WAEC Christian Religious Studies Questions 2022 Latest Update

– WAEC Christian Religious Studies Questions –

Preparing for CRS WAEC exam 2021? WAEC Christian Religious Studies Questions are out now on our websites. Continue reading to see more details below. In this article, I will show you past WAEC objective and theory random repeated questions on this subject for free. 

The West African Examinations Council () is an examination board that conducts the West African Senior School Certificate Examination, for University and Jamb entry examination in West African countries.

In a year, over three million candidates registered for the exams coordinated by WAEC.

WAEC Christian Religious Studies Questions

There will be two papers, Papers 1 and 2, both of which will be a composite paper to be taken at one sitting.

PAPER 1: This will comprise fifty multiple-choice objective questions you must answer, all of which are within 1 hour for 40 marks.

PAPER 2: This Will comprise nine essay-type questions. They will require candidates to answer four questions within 2 hours for 60 marks.

They will arrange the questions in sections:

1. Section A: Themes from the Old Testament – four questions.
2. Section B: Themes from the Synoptic Gospels – three questions.
3. Section C: Themes from the Acts of the Apostles, James and I Peter – two questions.

They will require candidates to answer four questions, choosing at least one question from each section and the fourth question from either Section A or Section B.

WAEC will use the Revised Standard Version of the Bible in the setting of questions.

Objective Questions:

1. According to Hosea, Israel’s relationship with God is that of

A. A faithful wife with a faithless husband.
B. The love between a woman and her husband.
C. A faithless wife and a loving husband.
D. A repentant wife and her forgiving husband.

2. King Josiah was regarded as a defender of the Jewish religion because he
A. Killed all the priests of Baal.
B. Converted all the worshippers of Baal.
C. Built a new temple in Jerusalem.
D. Reformed the corrupt religion of Israel.

3. When David was informed that the child born to him by Bethsheba had died, he
A. Sought Nathan’s counsel on what to do.
B. Anointed himself and worshipped the Lord.
C. Wept throughout the day.
D. Tore his robe and went to his house.

4. Which of the following tribes accompanied Deborah and Barak to the war against Jabin and Sisera?
A. Ephraim and Dan
B. Naphtali and Zebulun
C. Issachar and Reuben
D. Ephraim and Benjamin

5. The place where Moses experienced that the burning bush was not consumed was
A. Meribah.
B. Horeb.
C. Bethel.
D. Nebo.

6. According to Mark’s Gospel, the first miracle of Jesus was
A) healing a leper
B) opening the eyes of a blind man
C) healing a man an unclean spirit
D) raising a dead boy to life

7. When the disciples thought that the kingdom of God was to appear immediately, Jesus told them the parable of the

A) great banquet
B) prodigal son
C) pounds
D) vineyard

8. The miracle which Jesus performed on the sabbath was the healing of the

A) Gerasene demoniac
B) paralytic
C) epileptic boy
D) man with the withered hand

9. Peacemakers are blessed because they shall
A) obtain peace of mind
B) see God
C) inherit the earth
D) be called the sons of God

1O. “He who hears you hears me, and he who rejects you rejects me …..” The above statement was addressed to

A) the 12 whom He sent out to preach
B) all the disciples, just before the Ascension
C) the 70 whom He sent out to preach
D) all the disciples during the Sermon on the Mount

11.” A great prophet has arisen among us!” and “God has visited his people!” These statements were made during the

A) healing of the centurion’s slave
B) raising of the son of the widow of Nain
C) raising of Tabitha
D) raising of Lazarus

12. Jesus gave the sign of Jonah to the Pharisees to indicate His
A) three-fold office as Prophet, Priest and King
B) transfiguration and glorification
C) messianic role
D) death and resurrection

13. The Jews asked Jesus whether they should pay tax or not because they wanted to
A) entrap Him in His talk
B) praise His teaching
C) help Him and His disciples to pay their taxes
D) evade paying taxes

14. Jesus began to teach His disciples about His suffering, rejection, crucifixion and resurrection after
A) the Transfiguration
B) the healing of blind Bartimaeus
C) Peter’s Confession
D) the encounter at Gethsemane

15. Pharaoh’s fear for the growth and might of Israel made him to
A) drive the Israelites out of Egypt
B) afflict the Israelites with a heavy burden
C) drown Israelites babies in the Nile
D) punish the Israelites with starvation

