End of the Month Prayer Points for September 2022

You can’t claim you love yourself when you lack certain things, as a child of God. Who else should enjoy God’s unending provision if not you? What are those things you want from God, but confused as to how to put them before Him? Worry no more, and check these catchy prayer points. God will waste no time at all. Enjoy!

Note: whenever you see a content that has a month not close to the one, you’re in or the next (as seen in prayer 1), you can change the month to the ones you desire.

End the month with the best opportunity to make the coming month better. End the month with praise and thanksgiving and command the new month into your favour. These end of the month prayer points for thanksgiving, praises, blessings and breakthrough are all you need.

1. Who am I that You’re mindful of me, Lord? I have never been so happy like I am, this month. I’m speaking into October, using September as a point of contact. I pray that you answer all my secret prayers in Jesus name. I know July will be a very good one.

2. Thank you, Jesus, for every single thing you did, to save me from accidents, last month. I pray you to watch over me, even more, this month. Amen.

3. Thank you, Lord, for not allowing me to be a vessel in the hands of the devil. I’m grateful for how far I have come under Your grace. Lord, I want to enjoy more grace in October. Amen.

4. I have always known God’s not dead. God, I thank You for proving to me that You love forever. Thank you for keeping me, family and friends in Your presence. We pray for more in the next month, in Jesus name.

5. Father Lord, I thank You for putting my enemies to shame, over my life. Lord, I ask for an increase in power and strength in the coming months. I know it is done.

6. Lord, I thank You for You are God. Thank you for everything You’ve made available to me. Lord, I want you to hold my right hand and show me the way in life. Amen.

7. Oh Lord, that makes the judges of the earth useless, I pray that You reduce my enemies to nothing. They shall have no say in my life. Amen.

8. Give ears to my prayers, and attend to my cry, Oh Lord! Vindicate me and save me from the hands of the enemies. This month and beyond, let my life be a reflection of Yours. Amen.

9. Lord, clean me from secret faults. I do not want my secret to stand against me on the judgement day. Make ways for me in the coming months, and let me testify to Your goodness. Amen.

10. Everlasting Father, because I trust in You, I pray that You rescue and deliver me from the chaos of life, in the next month. Amen.

11. Because I trust in You, Lord, and do good, I pray that You grant me the desires of my heart, in October. Amen.

12. Lord, I commit my ways and everything that has to do with me, unto You. I pray that You make me the head and never the tail, in the month of October. Amen.

13. Father Lord, turn to me and have mercy on me. I need Your strength like never before. Make divine strength available to me, as I have come to the end of September. Amen.

14. This month and beyond, no evil shall befall me. No plague shall come near my dwelling. I shall be victorious in my dealings. Amen.

15. Lord, I want to pay attention to Your wisdom. I want to give my ear to Your understanding. I want to be the head and never the tail. I pray in Jesus name, Amen.

16. This month of October and beyond, I shall not bury any of my family. None of them shall bury me. We shall live to see many more months in Jesus name. Amen.

17. Lord, hear my plea. Answer my prayers. Send me help from above, so I will no longer be a reproach, in Jesus name. Amen.

18. As I call upon Your name on the last day of September, save me from the gathering of the evil, and make me see well in Your light. Amen.

19. Thank you, Lord, for everything You do for my family and I. I can’t be more grateful for all. I want more of You in the next month. Amen.

20. As God lives and His Spirit lives, I shall never lack anything good. God will supply all my needs according to His riches in glory. Amen. October is a good month already.

21. Every second, every minute, every day of the next month, I’ll enjoy Your presence, more than I did in this month, in Jesus name. Amen.

22. As we come to the end of September today, all that I’ll continue to enjoy from God will be new. Everything concerning my life shall be renewed in Jesus name. Amen. October will favour me!

23. In the coming month and beyond, everlasting Joy shall be my testimony. I shall not be a victim of evil things. Amen.

24. As long as I live, I will never stop worshipping God. He has shown me undiluted love, and I pray for my heart to be able to contain the things He has not yet attended to in my life. Amen…

25. Ever faithful Father, thank You for the new grace I enjoy each day. Thank You for how far You’ve brought me. I pray You bring me farther than human understanding in the next month, in Jesus name. Amen.

26. Lord, I want to come into the light of Your understanding. I want to be able to and discern whatever is best for my life. October shall be my best month so far. Amen.

27. I come before You today, Lord. I pray that whenever the time comes for me to make it, it shall not be hard for me. This new month is a blessed one already. Amen.

28. As September is ending, and we approach October, I pray that enjoy Your grace and favour anew in my life, in Jesus name. Amen.

29. There’s nothing too hard for You to do, Lord. That’s why I’m speaking into the new month of October. No evil shall befall me and my loved ones. Your grace shall be sufficient for me. Amen.

30. September is the month of perfection. As I approach October, everything about my life shall be perfected in Jesus name. Amen.

31. God, I pray that in your infinite mercy, you answer my long-awaited prayers, in Jesus name. I want to be called a child of God. I want to experience your grace anew in the new month. Amen.

