Evaluation of the Role of Distribution Strategies in Enhancing Sales of Roofing Sheet

Evaluation of the Role of Distribution Strategies in Enhancing Sales of Roofing Sheet.

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This project work is tittled ’’ Evaluation Of The Role Of Distribution Strategies In Enhancing Sales Of Roofing Sheet: A Study Of Emenite Ltd’’. It is pertinent to state that the production process cannot be said to be complete until the good reach the final consumer. The perpetual unavailability of the product in some regions of the country that its distribution strategies could not effectively enhance sales as would have been expected.

This study assess the impact of distribution channels in emenite roofing company, availability, measure its significant effects on the distribution strategies of the firm and make recommendations toward enhancing better strategies for the company’s performance. The population in this study were one hundred and data used were primary and secondary sources while 85 was returned valid.

Data collected were analyzed using simple percentage ratio and chi-square statistical technique. At the end of the study the researcher discover that poor road network significantly affect the cost of the product and the railway which could have been alternative means of transportation is not functioning for some times now. Findings shows that the company does not pay adequate attention to promotion campaign.


Distribution strategies is concerned with the efficient channel and arrangement used to make goods and services available to customers, also intermediaries and marketing channel structures to be selected to move product in the most competitive and efficient manner to satisfy customers needs and wants. Achison (2002). The fundamental essence of marketing is customers satisfaction that result in profit to the enterprise. To satisfy customers needs and wants the product must be moved in good quality and quantity at the right time.

Marketing function responsible for moving the product to the customer is distribution.Shelter is vital for human existence. A nation that is unable to harness the development of shelter for its citizenry cannot be said to be develop. According to Maslow (1990) states that shelter provides one of the most basic physiological needs of man i.e shelter, food, clothing etc. Roofing sheet is essential in the provision of shelter for people which solve one of the basic needs of man. This makes the building industry very significant in the developing economy.


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StudentsandScholarship Team.

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