Evaluation of Marketing Planning Process in the Nigerian Hospitality Industry

Evaluation of Marketing Planning Process in the Nigerian Hospitality Industry.

Table of Contents


The Nigeria hospitality industry came into being in Nigeria with the coming of the Colonial Administrators. It comprises of accommodation, food and beverages and entertainment to travelers. Most organizations in the Nigerian hospitality industry lack marketing plan.

As a result, the following specific problems are prevalent: non- existence of marketing department, non-existence of marketing objectives, and non- existence of marketing information system and non-existence of formal structure for marketing activities.

The research study was designed and carried out to achieve the following objectives: to evaluate the level of awareness of marketing planning process in the Nigerian hospitality industry.

To access the impact of inadequate marketing planning process on the profitability of the industry and to make accommodation on how the Nigerian hospitality could introduce and adopt marketing planning process in their analysed.

Questionnaire was designed and administered  on Grand Hotel & Resort, Asaba, Federal Palace Hotel, Lagos Royalton Hotel, and Abuja. Taro Yamane’s Model was to find the sample size from the finite population.

The analyses of both primary and secondary data revealed the following facts:Low level of appreciation of marketing planning process by the Nigerian hospitality

Marketing planning process assist in the achievement of corporate goals in the Nigerian hospitality

Marketing planning system leads to increase in the profitability of the Nigerian hospitality. Nigerian hospitality industry do in fact allocate budget to marketing activities to help achieve corporate.

Existence of marketing information system in the Nigerian hospitality industry to assist in decision-making.

Based on the findings, the following recommendations were made for the improvement of the application of marketing planning process in the hospitality industry.

Employees of the Nigerian hospitality industry should be exposed to the concept and application of marketing planning process through workshops, seminar, in-house trainingFormalization of the marketing planning process in Nigeria hospitality industry.

Religious application of marketing planning process by the hospitality industry in order to improve profitability and achieve corporate.

The industry should create better incentives and work environment in order to attract qualified. Marketing information system should be improved upon, in order to provide quality information for decision-making.More resource should be allocated to marketing activity in order to achieve better corporate goals.

Research concluded by stating that the study revealed that marketing planning process has significant impact on the Nigerian hospitality industry. The industry needs to create the necessary structure and attract qualified personnel in order to take full advantage of the benefits of marketing planning process.


The Nigerian Hospitality industry started during the colonial area, with the establishment of rest houses by the colonial administrators at various district areas in Nigeria.

Government records shows that by 1923 and 1931, European rest houses at Port Harcourt and Lagos were established respectively (FGN, 1989:67).

The earliest catering establishments in the hospitality industry were in initially built and run by government and located at very important seaports, railways terminus or important towns where there seats of government.

The next most important development phase of the hospitality industry brought to being to different institutions, such as guest houses, hotels, staff canteens and staff clubs.

Obia (2003:2) states that “there are three most outstanding groups of hotel chains in Nigeria namely: Nigeria Hotels Plc, Artewa Hotels and Western Hotels with its Lagos Airport Hotel (commissioned in 1942)”.

These hotel chains performed uniform functions of development and management of property, sale of management franchise to already established hotels and consultancy services.

Big international hotel chains such as Sheraton, Hilton, Hyatt and Le-meridian have opened in Nigeria. Upon independence, various regional governments started the development of hospitality outfits such as federal palace Hotel, Lagos; independence Hotel now presidential, Enugu and Premier Hotel, Ibadan.

Currently, the private sector owns most of the operating hospitality outfits in Nigeria, government having privatized their holdings in the 90s.


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StudentsandScholarship Team.

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