NABTEB Agricultural Science Questions 2022 Objective and Theory

– NABTEB Agricultural Science Questions –

There are collections of NABTEB Agricultural Science Questions in this article. Agricultural Science NABTEB Expo Questions is out now on our website. In this article, I will show you past random repeated questions for free. All you need to do is to stay focused and follow this guide.

NABTEB is one of the examination bodies set up by the Federal Government in 1992 to reduce the burden of conducting examinations, which involve a lot of technical and trade-related practical.

The board conducts the National Technical Examination (NTC), National Business Certificate (NBC) and their respective advance level examinations (ANBC and ANTC).

NABTEB Agricultural Science Questions and Answers






Advantage – It is available everywhere.

Disadvantage – It is limited to certain farm operations.



Advantage – Animals wastes return to the soil as fertilizers.

Disadvantage – Animals are prone to diseases.



Advantage = It aids faster operation.

Disadvantage = It is dangerous if carelessly handled.


Measuring Tape:

(i) It is used for taking measurement of length, breadth and height.

(ii) It is used for measuring Horizontal, vertical or slope distances.



(i) It is used to measure horizontal or vertical angles or planes.

(ii) It can also be used for locating points on a line, prolonging survey lines, finding difference in elevations, setting out grades, ranging curves etc.


Ranging Pole:

(i) It is used for marking stations.

(ii) It is also used for making straight lines.


(i) It is used to control insects through the use of insecticides.

(ii) It can be used to spray liquid fertilizers and pesticides.


(i) Ridger

(ii) Hallow

(iii) Cultivator


Farm Mechanisation is the application of engineering principles and technology in agricultural production, storage and processing on the farm.


(i) It saves labour.

(ii) It reduces drudgery.

(iii) It reduces health hazards.

(iv) Timelines of operation.

(v) Increase in output.

(vi) It increases farm revenue.


(i) They are wind-pollinated.

(ii) Some weeds reproduce by seed.

(iii) Wind growth is favoured during Rainy Season.

(iv) Some weeds reproduce by .


Macro-nutrients are mineral elements or nutrients required by crops in large quantities, (e.g. nitrogen, phosphorus,etc) WHILE Macro-nutrients are mineral elements or nutrients required by crops in small quantities, (e.g. zinc, copper,etc)


(i) Crop Removal

(ii) Erosion

(iii) Leaching

(iv) Excess of other nutrients


(i) It prevents erosion because it improves the structure of the soil.

(ii) It improves the aeration of the soil.

(iii) It increases water holding capacity of Soil.


(i) Provision of hides and skin for the production of leather’s bags, shoes, mobile bags, etc.

(ii) Animal products are good source of protein like eggs,meats, etc.

(iii) The animals faeces serves as good farmyard manure like cow dung, etc

(iv) They generate employment for young graduates like going into , etc

(v) They serves as source of income to farmers.

(vi) They are used in sports and games, an example is a horse for polo.

(vii) They produce young stocks for breeding.


(i) Ruminants: cattle, goat, rabbit, horse, donkey,

(ii) Non-ruminants: rabbit, pig.


NABTEB GCE Guide Nov/Dec 2021

NABTEB GCE Registration Form



Malnutrition is a condition caused by feeding farm animals with inadequate or excess/imbalance nutrients.


Maintenance Ration is the type of ration given to farm animals just to maintain normal functioning of the body system WHILE Production Ration is the type of ration given to farm animals to produce.


(i) The class of the animal.

(ii) Age of the animal.

(iii) Management system.

(iv) Animal’s condition of health.

(v) Purpose for which the animal is being kept.


(i) Hay: This is a cut and dried forage (stored) for feeding farm animal.

(ii) Silage: This is a cut and fermented forage in an anaerobic condition
for feeding farm animals.


(i) Labour involved is small.

(ii) It is the most suitable for the management.

(iii) Initial capital requirement is small.

(iv) It minimises the incidence of ectoparasites.


(i) It is used as a labour-saving device.

(ii) It saves space as the batteries are set up in tiers.

(iii) There are fewer eggs with dirty shells.

(iv) Poultry house is less noisy.

(v) Selection is made easy during culling.

(vi) Less trouble from parasitic diseases such as worms and because the birds do not come in contact with their droppings.


Animal Improvement refers to the ways of developing and breeding only those animals that show the greatest merit under consideration, such as good feed conversion, growth rate, disease resistance and egg size.


(i) Breeding

(ii) Selection

DISCLAIMER! These are not real NABTEB Agricultural Science questions, but likely repeated questions over the years to help candidates understand the nature of their examinations. Ensure to note every question provided on this page.

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