16. And he said, “Cast it on the ground”, This instruction was meant to
A) convince Pharaoh to harden his heart
B) showcase God’s mighty power
C) rescue the Jews from bondage
D) change the snake into a rod

17. The discovery of pomegranate and figs at Eschol gave the Spies sent by Moses
A) strength
B) hope
C) disappointment
D) fear

18. Joshua was chosen to succeed Moses because
A) Moses was very old
B) had now rejected Moses
C) Moses was asked for a successor
D) God’s spirit was with Joshua

19. Deborah was described as a judge because she
A) predicted the fall of Jabin
B) rescued Israel by killing Sisera
C) prophesied that a woman would kill Sisera
D) fought to free Israel from Canaanite domination

2O. In his preparation for the battle against Sisera, Barak chose his troops from the tribe of

A) Judah and Issachar
B) Zebulun and Naphtali
C) Dan and Benjamin
D) Gad and Asher

21″Yet his sons did not walk in his ways but turned aside after gains” The “sons” were
A) Jonathan and Abinadab
B) Hophni and Phinehas
C) Joab and Asahel
D) Joel and Abijah

22. David said at Ziph that Saul would one day die by one of the following means except
A) Being smitten by God
B) dying a natural death
C) perishing in a battle
D) taking his own life

23. The people of Jabesh Gilead honoured Saul by
A) protecting his family from destruction
B) fighting in the Gilboa war
C) paying all their tributes regularly
D) giving him a fitting burial

24. Solomon’s treaty with Hiram, King of Tyre was meant to
A) protect Israel when at war
B) Build Pithan and store cities
C) help build the temple
D) help establish trade links

25.”….For the Son of man also came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” This statement was made by Jesus
A) after healing two blind men near Jericho
B) immediately before He told the parable of the householder
C) during the discussion that followed the request by the sons of Zebedee
D) as He was foretelling His crucifixion and resurrection

26. The statement “this is my beloved son with whom I am well pleased” was heard during Jesus
A) temptation
B) trial
C) crucifixion
D) baptism

27. “Let it be so now for thus it is fitting for us to fulfil all righteousness”. The righteous act to be fulfilled referred to Jesus’
A) baptism
B) Temptation
C) transfiguration
D) crucifixion

28. To be recognized as an economic messiah, the devil tempted Jesus to
A) accept the riches of the world
B) jump down from the temple pinnacle
C) bow down and worship him
D) change stones into bread and eat

29. What happened immediat
ely after the devil left Jesus after tempting Him?
A) The satanic Kingdom was overthrown
B) The disciples came to strengthen Jesus
C) God rejoiced and elevated Jesus
D) Angels came and ministered to him

3O. Which of the following themes can be associated with the Lord’s prayer?

A) Love
B) Forgiveness
C) Humility
D) Commitment

31. The three disciples in whom Jesus frequently confided were
A) Andrew, Peter and Matthew
B) James, Peter and Thomas
C) Peter, James and John
D) Peter, James and Andrew

32. The resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead was meant to show his

A) obedience and glory
B) power and love
C) victory over demons
D) victory over death

33. The man who was compelled to carry the cross of Jesus was
A) Cleopas
B) Barabbas
C) Simon of Cyrene
D) Joseph of Arimathea

34. Jesus was brought to Golgotha to be Crucified “Golgotha” means a place
A) sacrifice
B) tribulation
C) skull
D) death

35. Jesus offered salvation to one of the robbers crucified with Him because the robber was
A) Indifferent
B) sympathetic
C) humble
D) repentant

36. The religious tension at the time of Ahab was a result of
A) Ahab’s marriage to Jezebel
B) Jezebel’s social injustices
C) Jezebel’s introduction of Baal
D) Elijah’s pronouncement of drought

37. “The Lord forbid that I should give you the inheritance of my lathers”. This statement implies that Israelites
A) do not sell the inherited property as a gift
B) inherited property cannot be mortgaged
C) do not sell an inherited property
D) forbid the land transfer of Josiah?

