Evaluation of Nigeria Certificate in Education by Distance Learning System of National Teachers Institute in Cross River State

Evaluation of Nigeria Certificate in Education by Distance Learning System of National Teachers Institute in Cross River State.

Table of Contents


The main purpose of this study was to evaluate the Nigeria Certificate in Education by Distance Learning System of the National Teacher Institutions in Cross River State. Evaluative design was adopted in carrying out this study. The population for the study consists of all students and facilitators in the five accredited designated study centres of NTI/NCE programme in Cross River state. Quota sampling was used to select 220 respondents for the study.

An instrument titled NTI/DLS/NCE Evaluation Instrument (NCE/DLS/NTI-EL) was developed and validated by 3 experts for the purpose of data collection for this study. Three types of instrument were used. These include structured questionnaires, checklist and proforma. Data was arranged and analyzed according to the research questions and hypotheses that guided the study.

Data was analyzed by using mean, frequency and percentages while the hypotheses were tested by chi-square. The reliability coefficient of clustersA-D was 0.81,0.72,0.80,0.82 respectively the overall reliability coefficient of 0.79 was established using Cronbach’s alpha method.


The development of any nation depends largely on the overall empowerment of its citizens through quality educational system. Teacher quality is believed to be vital in any educational system. Hence, the public view that if the educational goals are not attained, teachers are mostly to be blamed for it (Okodokoand Samuel, 2009). For instance, Awosiyan (2013) opined that the reason for poor students’ performance in recent years lies to some extent in the fact that the existing teacher education programme is not well tailored towards the production of efficient teachers for the Basic Education Programme

Ukpo (2006) they believed that one of the problems that plague the basic education sub-sector in Nigeria is that of the quantity and quality of teachers. Nonetheless, proficiency in teaching service delivery in Nigeria will undoubtedly aid the production of quality human capital in the education sector. Such growing impressions have resulted to a compelling need for a routine evaluation of the teachers’ service delivery with a view to determining their proficiency in programme output.

Furthermore, with the introduction of Universal Basic Education (UBE) in 1999, enrolment in primary schools increased from 14 million to about 17 million (Ukeje 2003). As noted, byIgwe and Rufai (2012), this has caused a further increase in the demand for quality teachers and accountability. But it is unfortunate that some 49 percent of the teaching force is unqualified, hence, there are problems of acute shortages of qualified teachers in the educational system among other challenges (Odukoya, 2012).


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StudentsandScholarship Team.

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