Evaluation and Comparative Analysis of the Quality of Service of Gsm and Cdma Cellular Networks in Zaria

Evaluation and Comparative Analysis of the Quality of Service of Gsm and Cdma Cellular Networks in Zaria.

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The research was focused on evaluation and comparative analysis of the qos of some selected GSM (Globacom and Zain) and CDMA (Starcomms and Visafone) networks in Zaria.

Data for the purpose was collected for both intra and inter calls from ten different areas in Zaria by call centre Operators and the researchers, where a total of eight thousand nine hundred and sixty (14 days x 10 different areas x 4 times x 16 call combinations) calls were made. The averages of each day were found and recorded in tables and used for analysis.

The daily trend for each KPI for each network type and data collection site was shown using line graphs while the comparison of GSM inter and intra networks as well as CDMA inter and intra network for the kpis (Key Performance Indicators) under study was shown using bar charts.

The work therefore revealed that gsms operators’ performance in Zaria is better than the cdmas and at the same time Globacom’s performance is better than Zain’s while Starcomms is better than Visafone. It also showed the most preferable network for each data collection site. Mean while the values gotten for the kpis were just closer or very slightly above most of those of the set standards.


Communication is the backbone for the development of every society. Messages have to be exchanged from one person or one medium to another. The world is fast becoming a Global village and a necessary tool for this process is communication, of which wireless telecommunication is a key element.

Wireless ad hoc networks are formed by a group of mobile users or devices spread over a certain geographical area. The users or devices forming network “nodes”. Mobile networks have increased applicability in areas of military application such as sensor networks, tactical networks and positional systems Mobile networks have increasing applicability in Law enforcement.

Various law enforcement agencies use Mobile networks to communicate with each other, to track movement of criminals and to spy on criminal activities Video conferencing in some situations where there is no network infrastructure can be  done using networking which enables mobile on the spot conferencing.

Quality of Service has been defined by the United Nations Consultative Committee for International Telephony and Telegraphy (CCITT) recommendation E.800 as “The collective effect of service Performance which determines a degree of satisfaction of a user of the service”. The Quality of Service is a rapidly growing area in both wired and Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET).

Many problems exist especially for manets (Uma and Padmavathi 2009). They also stated that Quality of Service in mobile ad hoc networks depends not only on the available resources but also on the mobility rates of such resources. It means to provide a set of parameters to adapt the applications to the quality of the network while routing them through the network.


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StudentsandScholarship Team.

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