Environmental Influences on Human Resource Management

Environmental Influences on Human Resource Management.

Table of Contents


The research is on Environmental influences on human resource management. The specific objectives of this study are to evaluate the extent to which environment influences human resource management, to identify those environmental factors that influence human resource management and to evaluate the nature of the relationship that exist between the environment and human resource management.

The population of the study is 205, and sample size of 135 was derived from the population using Yamane’s formular at 5% error tolerance and 95% degree of freedom. Data for this research were obtained from both primary and secondary sources. The questionnaire served as the main instrument for data collection. Interview was also conducted so as to obtain more information.

Data presentation were done through the use of tables. Hypotheses were tested through Chi-square (x)The findings indicate that, the extent to which environment influences human resource management is significant, Technological advancement, culture and economic factors influence human resource management and there is significant relationship between human resource management and the environment. 


Title page — — — — — — — — — — – – – – – i
Approval page — — — — — — — — — – – – – – ii
Certification — — — — — — — — — — – – – – – iii
Dedication — — — — — — — — — — — – – – – iv
Acknowledgements — — — — — — — — — – – – – v
Abstract — — — — — — — — — — — — – – – – – vi
List of Tables — — — — — — — — – – – – – vii
Table of contents — — — — — — — — — – – – – viii

1.1 Background of the Study _ _ _ – – – – 1
1.2 Statement of the Problem _ _ _ _ _ – – – 2
1.3 Objectives of the Study _ _ _ _ _ _ – – – 2
1.4 Research Questions _ _ _ _ _ _ – – 3
1.5 Research Hypotheses _ _ _ _ _ _ – – – 3
1.6 Significance of the Study _ _ _ _ _ _ – – 3
1.7 Scope of the Study – – – – – – – 4
1.8 Limitations of the Study _ _ _ _ _ _ – – – 4
1.9 Historical Background of organizations understudy — — — 5
1 .10 Definition of Terms _ _ _ _ – – – – 8
References _ _ _ _ _ _ _ – – – – 9

2.1 Human Resource Management _ _ _ _ – – – 10
2.2 What is Organization Environment _ _ – – – 13
2.3 Types of Organization Environment _ _ – – 14
2.4 Environmental influence on Huma Resources
Management _ _ _ _ – – – – 18
2.5 Core Activities of Human Resources Management _ _ _ 19
2.6 Environmental Influences Affecting Human
Resources Management _ _ _ _ – – – 24
2.7 The Role of Human Resource Managers
in Adapting to Environmental Influences _ _ _ – – 29
2.8 Utilization of Human Resources in Organization _ _ _ _ _ 33
References _ _ _ _ _ – – – – – 35

3.1 Area of the Study _ _ _ _ _ – – – 37
3.2 Sources of Data _ _ _ _ _ – – – – 37
3.3 Population of the Study _ _ _ – – – 37
3.4 Sample Size Determination _ _ _ – – – 38
3.5 Description of Research Instrument _ _ _ – – 40
3.6 Method of Data Analysis _ _ _ _ – – 41
3.7 Validity of the Instrument _ _ _ _ – – 41
3.8 Reliability of the Instrument _ _ _ – – 42

4.1 Questionnaire Distribution — — — — — – – – 43
4.2 Analysis of Data — — — — — — — – – – 45
4.3 Test of Hypotheses — — — — — – – – 50

5.1 Summary of Findings- – – – – – 55
5.2 Conclusions – – – – – – – 55
5.3 Recommendations – – – – – – 55


An Organization does not operate in a vacuum. Generally, organizations operate in a multifaceted environment which is of itself subject to a large measure of change. The relationship between organization and its environment is one mutuality, and that is, the environment exerts pressures on organizations. Organizations also depends on its environment for the supply of all its input and at the same time to absorb its output. The environment provides opportunities or alternatives avenues for investments which the human manager can exploit to his or her advantage.

The organization environment may also constitute a threat to the human resource department if changes in it are unfavorable to the organization. If the organization and its workforce must survive in the long run, it must be capable of responding and adapting to environmental conditions from time to time as these environmental factors are dynamic in nature, therefore the human resources manager should take decisions and execute them within the bounds or limits imposed by the environment.

According to Rue and Byars (1990) effective human resources management embraces those activities designed to provide for and coordinate the human resources of an organization. Resources of an organization represent one of the largest investments in the form of wages and salaries, recruitment decisions and the practices that directly affect or influence the people who work for the organization. Thus, getting and keep productive people is critical to the success of every organization whether profit or non-profit making, public or private.


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