NABTEB Biology Questions 2022 Objective and Theory Latest Update

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NABTEB Biology Questions will guide you before taking part in the NABTEB exams. Biology Questions NABTEB Expo Questions are out now on our website.


NABTEB is one of the examination bodies set up by the Federal Government in 1992 to reduce the burden of conducting examinations, which involves a lot of technical and trade-related practicals.

The board conducts the (NTC), National Business (NBC) and their respective advance level examinations (ANBC and ANTC).


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NABTEB Biology Questions and Answers 2022

The following are important to note:


A. Mention FIVE beneficial uses of bacteria.

1. The decaying of dead organic material into humus which serves as plant nutrients/purification.
2. The production of composite manure.
3. Conversion of atmospheric nitrogen to nitrates through ammonia and nitrites, demystification of nitrates.
4. Vinegar made from alcohol.
5. Tanning of leather
6. Pitting of flax or jute
7. Curing of tobacco
8. Butter/Cheese/Cream making
9. Making vitamin B and K in the large intestine of man
10. Digestion of cellulose in ruminants
11. Turning of sewage into fertilizer
12. Vaccine making by using weakened bacteria
13. Production of biogas

B. State THREE places each where:

i. Viruses may be found
Air, soil, water, saliva, blood plasma, semen. cells
ii. Bacteria may be found
Air, soil, water, dirt under the fingernail, in the body of living
things, toilet/latrine, compost, gutter.

C. State briefly the various methods that can be adopted in the prevention of viral disease in:

i. Animals
1. Stocking the farm with healthy animals
2. Feeding the animals with clean food
3. Keeping the animal in the clean and tidy habitat
4. Vaccinating the animals against viral disease
5. Raising disease-resistant species or animals
6. Isolation of infected animals
7. Use of quarantine services.

ii. Plants
1. Using the right planting distance, method and season.
2. Removing and destroying infected plants
3. spraying plants with pesticides at the right time
4. growing disease-resistant crops
5. planting healthy seeds, seedlings and stem cuttings
6. control of vectors (e.g. in cassava mosaic)


A. Describe the external features of named monocotyledonous flowering plants.

Oil palm tree, maize, rice, spear grass, sugarcane, onion, plantain, banana,
pineapple, bamboo, arrowroot, cocoyam.
1. roots are numerous, long and slender/fibrous
2. all the roots arise at the same point at the base of the stem
3. stem is long and cylindrical
4. stem shows distinct/clear nodes and internodes
5. stem show no branding, sometimes covered by sheathing leaf bases.
6. leaf is long and narrow/slender/linear, with or without sheathing leaf base.
7. leaf is parallel–veined
8. flowers are small and numerous, usually dull-coloured, not sweet-smelling.
9. pendant stamens, feathery stigma on flowers.

B. What is the role of green algae in an aquatic habitat?

1. primary producer
2. removes excess carbon dioxide
3. returns oxygen to the habitat
4. pollutes water

C. Define the terms:

1. Photosynthesis
The process by which green plants manufacture carbohydrates from water and carbon dioxide using sunlight and giving off oxygen as a by-product.
2. Respiration
A process in which oxygen is used to break down organic matter to release
energy in all living cells, while water and carbon dioxide are released as waste

D. What are the differences between photosynthesis and respiration?

Photosynthesis builds organic compound/anabolic/breaks down organic matter/catabolic.

1. Stores energy in organic compound 2. carbon dioxide is assimilated/used up 3. oxygen is given off
4. water is used up
5. takes place in chloroplasts only
6. takes place in day time only.

Releases energy from organic matter Carbon dioxide is released
Oxygen is used up
Water is liberated
Takes place in all living cells Takes place both day and night.

E. Describe ONE mechanism of transportation in plant.

1. Root pressure
2. soil water flows into cell sap or root hairs
3. water in the root hairs moves into xylem vessels through the cortex, endodermis and per cycle
4. water in the xylem vessels or the root is moved into the xylem of the stem branches and leave under root pressure. OR
5. Suction pressure/transpiration pull/unbroken water column
6. As water passes from soil into roots, stem and leaves suction pressure is set up
7. as excess water is evaporated from the leaves an unbroken water column is maintained in the xylem vessels
8. as transpiration continues, a transpiration pull is set up.


A. Give THREE differences between autotrophic and heterotrophic modes of nutrition

Autotrophic Mode of Nutrition

Heterotrophic mode of nutrition

1. the organisms (green plant) make food in their body

The organisms (non-green plant and animals) depends on food made by the green plant.

