Encouragement Messages: What to Write in an Encouragement Card

Even the person you know who is the happiest occasionally experiences days when they are frustrated, overburdened, or depressed. Being an adult is challenging, and there are times when we simply can’t help but feel as though we are drowning in obligations, stress, and concern.

Positive Proclamations

Impending chemotherapy, a nerve-racking test, a significant presentation… Sometimes all your recipient needs is a little fervent support.


• “You can do this,”

• “Wish you luck today! You’ll succeed, I have no doubt.

• Sending you lots of positive energy.

• Although I am aware that it won’t be simple, I am confident that you have what it takes to succeed.

• I hope you’re doing great.

• It’s time to get cancer’s ass!

• “Keep going, going!”

• I’m sending you positive vibes and hoping you have as much faith in yourself as I do.

Pro tip: For more upbeat ideas, check out this article on writing good luck messages

Simple Words of Support and Well-Wishing

It’s possible that the card itself is quite expressive. Or you don’t want to ramble on too much lest you write something incorrect. In any event, simply letting the recipient know they’re in your thoughts is appropriate and encouraging.


• “I never stop thinking about you.”

• “Do you realize how often I think of you? Always.”

• “You’re in my heart and mind,” I said.

• “I’ll be thinking of you often.”

• Prayerfully lifting you up and wishing you a brighter day today.

• “I can’t wait to see you again soon,”

• I simply wanted to let you know that you are in my thoughts and prayers.

• “I’m considering you. And you can reach me by text or phone right away.

• “I hope you don’t feel alone during this difficult time. My sincere prayers and thoughts are with you at all times.

Advice: After you’ve already sent your recipient one or more cards, short “thinking of you” notes are excellent for providing them with more motivation.

Physical Healing

It can take a long time, be unpleasant, and be difficult to recover after an illness, injury, or surgery. Your recipient might believe that they are no longer a part of life. They could require a reminder that you are thinking about them. and that putting your health first comes before anything else.


• “Take care of yourself. Likewise, let others to treat you well.

• You are not this; this is just what you’re going through.

• I sincerely hope that you are surrounded by positive influences.

• “You are incredible for tackling this with such hope and courage.”

• “At this time, improving yourself is the most crucial thing to do… Everything else is postponable.

• Wishing you quick recovery around the corner.

• “You’re acting precisely how you ought to. Please persevere.

• “You are being so patient and strong. Never lose hope. Soon, things are going to turn around.

• “I’m aware that your physical well-being has improved, but how about your mental state? I’ll contact you to find out if you want to discuss, yell, or anything.

Advice: Do you need to cheer someone up who won’t get better? This Get Well article provides thoughtful message suggestions for a person dealing with a chronic or terminal disease.

Recovery from Addiction

It can be tempting to provide counsel when a loved one is battling addiction. But if you haven’t been there yourself, hold back. Keep your written communications’ main points on compassion, encouragement, and belief.


• “I hope you sense your inner power growing each day.”

• “This is difficult, but you are more resilient.”

• “I’m proud of you for taking this path and for standing up for yourself,” she said.

• It’s a really huge deal that you’re changing a lot.

• I understand that what you are going through is difficult, but please know that I am rooting for you always.

• “You have the strength to persevere even when you don’t feel it.”

• “I have no idea how you must be feeling. But if you need to chat, I can listen.

• “Be patient and take things day by day. Give me a call on the tougher days.

• “I will always love you.”

• “You are acting quite bravely. I’m happy for you.

• “To go on and maintain this path requires tremendous guts. Well done.”

• “Remain courageous and keep in mind how many people love you. (I belong to them!)

Advice: Addiction rehabilitation is a journey, much like many other circumstances that require encouragement. It takes time, as well as frequent failures and fresh attempts. Therefore, think of sending several cards over time—both unexpectedly and for sobriety milestones or other significant events.

Job Loss or Job Seeking

A person’s money, relationships, and feeling of self-worth can take a serious hit if they lose their job or have trouble finding one. There is clearly a need for encouragement right now.


• “It just doesn’t seem right that you should be fired after being so devoted and diligent as you are. But I have faith that you will recover when you are ready because of those same traits.

• “I am unsure of your whole range of emotions as you close this chapter in your career. However, I want you to know that I’m available to talk to or assist you in any way I can.

• “I was quite sorry to learn about your employment. As you adjust and decide on your future course of action, you’ll be in my thoughts, I’m sure of it.

• Thinking of you and believing that this is merely a stopgap on the way to greater things.

• “I have no doubt that you’ll succeed in whatever course you take next,” she said.

• “Remain patient. I’m confident that the ideal job is out there, waiting for you.

• “I just know you’ll make a wonderful contribution wherever you go with your knowledge and talent.”

Advice: If you want to motivate someone between jobs, focus on being positive. Turn your message toward hope for their future after acknowledging the loss or difficulties.

Divorce or Dissolution

Although the end of a relationship might be a relief, it also often results in a major decline in happiness for a considerable period of time. Promote early and frequently.


• “I’m delighted you’re doing what’s right for you, but I’m sorry you have to go through the anguish of divorce.”

• “I understand that your family had a difficult time making this choice. I just want you to know that I am behind you.

• I adored you and Sara as a couple, and I promise to still adore you both as friends.

