English Universities in Germany with Free Tuition 2023/2024 Update

– English Universities in Germany Free Tuition –

English Universities in Germany Free Tuition 2022 – Yes there are free tuition universities in Germany, it sounds impossible right?. Before you dive into it, take note of this table of content.

Table of Contents

Why study in Germany as an international student?

Thanks to the free courses offered by these German universities for international students!

They charge tuition fees in many countries, such as In the US, Canada, and Australia, between $ 10,000 and $ 50,000 per year for international students.

Though there is the opportunity to study freely in the United States via financial aid and need-based scholarships. These German universities do not charge tuition fees, as this is a government policy.

This means that presently, domestic and international students in German public universities can study for free. Hence, you can study in Germany for free regardless of whether you are from Africa, a developing or developed country, as an international undergraduate or master’s student.

The students only pay a small fee to cover administrative and other fees per semester.

Germany Education System for International Students

German universities are internationally accredited–according to the World University Ranking, 6 of the world’s top 100 universities and 18 of the top 200 universities in the world are German.

If you study here, you will study at some of the oldest and most established universities in the world, and the newest and most innovative. In Germany there to kinds of universities PRIVATE and PUBLIC universities.

Public and Private Universities in Germany

In Germany, there are 400 public universities, where 95% of students study. The state funds these institutions, i.e. students do not pay tuition fees (except for a small administration fee at the beginning of each semester).

Some 120 private Universities receive no state funding and are not regulated by the state, i.e. they set their tuition fees.

Well, It doesn’t mean that you still can’t study in these private universities, with international scholarships like DAAD, Erasmus Mundus scholarships, etc

What is the Bologna System?

This system is designed to be the same throughout Europe, facilitating international educational mobility and enhancing flexibility in educational objectives.

The Bologna Process has 48 participating countries Higher education in Germany has recently been transformed into a three-tier system of the European Higher Education Area, established under the Bologna system.

Instead of the old one-tier ‘long’ programs, Germany now offers Bachelor’s programs and postgraduate programs.

Thus allowing undergraduate study in which students obtain a bachelor’s degree and master’s or Ph.D. degree for postgraduate students.

Undergraduate Education in Germany

The German higher education system differentiates between different types of universities for different disciplines

1. Technische Universität (Technical Schools) teach science, technology, and engineering

2. Fachhochschulen (Universities of Applied Science) specialize in business, engineering, and social science

3. Kunst- and Musikhochschulen are universities of fine and performing arts, music, media, and communication

Postgraduate Education in Germany

The Master’s degrees are taught (compared to Ph.D. which is a research-oriented degree) and usually takes two years (four semesters).

They are “consecutive” or “non-consecutive”. Successive or consecutive Masters’ programs are based on a Bachelor’s degree–they are from a related Bachelor’s degree and rarely charge tuition.

Non-consecutive master’s degree programs focus on a more specialized area of study. These courses may be subject to a fee and are more likely to require professional or practical experience besides a bachelor’s degree.

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Hence, if you are a master’s student wishing to pursue a different degree or field of discipline, please do well get enough experience or certification that you have been on the field for quite some time.

Now, you understand the education system that is run in Germany perhaps is time to break it down 8 steps you must take if you truly wish to study in Germany

Steps to Apply to Germany Universities

I must tell you this is no joke if you have read to this point; it means you are serious to get all the answers to your study abroad in German questions.

Follow these 8 steps one by one to keep track of where you are right now and what you need to do to make your dream of studying in Germany a reality.

1. Finding the best Study Program for you.

2. Meet All Requirements.

3. Learn The German Language(OPTIONAL but important)

4. Find Financial Resources.

5. Apply For Admission.

6. Get Your German Student Visa.

7. Find Accommodation.

8. Enrolling At Your University.

Finding a Study Program

The search for a university and the choice of a study program that suits your interests is the first step in planning your studies in Germany.

This is unlikely to be a big problem, as there are many universities and countless degree programs–and their quality is undoubtedly world class.

No matter which direction you want to go in life, there will be a syllabus that suits your desires and plans.

However, finding a university and a degree program may take a long time if you do not think about studying in Germany before starting your application process.

Additional Information

The high number of courses available could be one reason you have not decided yet.

I recommend you think about the study program for at least 3 months before making a final decision. During this period, you can search for all German universities that offer courses for your professional field.

If you have found these German universities, you can concentrate on a smaller list of universities that you consider ideal.