32. As the month of October starts tomorrow, I’m speaking life into it. I shall live to testify to the glory of God, in Jesus name. Amen.

33. I pray, Lord, that I shall be victorious in whatever competition I find myself, in the next month. Thank You, Lord, for everything I enjoyed in this last month. Let my joy be permanent in Jesus name. Amen.

34. You’re so good, Lord. I have no other God, but You. Lord, I ask that as the month of September ends today, my life shall not end with it. October shall be a greater month, in Jesus name. Amen.

35. Miracle that eyes have not seen, shall be my portion in Jesus name. God will provide help from above for me, in Jesus name. More than that of September, I shall experience divine encounter with God, in October. Amen.

36. If there’s any force/power, pushing me to do what God hasn’t designed for my life, I render them powerless, in Jesus name. They shall not enter the month of September, with me, in Jesus name. Amen.

37. All those who ridiculed and made mockery of me in the last month, shall celebrate and rejoice with me, in this month of October. Amen.

38. As I leave the month of September and enter into the month of October, things of joy shall never cease in my household. Songs of victory shall never leave my mouth. I shall be blessed beyond measures. Amen.

39. Victory is of God, and so I shall be victorious in all my endeavours. As September ends today, so shall sadness, bitterness, suffering, end in my life. Amen.

40. May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, follow me as I leave the month of September, into the month of October, in Jesus name. Amen.

41. As I move forward from the month of September, showers of blessing shall not cease in my life. The promises of God shall be made manifest, in Jesus name. Amen.

42. As we’ve come to the end of September, so shall God put an end to suffering and affliction in my life. I shall enter the month of October, knowing that God got me, in Jesus name. Amen.

43. October my ways be pleasing to God, as the month of September ends. I shall wine and dine with Kings and Queens in the month of October. Mercy shall speak for me. Amen.

44. As for me and my household, we shall enjoy the grace of God in all aspects, in Jesus name. October shall bring good tidings with it, in Jesus name. Amen.

45. As of month September ends, the suffering and pain in my life shall end with it. October shall bring favour, mercy, happiness, and heavenly blessings with it, in Jesus name. Amen.

46. God, the Healer! Heal every wound of my heart. Make me whole again. Make my feet firm in You, Oh Lord… That I may praise you in October, more than I did in September. Amen.

47. Lord, I kneel before you, as the month of September ends today. I cry for help from above. I pray that the afflictions that rose against me in September, shall not follow me into October. I shall be victorious on all sides. Amen.

48. As September ends on a good note, I pray October will be far better. May God go all out for me and help me possess my possessions. Amen.

49. Who am I without God? Absolutely nothing! Lord, I thank You for filling me with the knowledge of Your will. More and more shall You do in the next month, in Jesus name. Amen.

50. Life without challenges isn’t what You promised, Lord. But You promised that I shall overcome all the challenges, no matter how big. I pray that as I forge ahead to the next month, you’ll make things easy for me. Amen.

51. Thank you, Lord, for counting me worthy to be among the living, this moment. Thank You for the month of September, Father I pray You to do wonders in the month of October. Amen.

52. God, I know you’re up there, looking at me and listening to me. By Your grace, I want to enjoy more under Your loving kindness. More than never before, I want to be called blessed. Amen.

53. As I enter into the month of October, may affliction never enter with me. I use all other months I have enjoyed as a point of contact, I’ll enjoy God’s grace anew in this new month. Amen.

54. No matter what happens, as I leave the month of September for October, I will not fall victim of any form of accident. I shall have TESTIMONIES.

55. Lord, I thank you for the month of September. Thank You for how well You dealt with me with love. I pray I enjoy more of Your love in October Amen.

56. September was a month of breakthrough. I thank You, Lord, for that. Lord, I want August

57. September did not go as I planned, Oh Lord. I know Your plans for me are that of good, and not evil. In October, I want people to call me by a NEW NAME. Amen.

58. Lord, because I believe strongly in You, I shall harvest more in the month of October than September. My harvest shall be double! Amen.

59. As I park out of September and go forth into October, may the grace, mercy and favour of God locate and follow me in Jesus Mighty name. Amen. Thank You for everything you did in September, Lord.

60. Everlasting Father, I thank you for the month of September. May Your name be praised forever. As I go forth, I declare that I am unstoppable in the journey of success in Jesus name. Amen.

61. Today marks the end of September. I thank You for that, Lord. As I go into October, may I receive a soothing balm over every hurtful feelings and experience. May my life be filled with testimonies in Jesus Name. Amen.

62. Father, I thank you for the month of September. I am grateful for everything You did. As I am going into October, I decree that wherever I have been honoured before, I will not be disgraced in Jesus name. Amen.

63. As I press forward into the new month, I ask for Your guidance and protection, in Jesus name. I pray You pilot me in the right direction. You will keep me, bless me and cause Your face to shine upon me, in Jesus name. Amen.

64. Lord, thank you for Your uncommon favour I encountered in August. As I enter into October, may the comfort of the Holy Ghost be made available unto me always. May the new month speak the beauty of the Lord upon my life. Amen.