38. Which of the following personalities witnessed the reforms of Josiah?
A) Hilkiah
B) Isaiah
C) Ezekiel
D) Ezra

39. Ahab and Gehazi demonstrated the spirit of
A) apostasy
B) selfishness
C) greed
D) treachery

40.When Nehemiah heard of the poor state of affairs in Judah he immediately

A) left to build Jerusalem
B) became sad and fasted
C) took up arms to fight
D) mobilized resources for reconstruction

41. King Darius asked men to fear the God of Daniel because he
A) the living God
B) the most Supreme
C) gracious and Holy
D) a loving God

42. To Amos, Israel’s expectation of the Day of the Lord would be a day of
A) happiness
B) punishment
C) Rejection
D) Forgiveness

43. To Amos, Israel’s expectation of the Day of the Lord would be a day of
A) happiness
B) punishment
C) Rejection
D) Forgiveness

44. The prophet whose occupation was the dressing of sycamore trees was
A) Ezekiel
B) Hosea
C) Jeremiah
D) Amos

45. In the teaching of Hosea, Gomer typifies
A) Canaan
B) Israel
C) Judah
D) Assyria

46. Pharaoh’s fear for the growth and might of Israel made him to
A) drive the Israelites out of Egypt
B) afflict the Israelites with a heavy burden
C) drown Israelites babies in the Nile
D) punish the Israelites with starvation

47. And he said, “Cast it on the ground”, This instruction was meant to
A) convince Pharaoh to harden his heart
B) showcase God’s mighty power
C) rescue the Jews from bondage
D) change the snake into a rod

48. The discovery of pomegranate and figs at Eschol gave the Spies sent by Moses
A) strength
B) hope
C) disappointment
D) fear

49. Joshua was chosen to succeed Moses because
A) Moses was very old
B) had now rejected Moses
C) Moses was asked for a successor
D) God’s spirit was with Joshua

50. Deborah was described as a judge because she

A) predicted the fall of Jabin
B) rescued Israel by killing Sisera
C) prophesied that a woman would kill Sisera
D) fought to free Israel from Canaanite domination

Theory Questions:

SECTION A [Themes from the Old Testament]

  1. Genesis 1:1-31
    (a) Narrate the dreams of Pharaoh
    (b) In what three ways did the interpretation of the dreams affect Joseph and his people?
  2. Exodus 3, 4: 1-17
    (a) Describe the call of Moses
    (b)Mention three excuses Moses gave against the call.
  3. 1Kings 16:29 – 33,18:1-19
    (a) Give an account of the meeting between Elijah and Obadiah.
    (b) What two lessons can be learnt from the encounter?
    ANS: Points include (i) The introduction of Baal worship in Israel by Jezebel Ahab’s wife.
    (ii) This brought famine to Israel for three and half years.
    (iii) Obadiah’s the man in charge of Ahab’s household fed one hundred prophets of God.
    (iv) While Obadiah was searching for water, he met Elijah.
    (v) He asked Obadiah to report his presence to the king.


  1. 1st Peter 5:5-11
    (a) Highlight Peter’s teaching on Humility.
    (b) Identify any three qualities of a humble person.
  2. Matthew 4: 1 -11
    (a) Give the account of the temptation of Jesus as recorded in Matthew’s Gospel.
    (b)State three points of significance in this story.


  1. Galatians 3: 23 – 2 (l, 4: 1-7)
    (a)With reference to the book of Galatians, state any six factors that make unbelievers become children of God.
    (b)In what three ways can Christians retain their status as children of God?
  2. Romans 12:3-8
    (a) What was Paul’s counsel concerning the use of spiritual gifts in the Church?
    (b) List three ways in which spiritual gifts are misused today.
  3. 2Cor 9:1-15
    (a) Highlight the teaching of Paul on Christian giving as contained in Corinthians.
    (b) In what two ways can people benefit from giving?
    ANS: Some vital points are:
    (i) The gifts sent to Paul were fragrant offerings, a sacrifice pleasing and acceptable to God.
    (ii) That God would provide for their needs according to His riches and glory.
    (iii) He was proud and boasted of the gifts to the Macedonians.
    (iv) Paul said he who sows sparingly will reap sparingly and visa versa.
  4. 2Thess. 3:6-15
    (a) Give Paul’s teaching on “dignity of labor” in Thessalonans.
    (b) What four lessons can be derived from this teaching?
  5. James 2:14-26
    (a) Highlight James’ teaching on faith and works.
    (b) What two lessons can Christians learn from this teaching?

DISCLAIMER! These are not real WAEC Christian Religious Studies questions but likely repeated questions over the years to help candidate understand the nature of their examinations. Ensure to note every question provided on this page.

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