You can either focus on a university or apply to several universities of your choice to increase your chances of getting admission.

Finding a university and a degree program is very important because it determines everything. In this article, I listed all the free tuition universities in Germany below and the private universities too.

Meeting All the Study Abroad Requirements

After you have decided on a university and a degree program, you must check all prerequisites. To do this, visit the University’s website and its section Admission Requirements.

If you do not understand some things, contact the university directly.

The entry requirements vary depending on the university and the type of course chosen. It is therefore recommended to read the requirements section several times.

Wrong timing and missing documents are the most common issues that occur. Both can lead to late admission or even rejection of applications.

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To avoid this, you must prepare these documents in a good time. For example, to complete a standardized language test for German, you must take a language course of at least three months.

When you learn German from scratch, it takes much longer.

The later legalization of your documents can have a similar processing time until we issue them to you.

For temporary delays resulting from the procedure, you must begin preparing your documents at least 4 months before applying for your place at the university.

Applying For Admission into a German University

After re-examining your application, it’s time to apply. Applications may be online, but some universities may only receive applications in person or by mail.

Contact your university to find out how to apply. Most German universities are part of the online application platform of the national universities, UniAssist.

Also, some universities operate their online admission platform on their website. Remember that German universities are a hub for foreign students and admissions committees for foreign applications are in high demand.

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Checking all applications takes time and you need to submit your application as soon as possible to use it.

You must submit your application as soon as the call for applications is open and then wait for the letter of admission.

Depending on the educational level you are aiming for in Germany, the application procedures vary slightly.

Entrance Requirement into a German University Taught In English:

Admission requirements are like those taught in German.

The main difference is that you have to show English proficiency in English-taught classes by sending a standardized test result, with TOEFL and IELTS, which are the most common.

The following documents will be requested in other to be admitted into German University taught in the English language:

1. A recognized qualification

2. Certified transcripts of your previous study notes

3. Fluency test in English

4. GRE or GMAT

5. Motivation or reference letters (optional).

Your qualifications must meet the standards of German higher education; otherwise, you may not attend a normal university course.

On this occasion, the University of your Choice may require you to complete a preparatory course to acquire the skills and knowledge you need to take part in the normal course you intended to study.

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Depending on your English proficiency, there are several types of recognized grades accepted at German universities, but most often TOEFL and IELTS test grades are preferred.

The minimum admissions score is 80 for TOEFL and 6.5 for IELTS but varies depending on the university and the type of course.

At the graduate level, English has a higher standard, so the minimum score is higher than that of the undergraduate courses.

We recommend you achieve the best possible result, as this plays an important role in your admission, especially in high-demand universities where competition is fierce and the admission committees must have several performance elements.

Getting Your German Student Visa:

If you are a student from a non-EU or EEA country, you need a German student visa.

Since public universities in Germany are operating tuition-free education as stated earlier, students do not need to bother about tuition fee payment.

They will need you to show the embassy that they have a sufficient amount of money to take care of their living expenses.

If you are putting together your documents, we recommend you contact the German embassy/consulate and make an appointment for a visa.

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Make sure you have enough money to study in Germany. One of the easiest and best ways to convince the authorities that you have enough money to cover your education and living expenses is to open a block account.

A minimum of €8000-10,000 on a block account is usually needed by the embassy.

We recommend you open an escrow account at Fintiba. Fintiba is a German company officially approved by the German Foreign Office.

Besides other documents, the German embassy/consulate in your home country also requires you to have health insurance before receiving a student visa.

Please contact the German embassy in your home country for more information on how to apply for the visa.

Finding Accommodation:

Now that you are officially registered as a student in Germany and have your student visa, you need to think about where you want to settle.

Housing in Germany for international students is not that expensive, but it is normal for you, as a foreign student, to find the most financially suitable housing.

We recommend you give priority to this topic as it can cost you a lot of time you would otherwise have used to learn. In this context, you can try to find accommodation online before landing in Germany.

If in the end, you do not find what suits you; you have at least a list of resources that you can turn to secure your accommodation the day you arrive in Germany.

As with the steps outlined above, you must find accommodation once you have received your student visa. Everything should be ok two weeks before landing in Germany.

Enrolling At Your University:

The final step in getting an official place of study at the University of your choice is to register for the course you have been admitted to. In this sense, the registration process leads you from a successful candidate to a registered student in Germany.

