to request for further clarification on any issue concerning the election if necessary.

This guideline is an example from Ebonyi State University and it should be copied to the below address through an internal memo.

Dean S/A

CC: The V.C

The Registrar< /span>


The Deans of faculties

The HODs of Academic Departments

The Associate Deans Student’s Affairs

The Presidents of Faculty Students Association

NOTE: This is just a written example to guide any intended writer, we do not assure you that all the contents guides every school in Nigeria. Please Read our Privacy Policy.

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