Examine Perception of Internet and Television News Reportage Among Audience

 – Examine Perception of Internet and Television News Reportage Among Audience –

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The era of the internet though a blessing has continued to reveal its ugly sides. With it comes a very difficult time for the traditional media as there is the battle of traditional media to remain relevant and acceptable to an audience that is fast taking to the internet for their program and news needs.

This study primarily seeks to examine the perception of internet and news reportage among audiences in Awka North Local Government Area.

The researcher’s intention is that by the time she is done, audience preference for any of the two media’s understudies is known same as the reasons for such preference.

The research anchored on perception theory in explaining the existing relationship between concepts and variables under study.  In order to achieve further achieve her aim; the researcher used a qualitative survey method in studying a total of 156 study populations randomly selected.

Findings from questions raised show that majority of those in Awka North Local Government Area have access to television and internet news. It further revealed that they use both media for sourcing news.

Based on the findings, the researcher concluded that preference for a news media is based mostly on what an audience considers authentic and credible enough to serve his news needs that how he gets it.

Based on the conclusion, there were recommendations that the audience most learn to bas either news on source credibility while management both media’s under study find ways to improve on their news deliverability to audience needs.


News reportage around the globe has shifted paradigm from what it conventionally was to where everyone can now report the news without proper journalism training due to the emergence of the new media.

Experts and practitioners believe this has brought about a lot of doubts and skepticisms among the audience and users of this news.

Others believe that the development suits audience who believe that the new media is more concerned about what content they want in news and are more prompt in reportage than the traditional media.

Whatever the case, news credibility still remains a very pivotal element for a majority of news enthusiasts in news consumption and general feelers indicate that perception of internet and television news reportage is such that favors the traditional media over the new media.

Background of the Study

One of the most persistent critiques that has been leveled against professional journalism is that news organizations have tended to remain disconnected from their audiences and have tended to operate exclusively from their own judgments and perceptions about the importance of individual stories and about the critical information needs of the communities that they serve (Batsell, 2015).

According to McClatchy’s, (2015) the news industry “has gone for years without needing to examine who its audience is or what they want”.

As a number of studies have illustrated, the news audience traditionally has been something of a distant, abstract concept that reporters and editors have tended not to engage with in any direct way (Vobic, 2014).


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