Public higher education in Germany is free, but you still have to pay a registration fee of between 150 and 250 euros. Also, you must pay for your semester ticket to use public transport for 6 months free of charge.

To register for your university course in Germany, you must present yourself in person at your university office and present the following documents:

1. Your valid passport

2. A passport photo

3. Your Visa or Residence Permit

4. Completed and signed Application Form

5. Degree qualifications (original documents or certified copies)

6. The Letter of Admission

7. Proof of health insurance in Germany (You can get your health insurance here.)

8. The payment fee receipt

After registering with the university administration, you will receive a registration card (ID card), which can then apply for a residence permit and visit your courses.

An important note: you must re-register each semester after the previous semester and pay the same registration fee.

We can find a more detailed guide to studying in Germany as an international student and all you need to know in the comprehensive guide to free study in Germany.

What it is like to study and live in Germany?

Germany is a destination that provides you with high rewards and world-renowned study degrees. Super quality is one of the benefits to expect when studying to get a degree in Germany, whether they are undergraduate or postgraduate degrees.

You may choose to learn in English or German, whichever, the tuition fee is still free or very low.

Below, you will find all the information you need to calculate your budget for a study program in Germany. Check details about tuition fees, living costs, and scholarship opportunities in Germany.

Tuition Fees in Germany:

Universities that are owned by the government of Germany are usually free of tuition fees except on the grounds where the student wants to pursue a postgraduate degree that differs from the subject in the undergraduate program.

The free-tuition scheme is available for all international students, regardless of their country of origin.

Most of the higher institutions in Germany are public schools, so an administrative fee of about 200EUR–500EUR/year is required from the student. This is for your enrolment and student services.

However, universities in Germany that are privately owned require a low tuition fee of between 3000 and 20,000 EUR/year, depending on the particular institution and subject of study.

For instance, degrees like business or medicine or engineering are more likely to be more costly than courses like social sciences.

Student Living Costs in Germany:

The cost of living in Germany is not high. Students may require about 630–1,000 EUR/month to cater for accommodation, which is the major expense they will make.

However, if you wish to stay in metropolitan cities like Berlin, Frankfurt or Dusseldorf, you may have to budget about 1400EUR/month for accommodation.

But for smaller towns and suburban regions, you may need about 1100EUR/month.

Accommodation costs in Germany:

In your expenses, accommodation is the major expense to make.

There are more affordable options for foreign students who are to live in the halls of residence or single or shared private rented rooms. Here is a brief cost of an average living cost for a student.

1. Living alone: 360 EUR/month

2. Living with partner/child: 400/month

3. On-campus: 150-240 EUR/month

Most times, securing accommodation in the student hall of residence can be a hard nut to crack, according to a European study.

Furthermore, if you rent an apartment in Germany, you will also have to pay for:

Utilities: around 200 EUR/month

Internet pass: around 27 EUR/month.

Food costs:

As a student in Germany, you will pay about 170 EUR/month on food. Some of the cheapest supermarkets you will find around the country are Aldi, Lidl, and Netto.

If you wish to have dinner in a restaurant once in a while you will pay 10 EUR for food in a cheap one. A three-course meal for two in an average restaurant costs 45 EUR and an additional light drink will be 3 EUR.

Transportation costs:

Transportation cost is the next expense to consider as it comprises about 10% of monthly expenses.

Moving around on public transport is about 60EUR/month, with regards to the city; renting a bicycle can be around 20EUR/daily; using Germany’s Deutsche Bahn train system is around 20-70EUR.

Visa Fee:

Another factor of crucial consideration is how to apply and get a student visa. The application for a visa strictly depends on the country of origin. If you are from EU/EE, you may just require an identity card.

However, if you are from a nation like Japan, the UK, or the US, you can apply for a student visa when you are already in Germany.

Every other person from other nations, especially from developing nations, will be required to apply in their country before they come to Germany.

The German student visa fee is about 60 EUR.

What Documents do You Need to Apply for a Visa?

If you are coming from non-EU/EE nations, it would be better for you to inquire about and apply for a student visa in the German embassy in your home country. You will be required to present the following documents;

i. Evidence of adequate funds

ii. Statement of accounts by parents

iii. A letter of sponsorship from a person residing in Germany.

1. Freie Universität Berlin (Free University of Berlin)

The Free University of Berlin is a premier research institution in Germany that was has existed since 1948. It ranks 130 in the QS World University Rankings 2021 and has 12 departments and 3 interdisciplinary central institutions.

