Evaluation of the Implementation of the Gifted Education Programme in Nigeria: Implications for Counselling

Evaluation of the Implementation of the Gifted Education Programme in Nigeria: Implications for Counselling.

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The main purpose of this study was to evaluate the implementation of Gifted Education Programme in Nigeria and draw implications for. The accumulated literature and findings on poor achievement of objectives in the programme and the paucity of literature and research on its implications for counselling motivated the study.

The population of study consisted of four categories of people from which a randomized sample of three hundred and fifty-six respondents were drawn. To achieve the purpose of study, eight research questions and four hypotheses were postulated. The research design adopted was survey.

Four questionnaires and an interview schedule were developed and used by the researcher for data collection. The data gathered were analyzed using mean scores, standard deviations, percentage scores, t-test and one-way Analysis of Variance statistics where applicable.

Major findings of the study show that the extent of implementation and achievement of objectives in the programme was low and a wide gap existed between policy statements and implementation.

Many obstacles impeded the implementation of the programme in Nigeria; infrastructural facilities were inadequate; teachers and the administrators at the Academy were not adequately qualified while the identification methods were poorly conceived and used.


There is an increasing worldwide recognition that in this age of rapid scientific and technological development, the harnessing of human potentials especially that of the gifted individuals is of utmost importance. This is because the gifted individuals are the ones that possess tremendous capacity for learning, thinking and solving problems, which are the needed elements to enhance the standard of living for man.

Indeed, the gifted are the ones expected to change the world for the better and society’s best hope for better achievement in all fields of human endeavour. Due largely, to these attributes, most nations have identified, recognized and given special privileges to their gifted for their significant and spectacular achievements.

In spite of these facts, the concepts of giftedness and special education for the gifted individuals have continued to be controversial issues among experts in education and other related fields. In the traditional context, the term ‘gifted’ implies those persons of school age who fall at the top 1% level in general intellectual ability as measured by intelligence scales.

However, the traditional definitions have been variously critiqued since they attempted to recognize only a few of man’s thinking abilities to the neglect of others. Currently, the definition of giftedness has been diversified to include multi – faceted nature of human beings in creative, leadership ability or in the performing and visual arts aspects.


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StudentsandScholarship Team.

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