Entrepreneurship Knowledge and Self-employment Intention among Undergraduates


This provides an understanding of the entrepreneurial intention of undergraduates. It reports findings from qualitative data retrieved from self-administered questionnaires to final year students of Usmanu Danfodio University Sokoto that were selected through random .

Analytical techniques used include frequency, percentages, and logit regression to know the impact of education on the intention of students to be self-employed.

Finally, the study found that exposure of to entrepreneurship education did not influence their intention to be self-employed due to the fact that entrepreneurship education is a new course and also found other factors such as age, faculty, finance,

tribe which had a significant on entrepreneurship intention of undergraduates and that despite the knowledge of entrepreneurship education as a contributory factor towards self-employment, undergraduates require additional support to overcome unforeseen challenges.


Entrepreneurship has found its way into higher education all around the globe. With the knowledge of entrepreneurship, a percentage of undergraduates have developed the zeal to start up their own business after graduation hence pursuing self-employment.

Entrepreneurship knowledge in universities caters to student’s expectations of education as a means to satisfy their search for newness, uniqueness, and practicality (Fredrick and Visser 2005).

Becoming an entrepreneur very often is the result of a personal decision-making process including assessment of opportunities and their costs (being employed, being unemployed, being one’s own boss) risk-reward relationship (what is at stake), and others.

Some cultural beliefs, values, and behaviors in a country can influence this decision. Many inputs and circumstances contribute to entrepreneurial success but of particular importance are having the right skills and competencies to identify and realize opportunities to recognize difficulties in time and to respond to failures.

It is the combination of research activities with teaching the various applications of knowledge and the variety of perceptions of entrepreneurial opportunities and risks that can make a difference in motivating and preparing successful entrepreneurs, especially among youths,

because they have the necessary skills and have been trained in their institutions not just to be employed but to be employers of labor which is important as it will lead to more job creation and reduce the unemployment rate. 


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