The Free University of Berlin, Germany sponsors abroad trips and exchange programs in collaboration with universities in the USA, UK, Canada, and Asian countries.

Tuition-free programs are available for undergraduates and post-graduate in German primarily and then English.

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2. Georg-August-Universität Göttingen (University of Göttingen)

The University of Göttingen has been a public research university in Göttingen since 1737. It centers on research-based teaching and boasts of 40 Nobel Laureates. It ranks 197 in the QS World University Rankings 2021.

Also, the University of Göttingen is a free university in Germany that doesn’t charge its students any tuition fees. However, they will have to pay an enrollment and registration fee of €355.31.

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3. University of Hamburg

The University of Hamburg began in 1919 and is the largest university of education and research in the northern German region. It offers ample research opportunities and a broad array of programs.

Also, the University of Hamburg offers over 225-degree programs in 8 faculties–Law, Business Administration, Medicine, Education, Psychology and Human Movement Science and Business, Economics, and Social Sciences.

It ranks 227 in the QS World University Rankings 2021 and offers free university education in Germany to both International and domestic students. However, some areas of study are not free at the University of Hamburg.

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4. University of Stuttgart

The University of Stuttgart began in 1829 and it offers undergraduate and postgraduate programs in a broad range of subjects. It ranks 279 in QS World University Rankings 2021.

This university has gained a worldwide reputation for its excellent education in the fields of engineering and technology, and natural sciences.

Stuttgart charges no tuition fee, though there is a certain amount of mandatory fees both German and International students pay per semester.

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5. Technische Universität München

Technische Universität München (TUM), began in 1868 and has emerged as the best university in Germany several times.

It leads a good example and a high standard for other universities to follow in all study programs–Bachelor’s, Masters and Ph.D.

With over 209 inventions and winners of many acclaimed prizes–13 Nobel Laureates, 17 Leibniz prizes, and many similar awards, it is a very attractive university to attend to students all over the world.

TUM enjoys research collaborations with companies like BMW, Siemens, General Electric, Audi, etc., and agreements with over 1000 leading universities.

Meanwhile, TUM is another free university in Germany that charges its students only additional education fees like Union fees.

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6. Kit, Karlsruher Institut Für Technologie

Karlsruher Institut Für Technologie is a university that began operating in 2009 through the merger of two older institutions of great tradition in research and education–Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, 50 years old, and Universtät Karlsruhe, 181 years old.

It employs 9,491 staff members, of which 6,035 are researchers, 355 professors, and 1,002 guest scientists. The total number of students in Karlsruher Institut Für Technologie is over 24,000.

It also has many alumni, many of whom are Nobel Laureates, honorary senators, and awarded researchers.

KIT is very supportive of online course programs and start-up company ideas for the benefit of its students. However, KIT is not a free university.

It is a low-tuition fee university in Nigeria that obliges International students to pay mandatory tuition of EUR 1,500.

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7. Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen

As one of the oldest universities in the whole of Europe, beginning in 1477, The University of Tubingen has 7 faculties, with 450 professors and 28,500 students, including internationals.

The number of academic staff reaches 4,000, while the non-academic staff is 12,000, including the university’s hospitals–17 hospitals with 12 specialist centers.

Meanwhile, Tubingen University is not a free college for International students who wish to study in Germany. International students will have to pay a low tuition fee of 1,500 euros per semester.

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8. Albert-Ludwigs-Universitaet Freiburg

The University of Freiburg, officially the Albert Ludwig University of Freiburg, is a public research university located in Frei, Germany.

The university began operating as a university in 1457 by the Habsburg dynasty as the second university in Austrian-Habsburg territory after the University of Vienna.

Today, Freiburg is the fifth-oldest university in Germany, with a long tradition of teaching the humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences.

Also, named as one of the elite universities of Germany by academics, political representatives, and the media, the University of Freiburg stands amongst Europe’s top research and teaching institutions.

Meanwhile, Albert-Ludwigs-Universitaet Freiburg is not free for international students. These students will pay €1,500 per semester to study in this German university.

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9. Albert-Ludwigs-Universitaet Freiburg

The University of Freiburg, officially the Albert Ludwig University of Freiburg, is a public research university located in Frei, Germany.

The university began operating as a university in 1457 by the Habsburg dynasty as the second university in Austrian-Habsburg territory after the University of Vienna.

Today, Freiburg is the fifth-oldest university in Germany, with a long tradition of teaching the humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences.