• Sometimes a difficult conclusion is necessary to create a promising new beginning. I hope you have all the power you require right now.

• “Can we argue that you deserve so much better at this point? (You DEFINITELY do.)

• “Your life’s next chapter is going to be so fantastic,”

• I’m very sorry you have to deal with this.

• “Healing hearts take time. Treat yourself with kindness.

• “This is completely awful, but you are completely not awful.”

• “You are loved entirely and without conditions.”

Advice: Shakespeare’s famous line, “To trash the ex, or not to? That is the inquiry. Our advice is no. Maintaining a positive tone and centering your message on your receiver is safer and more motivating. Keep all references to the ex indirect, such as “You’re better off” rather than “He’s a garbage guy,” if you must.

Obstacles to Mental Health

Simply affirming that the troubles are real and that you care can be empowering because mental health issues aren’t often obvious to outsiders.


• It’s acceptable to not feel okay.

• “Your suffering is real. If you need someone to listen, I’m here.

• “There’s no guidance or sage words here. only me Considering you. Wishing you well. I hope your future holds better days.

• I sincerely wish that you didn’t have to know how depression feels since I have no idea.

• “I’m really sorry that you’ve had a setback. I’m at your disposal, and all I can say is that I care about you.

• “We have pals for both our happy and saddest days. I hope you are aware that I am still your friend.

• “I’m your girl if you ever need to chat or simply cry.”

• I’m not sure what would be most beneficial at the moment, but I figured a card featuring an adorable kitty couldn’t harm, right? Considering you.

• Just letting you know that we miss you at work. I’m anticipating the day when you’re feeling considerably better.”

Advice: Even if your receiver isn’t amenable to visitors, sending a message or card is a discreet method to express your support. So, if in doubt, reach for your pen. Don’t let the stigma associated with mental illness keep you from speaking out.

Sunshine and Laughter

Your remarks don’t always need to be serious just because someone is facing significant difficulties. The best motivation is occasionally to smile or laugh with someone.


• I simply wanted to wish you a good day.

• “This is me. I also have wine.

• “Let me know if this didn’t make you smile, and I’ll send you my senior yearbook photo instead,” she said.

• “I’m thinking about you and bacon a lot lately. Hey, you know, it’s not just about you.

• “You can overcome this. Give it to me. I’m really smart and whatnot.

• “Don’t even think about doing a dish at this point. Simply take out a spoon and begin scooping ice cream right out of the carton.

• “Sorry, the situation is bad. I’m available if you need someone to binge watch a whole season of something with you.

• “This will also pass. Hopefully not something like a kidney stone.

• “I have faith in you! plus unicorns. but primarily you!”

Advice: Are you reasonably certain that you know your recipient well enough to know what they will find cute or funny? If in doubt, stick to serious and sincere messages.

Helping Out

It’s usually best when we can anticipate someone’s needs and make explicit offers to visit, provide food, perform chores, etc. for them while they’re struggling. But more general offers are also encouraging, provided we’re ready to act if necessary.


• All of this may be too much to handle. If you need anything, I’m here to assist.

• “What’s particularly difficult at the moment? We’d like to figure out how we can assist with that.

• “I’m always just a text or phone call away. Don’t be hesitant to get in touch. (I intend to check on you as well.)

• “I’m a great takeout guy. Simply mention the day.

• “I’m a somebody if you need someone to run errands, do housework, cook, etc.”

• I’m there if you want companionship.

• Getting Brendan to and from practices and school shouldn’t be a concern. We’ve got you covered for however long you need, Emily and I.

• “I’ll aim to get dinners by your front door by 5:00 on Tuesday nights. Text me in advance if you’re up for a visitor if it works for you.

• No matter what, I’m here to talk, run errands, clean up, or do whatever else that will help.

• “I’m sorry things are so difficult at the moment. I would be happy to look after the yard for you till things become a little less difficult.

Advice: Sometimes sharing what you are good at, whether it be listening, cooking, planning, driving, or picking the perfect amusing movie to watch, is the finest way to support and encourage others.

To a Youngster

Children require a lot of love and support from the significant adults in their lives to get over difficulties or setbacks.


• “I understand that school is quite challenging right now, but I applaud your perseverance. Keep going!

• “Even though you didn’t win the game, you never quit up. In my book, that makes you a winner.

• I’m really sorry that you missed the big party. My sentiments would also be harmed by that. I know it doesn’t help much right now, but I think you’re amazing, kind, brilliant, hilarious, and wonderful—and I know you’ll find real friends who agree with me on all of that.

• “What you’re experiencing stinks. Until things improve, I’ll be holding my nose with you. (And they’ll do it!)

• Mom and I have faith in you. Fluffy hasn’t spoken, but we’re rather certain she agrees as well.

• Just wanted to say that, no matter what, we love you and are proud of you.

• It’s acceptable to experience hurt, rage, fear, or any other negative emotions. You won’t always feel the way you do today, though it may seem impossible. And for the time being, I want to contribute however I can.

Advice: As you write, make an effort to truly put yourself in the child’s position. This will enable you to understand how significant the task feels to them and to offer them the most supportive encouragement possible.

This piece of advice is the greatest you can come up with; it will help a friend tremendously. Share it with your loved ones or pals.

StudentsandScholarship Team.

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