Evaluation of the Resources and Services Available at the MTN Foundation Digital Libraries in Nigeria Universities


This study was conducted to evaluate the and services of the MTN  Foundation Digital Libraries in Nigerian universities.

This is with the aim of finding  out their  problems and strategies for enhancing their and relevance to and research  for staff and of the universities. Six objectives and six research questions guided  the study.

A descriptive survey design was adopted in carrying out  the  work.  Convenient sampling technique was used. A total number of four hundred  and  fifty (450)  respondents were used for the . The instruments for  data  collection were  questionnaire,  interview  and observation checklist.

Four hundred and fifty (450) copies of the questionnaire were distributed to the staff and students in the two universities in Nigeria and three hundred and ninety-five were returned representing 87 % return rate.

The following  statistical measures were employed for the data analysis: frequency table, simple percentage and mean (×). The findings revealed that the relevant means of awareness of the MTNFDLs in the universities  were infrequent and that the resources/databases available at universities are useful  and  current.

However, the researcher observed that only free databases were current at one of the universities. The findings also revealed that  insufficient power supply,  poor performance of  the generator, low bandwidth, system breakdown and limited time allowed using the libraries are some of the challenges facing MTNFDLs.

Based on the  findings,  it  was  recommended that awareness workshop for staff and students should be constantly organised by the NetLibrary in conjunction with MTN Foundation;

MTN  Foundations  should  constantly require feedback from the NetLibrary and the universities to ensure sustainability of  the  project.

The parties should persevere on one another to ensure compliance to the contract agreement and the issue of power supply should be taken seriously as the effectiveness and relevance of the resources and services of digital libraries primarily depend on constant electricity supply.

Students should also lodge their complaints about inefficiency of the resources and services of the digital libraries to the university  authorities.

Finally,  there  should be constant evaluation of the digital libraries to show the true state of the  libraries at  any point in time.


Title Page———i
Approval Page—ii
Certification –iii
Dedication —-iv
Acknowledgements ——-v
Table of Contents -vi
List of Tables—-vii
Abstract ———ix


Background of the Study —– — –1
Statement of the Problem — — 13
Purpose of the Study ———– — 14
Research Questions—–15
Significance of the Study —- 15
Scope of the Study —- 16


Conceptual Framework —– 17
Concept of Digital Library———– 17
Digital Library Development in Nigeria — 24
Constraints to the Development of Digital Libraries in Nigeria — 27
Strategies for enhancing the usefulness of Digital Libraries—-
Donor Agencies in the Development of Digital libraries —– 30
The Concept of Evaluation —– 33
Approaches to Digital Library Evaluation—- 386
Theoretical Framework ——— — 43
The Technology Acceptance Model (TAM)—– — 43
Review of Related Empirical Studies ——–46
Summary of Literature Review – — 53


Research Design —- 55
Area of the Study —– 55
Population of the Study– 55
Sample and Sampling Technique- — 55
Instrument for Data Collection – 56
Validation of the Instrument—- 57
Method of Data Collection—-58
Method of Data Analysis —— — 58



Discussion of Findings
Implications of Study
Suggestions for Further Research-


1.1 Background to the Study

The main purpose of a university library is to support the  institution’s  objectives, which are teaching, learning and research. The library is regarded as the heart  of  the intellectual system of the institution.

To a large extent, the quality of the institution  is  measured by the services provided by the library because of its unique position in the over-all system.

The history of university library in Nigeria started in 1948 with the establishment of  the University College, Ibadan. Subsequently, the University College Library (now Kenneth Dike Library, University of Ibadan) was established as the intellectual heart of the College.

Other Higher university libraries established in Nigeria after 1948 also ensured that this precedence is maintained in their respective institutions.

However, the situation changed for the worse in the 1980s when the Federal Government of Nigeria introduced the World Bank inspired  Structural  Adjustment  Programme (SAP) which affected university funding adversely.

University libraries were the first casualties. This is because a lot of the materials purchased by libraries have a substantial foreign exchange component while the SAP adopted by the government resulted in  the  massive devaluation of the national currency.

Thus, funds allocated to universities could no longer meet the requirements of the  libraries.


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