Evaluation of Library Collection and Effective Service Delivery

– Evaluation of Library Collection and Effective Service Delivery –


The study was carried out to examine the evaluation of library collections and effective service delivery in the University of Uyo Town Campus library.  In order to achieve this purpose, three objectives, three research questions, and three hypotheses were formulated to guide the study.

The ex-post facto research design was used for the study. The population of the study comprised all the 325 textbooks in Library and Information Science and 12039 registered users of 2024/2025 session.

A sample size of 241 libraries registered users and 35 textbooks in library and information science were used for the study. Using simple random sampling technique.

One researcher developed instruments titled ‘Effective Service Delivery Questionnaire’ (ESDQ) and a checklist titled ‘Library Collection Evaluation Checklist’ (LCEC) were used for data collection.   Face validity method was used for validating the instrument.

Mean and Standard Deviation were used for answering the research questions while independent t-test was used for testing the hypotheses at .05 level of significance.

The findings showed that there is a significant influence of authors’ reputation, currency of library collections on effective service delivery in the University of Uyo town campus library.

Based on the findings, it was concluded that library collections influence effective service delivery in the University of Uyo Town Campus Library.

It was recommended that management of the library should equip the library with current library materials to ensure effective service delivery which in turn would lead to high patronage of the library.


Title Page     —          i

Declaration  —    —       ii

Certification —        iii

Dedication   —             iv

Acknowledgements    –       v

Table of Contents  —     –       vi

List of Tables         — –       ix

Abstract       —       x


1.1     Background to the Study —            1

1.2     Statement of Problem      –      6

1.3     Objectives of the Study    —          7

1.4     Research Questions          —          8

1.5     Hypotheses  —         8

1.6     Significance of the Study —            9


2.1     Theoretical Framework    —       10

2.2     Conceptual Framework    —     –       12

2.2.1  Author’s Reputation and Effective Service Delivery          —       —       17

2.2.2  Currency of Library Collection and Effective Service Delivery     —     19

2.2.3 Relevance of Library Collection and Effective Service Delivery    —     21

2.2.4  Review of Related Empirical Studies        22

2.3     Summary of Literature Review                24


3.1     Research Design    —   25

3.2     Area of the Study  —           25

3.3     Population of the Study   —       27

3.4     Sample and Sampling Techniques        27

3.5     Instrumentation      —       27

3.5.1 Validation of the Instrument      —         28

3.6     Administration of the Instrument              28

3.7     Method of Data Analysis —       —       –   29


4.1 Data Analysis and Results    —       —    30

4.1.1 Answering of Research Questions       30

4.1.2 Testing of Hypotheses      —   33

4.2 Discussion of Findings        —     36


5.1     Summary     —        39

5.2     Conclusion  —       40

5.3     Recommendations —     40

REFERENCES      —     41

APPENDIX           —         45


Background to the Study

A University is the highest learning institution that award higher degrees in various fields of endeavour. For any university to successfully achieve its aims and objectives that is teaching, learning and research, it must be supported by a social institution called the library.

The library is the central hub of activities within the university and its sole aim is to support the teaching, learning and research activities of its parent institution which is the university.

An academic library as it is seen today does not only support the objectives of its parent institution, it also serves as a center for personal studies and research.

An academic library according to Ogbah (2004) and Edem and Ofre (2008) is a part of information highway that is created to collect information, process, preserve and eventually disseminate this information in various formats most convenient to users.

Like any social institutions, it continuously undergoes growth and development. Based on this that Ranganathan affirmed in the authors fifth law of library science that the library is a growing organism.

This implies that even the concept of the library undergoes modification from time to time. This modification comes in terms of the collection.

In the library context, the collection is the total holding of the resources available. This collection could be made available through proper collection development (CD) process.

The term collection development refers to the process of systematically building library resources to serve study, teaching, research, recreational and other needs of library users (Fordham, 2000).

The process of collection development includes selection and deselection of current and retrospective materials, the planning of strategies for acquisition and evaluation of collections to determine how well they serve the user needs.

The overall collection development encompasses many library operations such as the selection of individual titles for purchase to the withdrawal of expendable materials.

Adekanye (2005) opined that collection development is an important aspect of library service that promotes effective resources and service delivery and the collection must be capable of supporting teaching, learning and research.

For any library to meet this important aspect of library services, collection evaluation which is an aspect of collection, development must be carried out. This process is very important in terms of developing a balanced collection.


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