2. possible only in the presence of sunlight

3. Makes complex organic compounds from simple inorganic materials

Takes in complex organic compounds and breaks them down into simple absorbable forms

4. food is made by the process of photosynthesis and chemosynthesis

Food is taken in by holozoic, saprophytic, symbiotic and parasitic methods.

B. State the mechanism involved in the digestion of piece of fish in the stomach and in the small intestine.

1. Churning/turning/mixing by the stomach wall.
2. Addition of water, enzymes and dilute HCL/Gastric Juice.
3. Relaxation and contraction of the pyloric sphincter at the duodenum.
4. Neutralization of the acid medium from the stomach
5. Addition of water, enzymes and bile.

ii. Name the two reagents used in testing for protein
1. Million’s reagent
2. Biliret’s reagent
3. Folin’s reagent
4. Xanthoproteic reagent.

C. State FIVE functions of the skeleton.

1. Give shape/form to the body
2. support sort and other parts of the body
3. protect delicate organs and structures of the body
4. provides places for attachment of muscles
5. joins the muscles to bring about movement of the body
6. aids breathing
7. manufactures white and red blood cells.

D. With the aid of a diagram, describe how the muscles cause bending in a named joint.

i. Elbow joint, knee joint
ii. When the triceps contract, the biceps relaxes, and the arm is stretched.
iii. When the biceps contract, the triceps relax and the arm bends at the elbow.
iv. The lower arm is brought close to the upper arm.

E. What aid would you give to a person with a suspected simple fracture of the tibia.

i. Encourage the person to lie on his back
ii. Put a splint on either side of the leg.
iii. Bandage or tie the splints away from the injur4ed point.
iv. Use a stretcher to take the person to the nearest hospital
v. Reassure the victim of safety.


A. State FOUR physical characteristics in man, which show variation among offspring from the same parents.

i. Tallness, shortness, dark complexion, light complexion
ii. Hairy body, baldness, flat nose, pointed nose, thick lips
iii. Gigantism, dwarfism, fatness, thinness, albinism, knock-kneed
iv. Free/attached ear lobe
v. Fingerprint

B. Explain briefly ONE way in which the characteristics for tallness is passed from parent to offspring.

1. The alleles for tallness can be homozygous or heterozygous, as TT or Tt
2. During gametes formation, the genes separate independently
3. Genes of gametes combine randomly during fertilization
4. A gamete carries only one member of the alleles T or t
5. During fertilization, T may combine with t to form a zygote, Tt for tallness since T for tallness is dominant over t for shortness.

C. How is the sex of a human embryo determined at fertilization?

i. The male produces two different gametes – Y and X
ii. The female produces only one type of gamete – X
iii. After mating, many male gametes surround the female gamete
iv. Some of this male gamete carries Y and other X chromosomes.
v. If the male gamete carrying Y fuses with the female gamete X, the zygote is XY which is a male embryo
vi. If the male gamete carrying X fuses with the female gamete X, the
a zygote is XX, which is a female embryo.


A. Define the term ‘Osmosis’.

Osmosis is the movement of water molecules, from their area of a higher concentration to their area of lower concentration through a semi-permeable membrane, until equilibrium is reached.

B. Describe an experiment to demonstrate osmosis using a named living material.

A named living material – egg membrane, urinary bladder, base of pawpaw petiole, yam cup, pawpaw fruit, yam strip, yam tuber.
Description of the experiment:
1. Cut two thick pieces of yam tuber.
2. Peel off the bark
3. Remove the central portion to make them look like cups.
4. label them A and B
5. stand them side by side in a trough or distilled water.
6. pour some quantity of strong salt solution into A
7. leave B without a salt solution to serve as a control
8. allow set-ups to stand for 2 – 4 hours.

1. Water molecules move from the trough into yam cup A,
2. Water level in A rises.
3. Water molecules did not move into yam cup B.

Living tissues of yam as a semi-permeable membrane allowing water molecules to move from area of higher concentration in the trough to the area of lower concentration in the yam cup A.
Yam Cup B had no salt solution, water molecules did not move into it, its water concentration was the same as the trough.
(ii) Give THREE physiological processes in animals that are osmosis driven.
i. Movement in and out of water molecules in animal cells
ii. Re-absorption of water in the kidney tubules
iii. Absorption of water from undigested food in large intestine/colon
iv. Haemolysis in red blood cells.


A. What is photosynthesis?

It is manufacturing organic substance, sugar, in green cells, in the presence of sunlight, using carbon (IV) oxide, water and dissolved salts, giving off oxygen; as a by-product.

B. Describe an experiment to show that photosynthesis can only take place in the presence of chlorophyll. (An illustrated diagram is required)
1. Collect a variegated leaf
2. illuminated for about 4 to 6 hours
3. from a healthy growing acalypha/croton/ice plant/caladium plant
4. map the leaf/draw the leaf and label the different coloured areas.
5. treat/prepare the leaf for the starch test
6. spread iodine solution on the leaf
7. compare/match the leaf with the map.

