Evaluation of Internet Communication and Higher Productivity

Evaluation of Internet Communication and Higher Productivity.

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Today’s organizational environment is markedly different from that of the past. Global competition, Information and Communication Technology (ICT), the Quality Service Revolution, and Ethics have Forced management of all types of Organizations rethink approach to both operation and human resources.

An ability to communicate effectively has always remained a major friction between departments and organization in many working environments and this has greatly affected the organizations towards achieving higher productivity. The technological breakthrough in consonance to communication cannot be overemphasized, that is why the researcher chooses the topic “Evaluation of Internet Communication and Higher Productivity”. (A study of Chanchangi Air-line, ).

This particular area of study has been of great concern to the researcher. The researcher among other things wanted to find out whether managers and employees in organization with internet technology are able to make any difference in job performance compared to those offices and organization that do not have the state of the system of communication process towards achieving higher productivity.


In any profession, communication is an essential element that one cannot do without. According to Encarta (2004) the pace of change brought about by new technologies has had a significant effect on the way people live, play, and work worldwide. New emerging technologies challenge the current process of communication in the organization and the way information is managed by managers.

Haag, Cummings, and Dawkins  (1998)  further explains where the internet connects people, organizations and information sources by using common protocols to link computers on a public and open to all bases, an internet uses the same common protocols for the internal company or group purposes for standard communication, information storage and presentation.

Information and communication technology (ICT) is an important area of study in its own right and is having a major impact across the curricular area. According to Luthans (1998) the internet is an exploding phenomenon because the competitive success of any organization both internally and externally and the ability to  quickly  share  information. As with technology however, there are many opportunities to stumble.


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StudentsandScholarship Team.

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