Evaluation of Social Services Delivery at the Local Government Level in Abia State

 – Evaluation of Social Services Delivery at the Local Government Level in Abia State –

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This study was carried out to examine and evaluate social service delivery in Umuahia North local government. Six wards were selected out of the twelve wards through sample survey. The wards that were selected are Aguiri wards, Ibeku East ward, Umuhu ward, Nkwoachara ward, Ndume ward, Urban ward 2, The data obtained were analyzed using simple percentages for easy interpretation.

The findings showed that Umuahia North local government do not provide effective and efficient service delivery. Secondly Umuahia North local government problems emanate from the excessive control of the state government. Thirdly, the communities do not compliment their efforts to that of the local government, or the communities do not guard jealously or take care of the services provided by the local government.

The effective performance of Umuahia North local government include resources, authority and a working grassroot based political process. Umuahia North local government should be allowed as an autonomous entity to survive and contribute its own of quota in the development of the rural Nigeria. Also the communities should be mobilized and sensitized through the stakeholders or even the community at large of any programme and happenings in the government from time to times.


The third tier level of Government in Nigeria which is called ‘local Government’ was established with the specific function to assist the two higher tiers of Government Viz State and federal, to bring effective rural development and good governance at the grassroots level.

Experience and investigation shows that one of the strategies adopted by the local government to bring this effective rural development and good governance at the grassroot level in Nigeria, is the provision of social services delivery to ensure sustainable development.

Local government are created to achieve three broad objective Viz:

  • To involve local citizens in the management of local affairs
  • To ensure that the basic needs of local citizen are met as speedily and as efficiently as possible.
  • This objective rest on the belief that the existence of local government


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