65. This new month as I go forth, Heaven will give me divine encounter in Jesus name. I rise above all the bad occurrences I encountered in the last month. Amen.

66. As I leave the month of September for October, may I not miss the purpose of Almighty God for my life in Jesus name. The glory of the latter shall be more than the former. Amen.

67. Lord, I know you’re the God of all possibilities. I pray that You speak possibilities into my life, as I leave the month of September behind. October is blessed. Amen.

68. Everywhere I turn to in this new month, may grace speak on my behalf, in Jesus Name. Amen.

69. October my ladder of success, favour and progress never crumble, as I enter into the new month, in Jesus name, Amen.

70. Abba Father, I come before You to thank You for how far You’ve made me come. The grace I enjoyed in the month of September was overwhelming. This new month, may I receive more than a downpour of rain of blessings, in Jesus name. Amen.

71. You have done so much for me, Lord. September was fabulous! As I go forth into the month of October, may there be pleasant surprises, loads of joy and infinite happiness for me and mine, in Jesus name. Amen.

72. As I proceed with going into the new month of October, may it bring to me the perfection of my dreams and aspirations, in Jesus Name. Amen. Thank you, Lord, for September.

73. This last day of the month as I go forth, the gate that leads to happiness will not be closed against me. I shall have access to Heaven’s abundant blessings and share great testimonies with joy, in Jesus name. Amen.

74. As I go forth into October, may the hands of God move in my life, turning my sorrow into joy and turning my situations around, in Jesus name. Amen.

75. As the month of September ends, so shall the light of God shine upon all my darkness, in Jesus name, Amen. I wish myself a blessed and exciting new month. Amen.

76. Darling Jesus, You’re great! Thank You for the times I stayed happy in the month of September. As I go into this new month, I pray that You will manifest Your glorious power in my situation and make me a point of reference to good things. Amen.

77. The enemies tried to bring me down, this last month. But this new month, whether they like it or not, God will take me to the shore of success, in Jesus name. Amen.

78. This new day and month, men and kings shall not sleep, until I am honoured! Amen.

79. As I forge ahead to the next month and say bye-bye to the last month, I decree and declare that all my activities will produce greater results in Jesus name, Amen.

80. My movement this month and beyond will be full of gladness, in Jesus name. Amen.

81. As I am getting done with the month of September, Lord fills the emptiness in my life and make me glad in Jesus name. Amen.

82. Lord, make a way for me and make every cloud of uncertainty and confusion vanish, in Jesus name. I’m blessed beyond measures. Amen.

83. As I move forward from the month of September, in October, the oil of GRACE shall never cease in my life, in Jesus name. I shall be called victorious! Amen.

84. As I go into the month of October, may every raging storm in the month of September never follow me in. Amen.

85. As Solomon found favour in the eyes of God and men, so shall all men arise to favour me this month, in Jesus name. Amen.

86. Grace speaks, elevates, distinguishes, repositions, makes great. Grace never suffers disgrace. It paves way and gives strength. As I enter into the new month, may the grace of God be my companion, in Jesus name. Amen.

87. As long as the covenant of day and night cannot be reversed, all favour, promises, goodness and mercy of God concerning me will not be reversed, in Jesus name. Amen. I wish myself a fantastic month ahead.

88. As I go out of the month of September, no devourer Shall destroy the fruit of my labour, in Jesus name. Amen.

89. This new month as I go forth, may the beauty of God’s love touch my heart and may all that I wish come to pass, in Jesus name. Amen. Thank you, Lord, for the month of September.

90. May God strengthen, help and uphold me, as I move onto the next month, in Jesus name. Amen.

91. This new day and month as I go forth, May God remember me for good and add colours to my life, in Jesus name. Amen. Thank you, Jesus, for the month of September.

92. I’m absolutely nothing without You, Lord. I live for Your love. Thank You for the last day of the month of September. As I go into September, I ask that You are gracious unto me and the fountain of joy breaks forth in my life, in Jesus name. Amen.

93. This new month as I go forth, it shall usher me into joy, peace grace and blessings, in Jesus Name. Amen.

94. As the clock announces a new day and month, may it announce a new beginning, new grace and new favour in my life and family, in Jesus name. Amen.

95. Great God, you are… Thank you, Lord, for a September well spent. As I go into October, the Lord’s hand will sustain and strengthen me in Jesus’ name, Amen.

96. As I pack into my new house, September, I decree, there shall be no loss of whatever, in Jesus name. My joy shall be full in Jesus name. Amen.

97. May the Lord hear me while I pray. May He take all my guilt away and make me from this month be wholly His, in Jesus name. Amen.

98. This new month as I go forth, fulfilment of promises and laughter shall fill my mouth, in Jesus name. I shall not suffer loss, like that of September, in Jesus name. Amen.

99. As I enter into the new month of October, may the Lord be my shield and buckler. May His grace be sufficient for my existence, in Jesus name. Amen.

100. As I step out of the month of September, where others go and fail, I will go and succeed. I will fly like an eagle and do great exploits in Jesus name. Amen.

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