NABTEB Civic Education Questions 2022 Objective and Theory Update

– NABTEB Civic Education Questions –

NABTEB Civic Education Questions will guide you before taking part in the NABTEB exams. Civic Education NABTEB Expo Questions are out now on our website.


NABTEB is one of the examination bodies set up by the Federal Government in 1992 to reduce the burden of conducting examinations, which involves a lot of technical and trade-related practicals.

The board conducts the (NTC), National Business (NBC) and their respective advance level examinations (ANBC and ANTC).

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NABTEB Civic Education Questions and Answers 2022




Nationalism is a political, social, and economic system characterized by promoting the interests of a particular nation particularly with the aim of gaining and maintaining self-governance, or full sovereignty, over the group’s homeland.

(i) Formation of political parties with national outlook:
Political parties should assume national character. Parties should have their headquarters in the Federal capital. It must also accept people from all walks of life to be members.

(ii) Encouraging Nigerians to be patriotic
The people must all feel as Nigerians with one destiny and one goal. They must have ‘we’ feeling.

(iii) Organizing national cultural festivals:
National cultural festivals that bring people of different culture, religion, class and so on together should be organized. This will help people to understand and appreciate other people’s culture.

(iv) Promotion of cultural re-orientation/awareness:
This can be done by strengthening the National Orientation Agency (NOA) to encourage Nigerians to learn the languages, eat the food and wear the traditional dresses of one another.

(v) Encouraging inter-ethnic and inter-tribal marriages:
Inter-ethnic and inter-tribal marriages help in promoting national integration. Through this, cultural ties are strengthened among Nigerians.

(vi) Providing equal access to representation in government:
The application of federal character or quota principle in appointment into positions in government at all levels will help achieve equal access to representation.

(i) Right to life: Every person has a right to life, and no one shall be deprived intentionally of his life, save in execution of a criminal offence of which he has been found guilty in the country.

(ii) Right to dignity of the human person: Every individual is entitled to respect for the dignity of the person and accordingly no person shall be subject to torture or to inhuman or degrading treatment.

(iii) Right to personal liberty: Every person shall be entitled to his personal liberty and no person shall be deprived of such liberty.

(iv) Right to freedom of expression and the press: Every person shall be entitled to freedom of expression, including the freedom to hold opinions.

(v) Right to freedom of movement: Every citizen in Nigeria is entitled to move freely throughout Nigeria and to reside in any part thereof.

(i) Civil unrest: Whenever there is riot or crisis, there will not be freedom of movement.

(ii) Some people’s movement can be limited if they have a case in the law court.

(iii) A citizen who is infected with deadly diseases may be isolated for treatment in order not to infect other people thereby denying him/her freedom of movement.

(iv) A person’s land and property can be destroyed if built on the wrong place or if government wants to make some construction of roads or other project that will be useful for the public.

(iv) A person who is found guilty of a murder case can lose his/her right to life.

Human trafficking is the trade of humans for the purpose of forced labour, sexual slavery, or commercial sexual exploitation for the trafficker or others.

(i) Lack of employment opportunity: The economic system of some countries have left many people jobless. Those that are desperate thereby get lured and deceived by traffickers because they want to get out of the country by all means.

(ii) Extreme greed for wealth: Some people want to amass great wealth or get rich quick. They end up in the hands of traffickers.

(iii) Poor economic system: This may cause citizens to want to travel abroad for better standard of living.

(iv) Unwholesome business gains:
Trafficking has somehow become a massive business industry in the world, thereby luring individuals with criminal minds to join.

(v) Low self-esteem: Some people do not have self-esteem either they are not educated (illiterates) or want to have a better life and they may end up leaving the country by all means possible.

(vi) The search for greener pasture: Some people believe that traveling abroad is the only way one can make ends meet in all aspects of life.

A political party is defined as an organised group of people with at least roughly similar political aims and opinions, that seeks to influence public policy by getting its candidates elected to public office.

You need a name, logo, and acronym of the proposed party (it must not be similar to any known registered political party and must not be religious-related. Your draft Constitution must also reflect the Federal Character principle of the 1999 Constitution.

You must pay a non-refundable fee of N1,000,000 (One Million Naira). Obtain the appropriate form, submit 50 copies of the completed form and 50 copies of the draft constitution and manifesto of the proposed political party, along with all other required information.

Submit the documents with the names, signatures and residential addresses of the Chairman and Secretary of the proposed political party

INEC will verify all the claims in the document for conformity with the Guidelines
If INEC is satisfied that all the requirements have been met, the party will be registered, and a Certificate of Registration will be issued.

If all the requirements have not been met, INEC will notify the political party of the reason for refusal.

DISCLAIMER! These are not real NABTEB Basic Electricity questions but likely repeated questions over the years to help candidates understand the nature of their examinations. Ensure to note every question provided on this page.

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