Also, named as one of the elite universities of Germany by academics, political representatives and the media, the University of Freiburg stands amongst Europe’s top research and teaching institutions.

Meanwhile, Albert-Ludwigs-Universitaet Freiburg is not free for international students. These students will pay €1,500 per semester to study at this German university.

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10. The University of Bremen

The University of Bremen is an old public university in Germany. It began operating as a university in 1971 at Bremen, Germany, and has over 19,000 students.

This German university has 12 faculties from which is dispenses knowledge and skills to its students. These faculties cover major fields of studies and thus attract international students.

This is coupled with the fact that tuition is free at the University of Bremen.

However, this German university charges all students a semester contribution of about €300, which includes the cost of transportation in Bremen and other costs.

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11. Hasso-Plattner-Inst. Potsdam

The Hasso Plattner Institute opened its doors to students in the winter term of 1999/2000. It is the only university institute in Germany that offers an undergraduate (bachelor) and a graduate (master) course of study in IT-Systems Engineering.

Students gain the knowledge to conceptualize, develop, and implement large, highly complex, and cross-linked IT systems.

The institute’s special characteristics are its engineering orientation, the teaching of soft skills, and the early intensive integration of industrial projects into the studies.

Meanwhile, Hasso-Plattner-Inst. Potsdam is a tuition-free University in Germany for both Germans and international students.

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12. ULM University

The University of Ulm is chronologically the ninth in Baden-Wuerttemberg. The university began in 1967 and focuses on natural sciences, medicine, engineering sciences, mathematics, economics, and computer science.

Its Faculty of engineering and computer sciences has broadened its subjects as well. Besides the departments of engineering and computer science, the psychology department started in 2009.

The combination of these three subjects may appear unusual at first glance, but it is exactly what gives the Faculty its strong and unique character.

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Innovative technology demands modern software and hardware solutions, which includes considering the person who will handle the technology.

Meanwhile, Ulm University is a tuition-free university in Germany. However, tuition fees apply to master programs in Actuarial Science, Advanced Oncology, Innovation and Science Management, and Sensor System Engineering.

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13. Passau University

Idyllically, on the banks of the River Inn, on a green campus, on the fringes of the Passau Old Town, lies the newest university in Bavaria.

Since being founded in 1978, Passau University has developed into one of the best academic addresses in Germany as regularly confirmed in the rankings.

They superbly equipped all five faculties, intercultural orientation, and performance and practice related. Their special strength lies in the interdisciplinary interlinking of research and studies.

Passau University is a tuition-free university in Germany. Students will only pay the sum of €72 per semester at Matriculation and Re-Registration.

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14. TU Kaiserslautern

Kaiserslautern is one of the largest IT locations in Germany, with the Department of Computer Science forming its core.

Since they found the department in 1974, three renowned research, institutes have evolved from its successful international work.

With 24 professors, the department covers all areas of computer science and can embrace the importance of computer science as a key skill for virtually all sciences at the TU.

The department can also take on the central role of computer science research and development in Kaiserslautern in the future.

Furthermore, TU Kaiserslautern is a tuition-free university in Germany for both German and International students. Students only have to pay a fee of 200 EUR per semester for costs like transportation.

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15. TU Clausthal

Since the beginning of 2009, Clausthal University of Technology has been a member of Niedersächsische Technische Hochschule, NTH.

Combining the engineering and scientific expertise of Lower Saxony, the University is part of the best technical universities in Germany.

We currently focus research and education at the Clausthal University of Technology on Energy and Raw Materials, Natural Science and Materials Science, economics, mathematics, Computer Science, Mechanical Engineering, and Process Engineering.

The Clausthal University of Technology does not charge any tuition fees at all, so it is a free College in Germany for both Germans and international students.

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16. TU Braunschweig

TU Braunschweig is the oldest institute of technology in Germany. It is the cornerstone of a German modern university, having begun operation in the year 1745 with the Collegium Carolinum.

This German university has come top in university rankings for top Engineering Colleges in Germany, although the university’s research is interdisciplinary.

TU Braunschweig has the Carl-Friedrich-Gauß-Faculty, housing the departments of Mathematics and other departments; Faculty of Life Sciences, Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Environmental Sciences;

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Information Technology, Physics; and Faculty of Humanities and Educational Sciences.

Meanwhile, TU Braunschweig is a free university. However, students aged 60 and above must pay a tuition fee of EUR 800.00 per semester.

