WAEC GCE Physics Questions 2021 OBJ & Theory Latest Update

WAEC GCE Physics Questions 2021 OBJ & Theory Latest Update.

WAEC GCE Physics Questions 2021: Goodnews to candidates writing WAEC GCE Physics exam 2021 as Physics WAEC GCE expo questions are now on our website. All you need to do is to stay focus and follow this guide as randomly repeated questions have been made available for you. Read on…

The (WAEC) is an examination board that conducts the West African Senior School Certificate Examination, for University and Jamb entry examinations in West African countries. In a year, over three million candidates registered for the .

Table of Contents

Frequently Set WAEC GCE Physics Questions 2021


41-50: AACDABD

Theory Questions and Answers:

  1. A particle is projected horizontally at 15ms-1 from a height of 20m.
    Calculate the horizontal distance covered by the particle just before hitting the ground.
    [g = 10 ms-2]
    ANS: Let R represent the horizontal distance covered at time, t.
    h = ½ gt2
    20 = ½ x 10 x t2
    t = 2s
    R  = ut
    =  15 x 2
    = 30m
  2. (a) of electrolysis.
    (b) An electric charge of 9.6 x 104 C liberates 1 mole of a substance containing 6.0 x 1023 atoms.  Determine the value of the electronic charge.
    ANS: (a) If the same quantity of electricity is passed through different voltameters/electrolytes connected in series the masses of the substances liberated/deposited during electrolysis are (directly) proportional to their chemical equivalents.
    (b) Let e represent the electronic charge.
    e  =   Faraday’s constant
    Avogadro’s number
    =          9.6 x 104

    1. x 1023
      =  1.60 x 10-19C
  3. State three methods of polarizing an unpolarized light.

  4. (a) State Faraday’s second law of electrolysis.
    (b) An electric charge of 9.6 x 104 C liberates 1 mole of a substance containing 6.0 x 1023 atoms. Determine the value of the electronic charge.
    ANS: (a) The mass of an element deposited /liberated during electrolysis is (directly) proportional to the chemical equivalent of the element.
    (b) Let e represent the electronic charge.
    e  =  Faraday’s constant
    Avogadro’s number
    =  9.6 x104
       6. 0. x 1023
    =  1.60 x 10-19C

  5. Explain the following terms:
    (a) tensile stress;
    (b) Young’s modulus.

  6. (a) Define diffusion.
    (b) State two applications of electrical conduction through gases.
    ANS: (a) Diffusion is the process by which substances mix with one another due to the random motion of their molecules.
    (b) Applications of electrical conduction through gases include:
    – In the advertising industry/ Neon signs
    – In lighting/ fluorescent tubes
    – Identification of gases
    – Cathode ray oscilloscope/ T.V. tubes.

  7. (a) List two properties of cathode rays.
    (b) Explain how the intensity and energy of cathode rays may be increased.
    ANS: (a) Properties of cathode rays:
    – They are negatively charged.
    travel in a straight line in field-free space.
    – are deflected by electric/magnetic field.
    – possess (kinetic) energy.
    – possess momentum.
    (b) The intensity of cathode rays may be increased by raising the temperature of the cathode /increasing the current through the heater.
    They may be increased by raising the potential difference between the anode and the cathode/ the anode potential.

  8. Give three observations in support of de Broglie’s assumption that moving particles behave like waves.

  9. (a) Differentiate between plane polarization and interference as applied to waves.
    (b) List two uses of polaroids.
    ANS: (b) They are used in:
    – production of 3-dimensional films
    – determination of the concentration of sugar solution
    – polaroid cameras
    – sunglasses.

  10. (a) State two deposited during electrolysis.
    (b) List two non-electrolytes.
    ANS: (a) time, current /quantity of charge, nature/ e.c.e of element.
    (b) water, kerosene, petrol, benzene, ethanol.

DISCLAIMER! These are not real WAEC GCE Physics questions but likely repeated questions over the years to help candidate understand the nature of their examinations. Ensure to take note of every questions provided on this page.

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