1. Green area stained black/blue black
2. Other coloured areas/white/red/yellow stained brown or yellow

1. Green areas contain chlorophyll, carried out photosynthesis, therefore stained black.
2. yellow/white/red areas contained no chlorophyll, did not photosynthesize, stained yellow or brownish.
3. photosynthesis takes place only in the presence of chlorophyll.

C. List THREE importance of photosynthesis to the living thing.

1. Make food available for all living things
2. Makes oxygen available for aerobic respiration
3. Removes excess carbon (iv) oxide
4. Fibre for making clothes, ropes, mats etc.

D. Name TWO storage organs in flowering plants.

1. Root, 2. Stem 3. leaf 4. bulb 5. corm 6. rhizome/flower

E. Name TWO organisms that help in the improvement of soil fertility.

1. putrefying bacteria, nitrifying bacteria, nitrogen-fixing bacteria, blue-green algae.
2. Earthworm, termites, mushroom, legumes.
(ii) Discuss the role of ONE of the organisms named above in maintaining soil fertility.
1. The role of putrefying bacteria in maintaining soil fertility.

1. Causes decay: decompose organic remains, adding humus/plant nutrients to the soil, making soil to retain water/moisture. OR
2. Nitrogen-fixing bacteria:
i. fix atmospheric nitrogen in the roots of legumes.
ii. change nitrogen to nitrites, in the soil.
iii. nitrifying bacteria change nitrites, in the soil OR
. Earthworms
i. burrow/make channels in the soil which improve drainage aeration and
soil texture.
ii. drag leaves into the soil when leaves decay humus is added to the soil.
iii. Form worm caste which improves soil texture
iv. dead worm in the burrow adds humus to the soil

F. State FOUR farming practices used by man to maintain soil fertility.

1. crop rotation
2. shifting/fallowing method
3. monocropping
4. mixed farming
5. application of organic manure
6. application of inorganic fertiliser
7. growing of cover crops/legumes.
8. Ridging of farmland
9. mulching
10. ridging across the slope.

G. Three measuring cylinders with a funnel on each were placed on a table. The necks of the funnels were plugged with cotton wool. Equal weight of soil samples were placed in the funnels as follows: Sand in the first, ground loam in the second, and ground clay in the third. Equal volume of water was poured in the three set-ups.
i. write the aim of this experiment
ii. state the major observation of this experiment
iii. draw and label the experimental set-ups.

i. to compare water keeping capacity/porosity of different soil types
ii. (a) the major observation of this experiment is that water passes fast through the
ground clay, faster in-ground loam and fastest in the sand.
(b) Highest volume of water is collected in the cylinder carrying sand.
(c) Less volume of water in the cylinder carrying ground loam
(d) Least volume of water in the cylinder carrying ground clay
(e) Ground clay retains almost all the water
(f) Sand retains a negligible amount of water


A. Make a large and well labelled longitudinal section of the heart of a human being to show its structures.

B. Define external respiration.
This is the exchange of gases between the living things and the surrounding.
ii. Define internal respiration.
This is the utilization of oxygen to release energy in stored food giving off
carbon (IV) oxide and water as waste products.
iii. List FOUR characteristics of respiratory surfaces.
Thin, wet/moist, vascularized; ciliated, smooth.


A. Define:
i. Ecology
ii. Habitat
iii. Population
iv. Ecosystem
v. Community
1. Ecology: is the study of the interactions of living things with their physical
environment, and with one another.
2. Habitat: is a place where an organism is found/that can sustain/support life.
3. Population: is the total number of organisms, of the same species, living
together in the same place, that can reproduce fertile offspring among
themselves, at a given time.

4. Ecosystem: is the collection of different organisms, living together in a place,
interacting among themselves and the physical environment.
5. Community: is where different population, living together, in the same place
mutually interdependent.

B. Give ONE functions for each of the following tools in the study of ecology.
i. Quadrant
ii. Sweep Net
iii. Pooter
iv. Depth Gauge
i. Quadrant: for sampling/determining population size-frequency and density of a
ii. Sweep Net: for catching/collecting insects
iii. Pooter: for sucking in tiny/minute insects and other animals from tree barks,
leaf and rock surfaces.
iv. Depth Gauge: for measuring the depth of water in an aquatic habitat.

DISCLAIMER! These are not real NABTEB Biology Questions, but likely repeated questions over the years to help candidates understand the nature of their examinations. Ensure to note every question provided on this page.

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