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17. BTU Cottbus – Senffenberg

The research interests of the Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg focus on the environment, construction, energy, material and information, and communication technology. And thus BTU claims: We live Science.

The University of Technology in Germany has about 8,000 students, whom 197 professors and 629 additional academic staff trains in various fields of study.

Also, BTU Cottbus-Senffenberg has six (6) faculties from which students are trained in Mathematics, Computer Science, Environment and Natural Sciences, Business, Engineering, etc.

The Brandenburg University of Technology is a tuition-free university in Germany. Students are only to pay a registration fee of 300,88 € per semester.

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18. Magdeburg University

Following a merger of the existing Technical University, the Teacher Training College and the Medical School in 1993, the University of Magdeburg is one of the youngest Universities in the state.

To satisfy the challenges arising in a modern information society, the EIT offers a broad range of modern and interdisciplinary program of study.

Some of which are conducted in close cooperation with the other faculties at Otto von Guericke University and which open up excellent career prospects to our students.

Also, the Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg is a tuition-free university in Germany, where students pay only a small amount every semester for registration and transportation.

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19. Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster

The University of Münster (Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, WWU) is a public university in the city of Münster, North Rhine-Westphalia in Germany.

With over 43,000 students and over 120 fields of study in 15 departments, it is Germany’s fifth largest university and one of the foremost centers of German intellectual life.

The university offers a wide range of subjects across the sciences, social sciences and the humanities.

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They also taught several courses in English, including Ph.D. programs and postgraduate courses in geo informatics, geospatial technologies, or information systems.

Professors and former students have won ten Leibniz Prizes, the most prestigious as well as the best-funded prize in Europe, and one Fields Medal.

Meanwhile, the University of Münster does not charge any tuition fees. However, students will pay a little amount every semester for student services tagged “semester fees.”

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20. University of Cologne

The University of Cologne is a university in Cologne, Germany. It was the sixth university to be established in Central Europe.

Although it closed in 1798 before being re-established in 1919, it is now one of the largest universities in Germany with over 48,000 students.

The University of Cologne is a German Excellence University, and as of 2017, it ranks 145th globally according to Times Higher Education.

Furthermore, the University of Cologne was established in 1388 as the fourth university in the Holy Roman Empire, after the Charles University of Prague (1348), the University of Vienna (1365) and the Ruprecht Karl University of Heidelberg (1386).

Meanwhile, the University of Cologne is a tuition-free university in Germany.

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21. Universität Jena

Friedrich Schiller University Jena is a public research university in Jena, Thuringia, Germany. The university began operating in 1558 and is one of the ten oldest universities in Germany.

It is affiliated with six Nobel Prize winners, most recently in 2000, when Jena’s graduate Herbert Kroemer won the Nobel Prize for physics.

They renamed it after the poet Friedrich Schiller, who was teaching as a professor of philosophy, when Jena attracted some of the most influential minds at the turn of the 19th century.

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With Karl Leonhard Reinhold, Johann Gottlieb Fichte, G. W. F. Hegel, F. W. J. Schelling and Friedrich von Schlegel on its teaching staff, the university has been at the center of the emergence of German idealism and early Romanticism.

Also, Friedrich Schiller University Jena, like most of the universities on our list, is a tuition-free university. Students only pay semester fees every month.

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22. RWTH Aachen University

RWTH Aachen University started in 1870. It is one of the strongest universities in Germany offering programs in Bachelor’s, Master’s, and Doctorate degrees.

This German university offers over 144 courses of study through its 10 faculties and 260 institutes. Meanwhile, it is another free university in Germany where both domestic and International students can easily complete a university degree program.

It also provides 9 large collaborative centers for research, making it possible for interested scientists to flourish and share their ideas with the world through many publications in journals worldwide

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23. Technische Universität Berlin (TU Berlin)

The Technical University of Berlin (German: Technische Universität Berlin or TU Berlin) is a research university in Berlin, Germany.

It began operation as a university in 1879 and became one of the most prestigious education institutions in Europe. TU Berlin has one of the highest proportions of international students in Germany, almost 23.6% were enrolled in 2019.

Also, the university is notable for its prestigious engineering programs, especially in mechanical engineering and engineering management.

Furthermore, TU Berlin belongs to the Conference of European Schools for Advanced Engineering Education and Research. It is home to two innovation centers designated by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology.

Meanwhile, TU Berlin is not a free university. It charges students a low tuition rate depending on the program they’re taking.

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24. Technische Universität Dresden

The TU Dresden ( Dresden University of Technology) is a public research university, and the largest institute of higher education in the city of Dresden in Saxony.

It is also one of the 10 largest universities in Germany, with over 34,000 students. It ranks among the best universities of engineering and technology in Germany.

Furthermore, TU Dresden is a tuition-free university. However, distance learning students will pay a little tuition of 100 EUR.

Also, students enrolling for a secondary still will pay 350 EUR, while those studying a program beyond the total program duration will pay an additional 500 EUR per semester.

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25. Goethe University Frankfurt

The Goethe University of Frankfurt is a university in Frankfurt, Germany. It began operating as a University in 1914. It is a “citizen” university, which means the wealthy and active liberal citizenry of Frankfurt found and funded it.

The original name was Universität Frankfurt am Main. The university currently has around 45,000 students, distributed across four major campuses within the city.

Also, Goethe University celebrated its 100th anniversary in 2014. 18 Nobel Prize winners have been affiliated with the university, including Max von Laue and Max Born.

The university is also affiliated with 11 winners of the prestigious Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize.

Meanwhile, Goethe University, Frankfurt is a tuition-free university in Germany. Students only pay a small fee for registration and other minor college expenses.

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26. Ludwig Maximilian University, Munich

In the heart of Munich, the Ludwig Maximilian University (LMU) began in 1472 and is one of the leading academic and research universities in Europe. The LMU ranks 63rd in the QS World University Rankings 2021.

It is also one of the oldest and largest universities in Germany that has students and scholars from across the world. It offers a free college education to its international students in Germany, as well as local students.

The university has a wide variety of undergraduate and postgraduate programs in both German and English languages.

It also offers language courses, cultural and social programs, practical training and other extra-curricular activities, besides academic diversity.

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27. Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg (Heidelberg University)

Heidelberg University is the oldest university in Germany. Established in 1386, Heidelberg University is a state-owned university that provides par excellence education.

It specializes in research-based teaching and interdisciplinary cooperation.

The university has carved out a niche for them as a center of research and world-class teaching that has, in it, many renowned scientists, among whom are several Nobel Laureates.

The beauty of this German university, however, is that it charges International students no tuition fees. It is a free university in Germany.

It has over 150 programs across a range of subjects, from law to medicine, social sciences, and others. They offer programs in English and German language. It ranks 66th in the QS World University Rankings 2021.

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28. Humboldt University of Berlin

They established the Humboldt University of Berlin in 1810 and occupies a role as one of the oldest educational institutions in Berlin.

It ranks 120 in the QS World University Rankings 2021 and has a wide range of courses like theology, humanities, philosophy, sciences, etc.

It’s a tuition-free university for both local and international students.

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FAQs on English Universities in Germany Free Tuition

Below are the frequently asked questions on English Universities in Germany Free Tuition:

1. What do I need to have as an English Student to be eligible?

 After you have decided on a university and a degree program, you must check all prerequisites. To do this, visit the University’s website and its section Admission Requirements.

2. Are universities free in Germany?

Yes, most public universities in Germany are free for both German and international students. However, you may have to pay a little fee called “semester fee” every semester to cover some student service charges.
Meanwhile, some public university in Germany, like universities in Stuttgart, charges a low tuition fee for non-EU/EEA students.

3. Do you need to know German to study in Germany?

It is important to understand German Language to study in Germany as it is the language mostly spoken in Germany.
However, there are many universities in Germany that offer their programs in English, and coupled with their large international student population; you will not have any problem communicating in English language.

4. Is law school in Germany free?

If you attend a free public university in Germany, a law program is also free.
However, before you go to study Law in Germany, consider the language barrier, and where to work after your program.

5. How much does it cost to study medicine in Germany?

 If you attend a free public university in Germany, you will not need to pay tuition fees to study medicine.
You will only need to pay “semester fees” besides costs like accommodation and feeding.

6. What are the requirements to study in Germany?

To study in Germany, you’ll need your passport with visa or residence permit, proof of higher education entrance qualification.

7. Does Germany have universal health care?

Yes, Germany has a universal multi-payer health care system paid for by a combination of statutory health insurance and private health insurance.

8. Is studying in Germany worth it?

College in Germany will be MORE than worth it

9. Is there any age limit to study in Germany?

Absolutely not

10. Is it easy to get admission in Germany?

Admission requirements are set very high by the German Universities

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